My conan 2 Consumer Workflow

A great many things changed in the transition from conan 1.x to conan 2.x. For me, as an application-developer first, the main thing was how I consume packages. The two IDEs I use the most in C++ are Visual Studio and CLion, so I needed a good workflow with those. For Visual Studio, I am using its CMake integration, otherwise known as “folder mode”, which lets you directly open a project with a CMakeLists.txt file in it, instead of generating a solution and opening that. The deciding factor for me is that that uses Ninja as a build tool instead of MSBuild, which often is a lot faster. I have had projects with 3.5x build-time speed ups. As an added bonus, CLion supports very much the same workflow, which reduces friction when switching between platforms.

Visual Studio

First, we’re going to need some local profiles. I typically treat them as ‘build configurations’, with one profile for debug and release on each platform. I put them under version control with the project. A good starting point to create them is conan profile detect, which guesses your environment. To create a profile to a file, go to your project folder and use something like:

conan profile detect --name ./windows_release

Note the ./ in the name, which will instruct conan to create a profile in the current working directory instead of in your user settings. For me, this generates the following profile:


Conan will warn you, that this is only a guess and you should make sure that the values work for you. I usually bump up the compiler.cppstd to at least 20, but the really important change is to change the CMake generator to Ninja, after which the profile should look something like this:



Copy and edit the build_type to create a corresponding profile for debug builds.

While conanfile.txt still works for specifying your dependencies, I now recommend directly using from the get go, as some options like overriding dependencies are now exclusive to it. Here’s an example installing the popular logging library spdlog:

from conan import ConanFile
from import cmake_layout

class ProjectRecipe(ConanFile):
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
    generators = "CMakeToolchain", "CMakeDeps"

    def requirements(self):

    def layout(self):

Note that I am using cmake_layout to setup the folder structure, which will make conan put the files it generates in build/Release for the windows_release profile we created.

Now it is time to install the dependencies using conan install. Make sure you have a clean project before this, e.g. there are no other build/config folders like build/, out/ and .vs/. Specifically, do not open the project in Visual Studio before doing that, as it will create another build setup. You already need the CMakeLists.txt at this point, but it can be empty. For completeness, here’s one that works with the from above:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)

find_package(spdlog CONFIG REQUIRED)



Run this in your project folder:

conan install . -pr:a ./windows_release

This will install the dependencies and even tell you what to put in your CMakeLists.txt to use them. More importantly for the Visual Studio integration, it will create a CMakeUserPresets.json file that will allow Visual Studio to find the prepared build folder once you open the project. If there is no CMakeLists.txt when you call conan install, this file will not be created! Note that you generally do not want this file under version control.

Now that this is setup, you can finally open the project in Visual Studio. You should see a configuration named “conan-release” already available and CMake should run without errors. After this point, you can let conan add new configurations and Visual Studio should automatically pick them up through the CMake user presets.


The process is essentially the same for CLion, except that the profile will probably look different, depending on the platform. Switching the generator to Ninja is not as essential, but I still like to do it for the speed advantages.

Again, make sure you let conan setup the initial build folders and CMakeUserPresets.json and not the IDE. CLion will then pick them up and work with them like Visual Studio does.

Additional thoughts

I like to create additional script files that I use to setup/update the dependencies. For example, in windows, I create a conan_install.bat file like this:

@echo Installing debug dependencies
conan install . -pr:a conan/windows_debug --build=missing %*
@if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%

@echo Installing release dependencies
conan install . -pr:a conan/windows_release --build=missing %*
@if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%

Have you used other workflows successfully in these or different environments? Let me know about them!

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