When custom React Hooks do not rerender Components on their own – make them.

Depending on who you ask, custom React Hooks are

  • a great way to stash away detailed inner workings of your application, making a) them reusable and b) your component cleaner and less complex
  • a horrible invention that hides away all the dreadful complexities one can think of, and by just making it invsible, not reducing any complexity at all

As usual, one has to calculate that balance depending on the use case, but in most cases I prefer my components to have a rather manageable lines-of-code-count (because this makes it easier to visually analyze their actual JSX structure, i.e. their semantics, what they are supposed to do.

However, sometimes an app grows over time and reaches a level of intricacy that seems to “outsmart” React itself, therefore breaking it. I do not know how to describe it otherwise:

I had a case of nested custom Hooks, in which one inner hook was executing a database query, giving a result and also a function to invalidate() and thus re-execute the query. It had been my understanding, that…

const useOurHook = () => {
    const query = useInnerHookWhichExecutesSomeQuery();

    console.log("query returned", query);

    return {
        result: query.result,
        invalidate: query.invalidate

const Component1 = () => {
    const {result} = useOurHook();

    return <div>{JSON.stringify(result)}</div>;

const Component2 = () => {
    const {invalidate} = useOurHook();

    return (
        <button onClick={() => invalidate()}>

… pressing the button in Component2 will update the return value of the inner query hook, thus update the return value of the outer hook and finally update Component1.

However, that just did not happen. Even stranger, I could see my updated query result in the console.log statement within useOurHook(), but Component1 was staying as it was.

It took me several attempts in the inner workings of my both hooks, I tried to wrap the return values inside React.useMemo(), or to specifically put them inside a React.useState() that was explicitly set by a React.useEffect() – which should rather have the same outcome, but then again I do not know the actual React source code by heart – and there was just nothing that helped.

If you have any explanation for me that excels “yeah, React was broken” in its level of insight, please tell me. (maybe I have to read some docs, but it wasn’t obvious…)

So this is what helped. Rather than passing the invalidate function to my components, I decided to use the update functionality of the Redux useSelector() hook in such a way:

const useOurHook = () => {
    const lastRequestAt = useSelector(state => state.somewhere.lastRequestAt); // get timestamp from Redux store
    const query = useInnerHookWhichExecutesSomeQuery();

    React.useEffect(() => {
        if (lastRequestAt > 0) {
    }, [lastRequestAt, query.invalidate]);

    console.log("query returned", query);

    return {
        result: query.result,

const Component1 = () => {
    const {result} = useOurHook();

    return <div>{JSON.stringify(result)}</div>;

const Component2 = () => {
    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    return (
        <button onClick={() => dispatch(updateRequest())}>

//////// and somewhere in a Redux slice:

reducers: {
    updateRequest: (state) => {
        state.lastRequestAt = Date.now();

and this brought me the desired results. Now, I saw the update of query.result not only in the console.log, but also in Component1.

Now I agree that it appears quite wasteful to employ something as overbearing as Redux just to work around my weird situation, but I had Redux in my project anyway. I guess you couuld also use another state management or custom useContext() solution to work around this, just to give you an idea.

But I found it quite remarkable. It went against what I knew about React that you can have a hook update (visible in the console.log) without actually having React update a component that uses its return value.

Please, please – if any of you has any hint for insight, or is just curious about my concrete use case – I’ll be happy to discuss.

2 thoughts on “When custom React Hooks do not rerender Components on their own – make them.”

  1. By calling `useOurHook()` twice in two components you will create two instances. Both will execute a query and hold the result. The Button in Component2 will only invalidate the result of instance 2.

    1. Thank you for your comment. This makes me think (but I’ll need to find time for this) to extend the custom hook to a Context or similar construct with shared state, so if I find time, I’ll happily update this story 🙂

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