SQL Database Window Functions

Window functions allow users to perform calculations across a set of rows that are somehow related to the current row. This can include calculations like running totals, moving averages, and ranking without the need to group the entire query into one aggregate result.

Despite their flexibility, window functions are sometimes underutilised, either because users are unaware of them or because they’re considered too complex for everyday tasks. Learning how to effectively use window functions can improve the efficiency and readability of SQL queries, particularly for reporting and data analysis purposes. This article will explore several use cases.

Numbering Rows

The simplest application area for window functions is the numbering of rows. The ROW_NUMBER() function assigns a unique number to each row within the partition of a result set. The numbering is sequential and starts at 1. It’s useful for creating a unique identifier for rows within a partition, even when the rows are identical in terms of data.

Consider the following database table of library checkouts:

The Great Adventure2024-02-15102
The Great Adventure2024-01-10105
Mystery of the Seas2024-01-20103
Mystery of the Seas2024-03-01101
Journey Through Time2024-02-01104
Journey Through Time2024-02-18102

We want to assign a unique row number to each checkout instance for every book, ordered by the checkout date to analyze the circulation trend:

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY book ORDER BY checkout_date) AS checkout_order
FROM library_checkouts;

The result:

The Great Adventure2024-01-101051
The Great Adventure2024-02-151022
Mystery of the Seas2024-01-201031
Mystery of the Seas2024-03-011012
Journey Through Time2024-02-011041
Journey Through Time2024-02-181022


In the context of SQL and specifically regarding window functions, “ranking” refers to the process of assigning a unique position or rank to each row within a partition of a result set based on a specified ordering.

The RANK() function provides a ranking for each row within a partition, with gaps in the ranking sequence when there are ties. It’s useful for ranking items that have the same value.

Consider the following database table of scores in a game tournament:

AliceSpace Invaders4200
BobSpace Invaders5700
CharlieSpace Invaders5700
DanaDonkey Kong6000
EveDonkey Kong4800
FrankDonkey Kong6000

We want to rank the players within each game based on their score, with gaps in rank for ties:

FROM scores;

The result looks like this:

BobSpace Invaders57001
CharlieSpace Invaders57001
AliceSpace Invaders42003
DanaDonkey Kong60001
FrankDonkey Kong60001
EveDonkey Kong48003

If you don’t want to have gaps in the ranking sequence when there are ties, you can substitute DENSE_RANK() for RANK().

Cumulative Sum

The SUM() function can be used as a window function to calculate the cumulative sum of a column over a partition of rows.

Example: We are tracking our garden’s vegetable harvest in a database table, and we want to calculate the cumulative yield for each type of vegetable over the harvesting season.


We calculate the running total (cumulative yield) for each vegetable type as the season progresses, using the SUM() function:

SUM(yield_kg) OVER (PARTITION BY vegetable ORDER BY harvest_date ASC) AS cumulative_yield
FROM garden_harvest;

Now we can see which vegetables are most productive and how yield accumulates throughout the season:


PostgreSQL’s auto-explain feature and execution plans

PostgreSQL’s auto-explain is a built-in feature that automatically generates and logs execution plans for SQL statements. It’s a useful tool for developers to understand how the query planner is executing SQL queries.

You enable and configure auto-explain by setting parameters in the PostgreSQL configuration file (postgresql.conf). Set auto_explain.log_analyze to on to log execution plans along with statistics, and set auto_explain.log_min_duration to specify the minimum execution time in milliseconds that a query must take to be logged. For example, if you want to log queries taking longer than 100 milliseconds, set it to 100. Set auto_explain.log_buffers to on if you want to include information about memory usage, and auto_explain.log_timing to log timing information.

Here’s an example of how to configure these parameters in postgresql.conf:

auto_explain.log_analyze = on
auto_explain.log_buffers = on
auto_explain.log_timing = on
auto_explain.log_min_duration = 100

Reading the execution plan

Suppose you have a “recipe database” that stores recipes, ingredients, and chefs. You want to retrieve a list of recipes along with the names of the chefs who created them and the ingredients they contain. Here’s a query that accomplishes this:

SELECT recipes.recipe_name, chefs.chef_name, ingredients.ingredient_name
  FROM recipes
  JOIN chefs ON recipes.chef_id=chefs.chef_id
  JOIN recipe_ingredients ON recipes.recipe_id=recipe_ingredients.recipe_id
  JOIN ingredients ON recipe_ingredients.ingredient_id=ingredients.ingredient_id
WHERE recipes.cuisine='Italian';

This query fetches Italian recipes, their respective chefs, and the ingredients they use.

When you run this query with auto-explain enabled, PostgreSQL will log the execution plan. The query plan might look something like this:

Hash Join  (cost=100.25..350.75 rows=50 width=96)
  Hash Cond: (recipe_ingredients.recipe_id = recipes.recipe_id)
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=50.12..200.37 rows=50 width=60)
        Hash Cond: (recipes.chef_id = chefs.chef_id)
        ->  Seq Scan on recipes  (cost=0.00..100.00 rows=50 width=24)
              Filter: (cuisine = 'Italian'::text)
        ->  Hash  (cost=30.00..30.00 rows=1000 width=36)
              ->  Seq Scan on chefs  (cost=0.00..30.00 rows=1000 width=36)
  ->  Hash  (cost=30.00..30.00 rows=1000 width=36)
        ->  Seq Scan on recipe_ingredients  (cost=0.00..30.00 rows=1000 width=36)
              Filter: (recipe_id IS NOT NULL)

In this query plan Hash Join indicates a join operation using a hash-based algorithm. Seq Scan signifies a sequential scan of the table, which might imply a full table scan. Hash Cond shows the join condition for the respective hash join.

cost represents the estimated execution cost for each operation, and rows indicates the estimated number of rows returned by each operation.

The estimated cost in PostgreSQL query execution plans is typically represented in an abstract unit known as “cost units.” These cost units are used for relative cost estimation and are not expressed in any specific real-world measurement like time or money. They are designed to provide a relative measure of the cost of different query plan operations so that the query planner can make informed decisions about which plan to choose.

Reading this plan, PostgreSQL starts by filtering Italian recipes (a Seq Scan with a filter). It then joins the recipes with chefs using a hash join, and the result is further joined with ingredients using another hash join. The cost values provide relative estimates of resource usage, allowing you to identify potentially expensive parts of the query, and you can consider improving the performance of the SQL statement with optimisations like indexing.

Table inheritance in PostgreSQL

In a previous post I have written about tables as data types in PostgreSQL. In addition to that, PostgreSQL has a feature similar to the inheritance mechanism of data types in object-oriented programming: table inheritance.

Table inheritance allows you to create a hierarchical relationship between tables. With this feature you define a parent table, and child tables inherit columns and some constraints (like CHECK constraints and NOT NULL constraints) from it.

How it works

To begin, we create the parent table products using the following SQL code:

CREATE TABLE products (
  id     SERIAL         PRIMARY KEY,
  name   TEXT           NOT NULL,
  price  DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL

Next, let’s create child tables that inherit from the products table. We will create two product categories: electronics and clothing. Each child table will have its own specific columns in addition to the inherited columns. To set up the inheritance relation we use the INHERITS keyword:

CREATE TABLE electronics (
  warranty_period   INT,
  power_consumption INT
) INHERITS (products);

CREATE TABLE clothing (
  size  TEXT,
  color TEXT
) INHERITS (products);

Now we insert some rows into the child tables:

INSERT INTO electronics
  (name, price, warranty_period, power_consumption)
  VALUES ('Laptop', 1439.0, 2, 536);

INSERT INTO clothing
  (name, price, size, color)
  VALUES ('T-Shirt', 5.99, 'L', 'red');

When we query each child table individually, we only get the rows we inserted into it, as expected. However, when we query the parent table, we get all the products from the child the tables:

SELECT * FROM products;

id	name	 price
1	Laptop	 1439.00
2	T-Shirt	 5.99

Note that you can also insert rows into the parent table:

INSERT INTO products
  (name, price)
  VALUES ('Milk', 1.15);

This row will not show up in the child tables, only when querying the parent table. If you are asking yourself now if there is an equivalent to an “abstract class”, there isn’t one. Just don’t insert into the parent table if it doesn’t make sense in your domain.

If you want to query rows only from the parent table you can use the ONLY keyword:

SELECT name, price FROM ONLY products;

This keyword works also with other commands like UPDATE and DELETE.

On a final note, you can also remove the inheritance relationship from a child table with the NO INHERIT clause:

ALTER TABLE clothing NO INHERIT products;

PostgreSQL’s hstore module for semi-structured data

PostgreSQL has an extension module called hstore that allows you to store semi-structured data in a key/value format. Values ​​of an hstore object are stored like in a dictionary. You can also reference its values in SQL queries.

To use the extension, it must first be loaded into the current database:


Now you can use the data type hstore. Here, we create a table with some regular columns and one column of type hstore:

CREATE TABLE animals (
    id     serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name   text,
    props  hstore

Literals of type hstore are written in single quotes, containing a set of key => value pairs separated by commas:

    animals (name, props)
    ('Octopus', 'arms => 8, habitat => sea, color => varying'),
    ('Cat',     'legs => 4, fur => soft'),
    ('Bee',     'legs => 6, wings => 4, likes => pollen');

The order of the pairs is irrelevant. Keys within a hstore are unique. If you declare the same key more than once only one instance will be kept and the others will be discarded. You can use double quotes to include spaces or special characters:

'"fun-fact" => "Cats sleep for around 13 to 16 hours a day (70% of their life)"'

If the type of the literal can’t be inferred you can append ::hstore as a type indicator:

'legs => 4, fur => soft'::hstore

Both keys and values are stored as strings, so these two are equivalent:

'legs => 4, fur => soft'
'"legs" => "4", "fur" => "soft"'

Another limitation of hstore values is that they cannot be nested, which means they are less powerful than JSON objects.

You can use the -> operator to dereference a key, for example in a SELECT:

    name, props->'legs' AS number_of_legs

It returns NULL if the key is not present. Of course, you can also use it in a WHERE clause:

SELECT * FROM animals WHERE props->'fur' = 'soft';

There are many other operators and functions that can be used with hstore objects. Here is a small selection (please refer to the documentation for a complete list):

  • The || operator concatenates (merges) two hstores: a || b
  • The ? operator checks the existence of a key and returns a boolean value: props ? 'fur'
  • The - operator deletes a key from a hstore: props - 'fur'
  • The akeys function returns an array of a hstore’s keys: akeys(hstore)

You can also convert a hstore object to JSON: hstore_to_json(hstore). If you want to learn more about JSON in PostgreSQL you can continue reading this blog post: Working with JSON data in PostgreSQL

Copying and moving rows between tables in PostgreSQL

In this article, I’ll show some helpful tips for copying and moving data between database tables in PostgreSQL.


The simplest operation is copying rows from one table to another table. The associated SQL query is known to most. You can simply combine an INSERT with a SELECT:

INSERT INTO short_books
    FROM books
    WHERE pages < 50;

Of course, if you want to copy a complete table, you must first create the target table with the same columns. Instead of just repeating the original CREATE TABLE with all the column definitions with a different name, there is a shortcut in the form of CREATE TABLE … LIKE.

CREATE TABLE books_copy (LIKE books);

If you want the copy to inherit all constraints, indices and defaults of the source table you can add INCLUDING ALL:


Instead of executing a CREATE TABLE first and then an INSERT, you can also directly combine CREATE TABLE with a SELECT:

CREATE TABLE books_copy AS
  SELECT * FROM books;


The direct method of moving specific rows from one table to another table is a bit less known. You can of course first copy the rows into the target table and then delete the rows from the source table. However, this is also possible with just one statement, in one go. To do this, you need to know the RETURNING clause. It can be appended to a DELETE or UPDATE statement and causes the affected rows to be returned as the result set after the respective action:

  WHERE pages < 50
    title, author, pages;

This can be used in combination with the WITH … AS clause to move rows between tables with just one SQL statement:

WITH selection AS (
  WHERE pages < 50
INSERT INTO short_books
  SELECT * FROM selection;

The function of WITH can be thought of as defining a named temporary view that can only be used in the current statement.

PostgreSQL’s new MERGE command

PostgreSQL version 15 introduces a new SQL command: the MERGE command. This allows merging a table into another table. The MERGE command has existed for some time in other databases such as Oracle or SQL Server.

The principle of this command is that you have a target table in which you want to insert or remove data based on a source table under certain conditions, or you want to update existing entries with data from the source table. The source table doesn’t have to be a real table, it can just as easily be a SELECT query.

How to use it, step-by-step

The command begins with MERGE INTO, followed by the name of the target table. We call it dest here:

  INTO dest ...

Then you specify the source table with USING, here we call it src:

  INTO dest
  USING src

If you want to use a SELECT query as the source instead of a real table, you can do it like this:

  INTO dest
  USING (SELECT ... FROM ...) AS src

Now you need a condition that is used to match entries from one table to entries from the other table. This is specified after ON. In this example we simply use the IDs of the two tables:

  INTO dest
  USING src
  ON dest.id=src.id

This is followed by a case distinction that describes what should happen if the condition either applies or not. The possible actions can be: UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, or DO NOTHING.

The two cases are specified with WHEN MATCHED THEN and WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN:

  INTO dest
  USING src
  ON dest.id=src.id
    UPDATE SET ...
    INSERT (...) VALUES (...);

If a match exists, then reasonable actions are UPDATE, DELETE, or DO NOTHING. If no match exists, then reasonable actions are INSERT or DO NOTHING.

In the WHEN cases, additional conditions can be specified with AND:

  INTO dest
  USING src
  ON dest.id=src.id
  WHEN MATCHED AND dest.value > src.value THEN
    UPDATE SET ...

A realistic example

Here’s an example demonstrating a use case that might occur in the real world:

  INTO account a
  USING transaction t
  ON a.id=t.account_id
  UPDATE SET balance = a.balance + t.amount
  INSERT (id, balance) VALUES (t.account_id, t.amount);

This statement processes a table of monetary transactions and applies them to their matching customer accounts by adding the amount of each transaction to the balance of the matching account. If no matching account exists it will be created and the initial balance is the amount of the first transaction.

PostgreSQL’s “DISTINCT ON” clause

Anyone who uses SQL databases knows the DISTINCT modifier for SELECT queries to get result sets without duplicates. However, PostgreSQL has another variant of it that not everyone knows, but which is very useful: the SELECT DISTINCT ON clause. It can be used to query only the first row of each set of rows according to a grouping.

To understand its usefulness, let’s look at an example and solve it in the classical way first.

The complicated way

Given the following table of items we want to query for each category the item with the highest value.

 name │ category │ value
 A    │ X        │ 52
 B    │ X        │ 35
 C    │ X        │ 52
 D    │ Y        │ 27
 E    │ Y        │ 31
 F    │ Y        │ 20

Usually we’d start out with a query like this:

  MAX(value) AS highest_value
FROM items
GROUP BY category;
category │ highest_value
 X       │ 52
 Y       │ 31

And then use this query as a sub-select:

WHERE (category, value) IN (
    MAX(value) AS highest_value
  FROM items
  GROUP BY category
 name │ category │ value
 A    │ X        │ 52
 C    │ X        │ 52
 E    │ Y        │ 31

Unfortunately, there are multiple items in category X with the same highest value 52. But we really only want one row for each category. In this case we might use the ROW_NUMBER() function:

  name, category, value
      PARTITION BY category
      ORDER BY value DESC, name
    ) AS rownum
  FROM items
) WHERE rownum = 1;
 name │ category │ value
 A    │ X        │ 52
 E    │ Y        │ 31

This is finally our desired result.

The easy way

But I promised it can be easier with the DISTINCT ON clause. How does it work?

FROM items
  category, value DESC, name;

After DISTINCT ON we specify one or more columns by which to group by in parentheses. The ORDER BY clause determines which row will be the first in each group. We get the same result:

 name │ category │ value
 A    │ X        │ 52
 E    │ Y        │ 31

Range Types in PostgreSQL

How do you store ranges in an SQL database? By ranges I mean things like price ranges, temperature ranges, date ranges for scheduling, etc. You’d probably represent them with two columns in a table, like min_price and max_price, min_temperature and max_temperature, start_date and end_date. If you want to represent an unbounded range, you’d probably make one or both columns nullable and then take NULL as +/- infinity.

If you want to test if a value is in a range you can use the BETWEEN operator:

  target_price BETWEEN min_price AND max_price;

This doesn’t work as nicely anymore if you work with unbounded ranges as described above. You’d have to add additional checks for NULL. What if you want to test if one of the ranges in the table overlaps with a given range?

  max_given >= min_price AND
  min_given <= max_price;

Did I make a mistake here? I’m not sure. What if they should overlap but not cover each other? And again, this becomes even more complicated with unbounded ranges.

Enter range types

PostgreSQL has a better solution for these problems — range types. It comes with these additional built-in data types:

  • int4range: Range of integer
  • int8range: Range of bigint
  • numrange: Range of numeric
  • tsrange: Range of timestamp without time zone
  • tstzrange: Range of timestamp with time zone
  • daterange: Range of date

You can use them as a column type in a table:

CREATE TABLE products (…, price_range numrange);


You can construct range values for these types like this:

'[2022-05-01, 2022-05-31]'::daterange
'[9:30, 12:00)'::timerange

As you can see, they use mathematical interval notation. A square bracket means inclusive bound, and a round parenthesis means exclusive bound. They can also be unbounded (infinite) or empty:


You can get the bounds of a range individually with the lower() and upper() functions:

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY lower(price_range);


The range types become really powerful through the range operators. There are a lot, so I will only show some basic examples:

  • The && operators tests if two ranges overlap: range_a && range_b
  • The @> and <@ operators test if the first range contains the second or vice versa: range_a <@ range_b. If used with an element on one side they test if the element is in a range: element <@ range or range @> element.
  • The -|- operator tests if two ranges are adjacent: range_a -|- range_b

Additionally to these boolean tests you can also calculate new ranges based on existing ranges:

The + operator computes the union of two overlapping or adjacent ranges: range_a + range_b. The * computes the intersection of ranges, and the - operator the difference.


There is one more thing I want to mention: For each one of the range types there is also a multirange type: int4multirange, int8multirange, nummultirange, tsmultirange, tstzmultirange, datemultirange. As their names suggest, they store multiple ranges in one value:

'{[2,9), [12,20)}'::int4multirange

The mentioned range operators work with them as well.

Full-text Search with PostgreSQL

If you want to add simple text search functionality to an application backed by an SQL database one of the first things that may come to your mind is the SQL LIKE operator. The LIKE operator and its case-insensitive sibling ILIKE find substrings in text data via wildcards such as %, which matches any sequence of zero or more characters:

SELECT * FROM book WHERE title ILIKE '%dog%'.

However, this approach satisfies only very basic requirements for text search, because it only matches exact substrings. That’s why application developers often use an external search engine like Elasticsearch based on the Apache Lucene library.

With a PostgreSQL database there is another option: it comes with a built-in full-text search. A full-text search analyzes text according to the language of the text, parses it into tokens and converts them into so-called lexemes. These are strings, just like tokens, but they have been normalized so that different forms of the same word, for example “pony” and “ponies”, are made alike. Additionally, stop words are eliminated, which are words that are so common that they are useless for searching, like “a” or “the”. For this purpose the search engine uses a dictionary of the target language.

In PostgreSQL, there are two main functions to perform full-text search: they are to_tsvector and to_tsquery. The ts part in the function names stands for “text search”. The to_tsvector function breaks up the input string and creates a vector of lexemes out of it, which are then used to perform full-text search using the to_tsquery function. The two functions can be combined with the @@ (match) operator, which applies a search query to a search vector:

SELECT title
  FROM book
  WHERE to_tsvector(title) @@ to_tsquery('(cat | dog) & pony')

The query syntax of ts_query supports boolean operators like | (or), & (and), ! (not) and grouping using parentheses, but also other operators like and <-> (“followed by”) and * (prefix matching).

You can specify the target language as a parameter of to_tsvector:

# SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'Thousands of ponies were grazing on the prairie.');

'graze':5 'poni':3 'prairi':8 'thousand':1

Here’s another example in German:

# SELECT to_tsvector('german', 'Wer einen Fehler begeht, und ihn nicht korrigiert, begeht einen zweiten (Konfuzius)');

'begeht':4,9 'fehl':3 'konfuzius':12 'korrigiert':8 'wer':1 'zweit':11

PostgreSQL supports dictionaries for about 80+ languages out-of-the-box.

The examples in this article are just a small glimpse of what is possible with regards to full-text search in PostgreSQL. If you want to learn more you should consult the documentation. The key takeaway is that there is another option between simple LIKE clauses and an external search engine.

Commenting SQL database objects

Did you know that you can annotate database object like tables, views and columns with comments in many SQL database systems? By that I don’t mean comments in SQL scripts, indicated by double dashes (--), but comments attached to the objects themselves, stored in the database. These may be helpful to the database admin by providing context via a description text on what is stored in these objects.

For PostgreSQL and Oracle databases the syntax is as follows:

COMMENT ON TABLE [schema_name.]table_name IS '...';
COMMENT ON COLUMN [schema_name.]table_name.column_name IS '...';

For example:

COMMENT ON COLUMN books.author IS 'The main author''s last name';
COMMENT ON TABLE books IS 'Contains only the best books';

These comments can be viewed in database tools like SQL Developer:

Comments on columns
Comments on tables

You can also view the comments in psql:

db=# \d+ books
 Column |  Type   |          Description
id      | integer |
author  | text    | The main author''s last name
title   | text    |

And for a table:

db=# \dt+ books
                    List of relations
 Schema | Name  | Type  |     |        Description
--------+-------+-------+ ... +------------------------------
public  | books | table |     | Contains only the best books

In Oracle you can query the comments from the data dictionary views ALL_TAB_COMMENTS and ALL_COL_COMMENTS:

> SELECT * FROM all_col_comments WHERE table_name='BOOKS';
LIBRARY	 BOOKS	     ID           (null)
LIBRARY	 BOOKS	     AUTHOR       The main author's last name
LIBRARY	 BOOKS	     TITLE        (null)

> SELECT * FROM all_tab_comments WHERE table_name='BOOKS';
LIBRARY	 BOOKS	     TABLE       Contains only the best books

In Oracle comments are limited to tables, views, materialized views, columns, operators and indextypes, but in PostgreSQL you can attach comments to nearly everything. Another good use case for this are documentation comments on database functions:

This function does something important.

Example usage:

Note: the $$ delimits multi-line strings (called dollar quoted string constants).