Readability of Guard Clauses in Methods

A little story about two opinions on readability of methods containing if-clauses.

Browsing through the code base of one of our customers I frequently stumbled over methods that were roughtly structured like this:

void theMethod
  if (some_expression)
    // rest of the method body
    // ...
  // no more code here!

And most of the time I was tempted to refactor the method using a guard clause, like so:

void theMethod
  if (!some_expression)
  // rest of the method body
  // ...

because this is far more readable for me. When I noticed that the methods were written all by the same guy I told him about by refactoring ideas in absolute certainty that he would agree with me. It came as quite a surprise when, in fact, he didn’t agree with me, at all. Even something like this:

void theMethod
  if (some_expression)
    // some code
    // ...
    if (another_expression)
      // some more code
      // ...
    // no more code here ..
  // ... and here

was in his eyes far more readable than the refactored version with guard clauses. His rational was that guard clauses make it harder for to see the program flow through the method. And a nested if(…) structure like above was very suitable to express slightly more complicated flows.

All my talks about crappy methods and the downsides of highly indented code were not able to change his mind.

I admit that I can somewhat understand his point about the visibility of the program flow through the method.  And sure, the (nested) ifs increase indentation and the number of possible code paths but since there are no elses and no code after the if-blocks, does that really increase the overall complexity?

Well, I still would prefer smaller methods with guard clauses but as you can see, to a great extend readability lies in the eyes of the beholder.

What do you find readable?

Aligning the Abstraction Level with constant booleans

Constant booleans can help to maintain a single level of abstraction in one method. They are less expensive than a separate method and a big improvement over a mere comment.

If you ever have done consulting, mentoring or teaching on programming techniques I’m sure you have experienced joy as well as disappointment when your “students” either took on your advice and followed it in their day-to-day work or when they just did what you said as long as you sat next to them but forgot all about it the next day. The disappointing behavior often comes from them not fully appreciating, or not being able to fully recognize the advantages of your solution. (And as you are the mentor/consultant/teacher, the latter might also be your fault).

One example for that is the principle to operate on only one level of abstraction within a method or function. See here for a detailed explanation. I have been applying this technique more or less unconsciously already for a long time now and was reminded of it as the Single-Level-of-Abstraction-Principle in Robert C. Martin’s Clean Code.

I have been trying to put this principle in peoples minds for some time now but often with little success. Sure, they often do see the advantages of arriving at much more readable code but they often ignore it in their own code. Most of the time they just don’t see the necessity to create another method with a meaningful name or they content themselves just with putting a comment above some chunk of lower abstraction code (The resulting loud screams for a Extract-Method refactoring often remain unheard, too)

Lately, I did have fairly good success with one little sub-technique of this principle: constant booleans for if-statements. That is, instead of (C++ code):

void someMethod()
   if (hard_to_read_boolean_expression_using_lower_abstractions)
      // do stuff

you write:

void someMethod()
   const bool expressive_name = 
   if (expressive_name)
      // do stuff

I guess the main reason for the success of this sub-technique is that it increases readability a lot at a cost that is only a tiny bit greater than a simple comment.

True, in many cases it may be even more readable to put the whole if-statement in another method, but using a boolean constant like above is already a big improvement.