How building blocks can be a game changer for your project

I have just completed my first own project. In this project I have a web server whose main task is to load files and return them as a stream.
In the first version, there was a static handler for each file type, which loaded the file and sent it as a stream.

As part of a refactoring, I then built building blocks for various tasks and the handler changed fundamentally.

The initial code

Here you can see a part of my web server. It offers a path for both images and audio files. The real server has significantly more handlers and file types.

public class WebServer{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var app = Javalin.create()
            .get("api/audio/{root}/{path}/{number}", FileHandler::handleAudio)
            .get("api/img/{root}/{path}/{number}", FileHandler::handleImage)

Below is a simplified illustration of the handlers. I have also shown the imports of the web server class and the web server technology, in this case Javalin. The imports are not complete. They are only intended to show these two dependencies.

import WebServer;
import io.javalin.http.Context;
// ...

public class FileHandler {

    public static void handleImage(Context ctx) throws IOException {
        var resource = Application.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
        String mimetyp= "image/jpg";

        if (resource != null) {
            ctx.writeSeekableStream(resource, mimetyp);

    public static void handleAudio(Context ctx) {
        var resource = Application.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
        String mimetyp= "audio/mp3";

        if (resource == null) {
            resource = Application.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
            mimetyp= "video/mp4";

        if (resource != null) {
            ctx.writeSeekableStream(resource, mimetyp);

The handler methods each load the file and send it to the Javalin context. The audio handler first searches for an audio file and, if this is not available, for a video file. The duplication is easy to see. And with the static handler and Javalin dependencies, the code is not testable.


So first I build an interface, called a decorator, for the context to get the Javalin dependency out of the handlers. A nice bonus: I can manage the handling of not found files centrally. In the web server, I then inject the new WebContext instead of the Context.

public interface WebContext {
    String pathParameter(String key);
    void sendNotFound();
    void sendResourceAs(String type, InputStream resource);
    default void sendResourceAs(String type, Optional<InputStream> resource){
        sendResourceAs(type, resource.get());

public class JavalinWebContext implements WebContext {
    private final Context context;

    public JavalinWebContext(Context context){
        this.context = context;

    public String pathParameter(String key) {
        return context.pathParam(key);

    public void sendNotFound() {

    public void sendResourceAs(String type, InputStream resource) {
        context.writeSeekableStream(resource, type);

Then I write a method to load the file and send it as a stream.

private boolean sendResourceFor(String path, String mimetyp, Context context){
    var resource = Application.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
    if (resource != null) {
        context.sendResourceAs(mimetyp, resource);
        return true;
    return false;

The next step is to build a loader for the files, which I pass to the no longer static handler during initialization. Here I can run a quick check to see if anyone is trying to manipulate the specified path.

public class ResourceLoader {
    private final ClassLoader context;

    public ResourceLoader(ClassLoader context){
        this.context = context;

    public Optional<InputStream> asStreamFrom(String path){
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.ofNullable(this.context.getResourceAsStream(path));

Finally, I build an extra class for the paths. The knowledge of where the files are located and how to determine the path from the context should not be duplicated everywhere.

public class FileCoordinate {
    private static final String FILE_CATEGORY = "file";
    private final String root;
    private final String path;
    private final String fileName;
    private final String extension;

    private FileCoordinate(String root, String path, String fileName, String extension){
        this.root = root;
        this.path = path;
        this.fileName = fileName;
        this.extension = extension;

    private static FileCoordinate pathFromWebContext(WebContext context, String extension){
        return new FileCoordinate(

    public static FileCoordinate toImageFile(WebContext context){
        return FileCoordinate.pathFromWebContext(context, "jpg");

    public static FileCoordinate toAudioFile(WebContext context){
        return FileCoordinate.pathFromWebContext(context, "mp3");

    public FileCoordinate asToVideoFile(){
        return new FileCoordinate(

    public String asPath(){
        return String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", FILE_CATEGORY, root, path, fileName, extension);


My handler looks like this after refactoring:

public class FileHandler {
    private final ResourceLoader resource;

    public FileHandler(ResourceLoader resource){
        this.resource = resource;

    public void handleImage(WebContext context) {
        var coordinate = FileCoordinate.toImageFile(context);
        sendResourceFor(coordinate, "image/jpg", context);     

    public void handleAudio(WebContext context) {
        var coordinate = FileCoordinate.toAudioFile(context);
        var found = sendResourceFor(coordinate, "audio/mp3", context);
            sendResourceFor(coordinate.asToVideoFile(), "video/mp4", context);

    private boolean sendResourceFor(FileCoordinate coordinate, String mimetype, WebContext context){
        var stream = resource.asStreamFrom(coordinate);
        context.sendResourceAs(mimetype, stream);
        return stream.isPresent();

It is much shorter, easier to read and describes more what is done and not how it is technically done. Another advantage is that I can, for example, fully test my FileCoordinate and mock my WebContext.

For just these two handler methods, it still looks like a overkill. Overall, more code has been created than has disappeared and yes, a smaller modification would probably have been sufficient for this handler alone. But my application is not just this handler and most of them are much more complex. For example, I work a lot with json files, which are loaded and which my loader can now simply interpret using an additional function that return a JsonNode instead a stream. The conversion has significantly reduced the complexity of the application, avoided duplications and made the code more secure and testable.

Data minimization

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) often refers to the principle of data minimization. But what does this mean, and how can it be applied in practice?

The EU website states the following: “The principle of “data minimisation” means that a data controller should limit the collection of personal information to what is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish a specified purpose. They should also retain the data only for as long as is necessary to fulfil that purpose. In other words, data controllers should collect only the personal data they really need, and should keep it only for as long as they need it.”

But what is necessary? In the following, I will give you an example of how I was able to implement data minimization in a new project.

Verification of training certificates

One of my customers has to train his employees so that they can use certain devices. The training certificates are printed out and kept. So if an employee wants to use the device, the employee has to look for the corresponding certificate at reception, and it cannot be verified whether the printout was really generated by the training system.

Now they wanted us to build an admin area in which the certificates are displayed so that reception can search for it in this area.

The first name, surname, birthday etc. of the employees should be saved with the certificate for a long time.

What does the GDPR say about this?
I need the data so that reception can see and check everything. It is necessary! Or is it not?

Let’s start with the purpose of the request. The customer wants to verify whether an employee has the certificate.

If I want to display a list of all employees in plain text, I need the data. But is this the only solution to achieve the purpose, or can I perhaps find a more data-minimizing option? The purpose says nothing about displaying the names in plain text. A hash comparison, for example, is sufficient for verification, as is usually done with passwords.

So, how do I implement the project? Whenever I issue a certificate, I hash the personal data. In the administration area, there is a dialog in which the recipient can enter the personal data to check whether a valid certificate is available. The data is also hashed, and a hash comparison is used to determine the match.
Instead of an application that juggles a large amount of personal data, my application no longer stores any personal data at all. And the purpose can still be achieved.


Data minimization is therefore not only to be considered in the direct implementation of a function. Data minimization starts with the design.

Walking Skeletons

The time has come. My first own project is starting. But where to start? In the backend, frontend, with the data? Or perhaps with the infrastructure and the delivery pipeline that the current state can always reach the customer? But what should be delivered when I don’t have it yet?

The solution for me was the walking skeleton. The zombie apocalypse may not sound like a good solution at first, but in the following I explain what the term means in software development and what the advantages are.

What is a walking skeleton?

The word walking skeleton can be divided into the components walking and skeleton. Walking means that the software is executable. Skeleton means only a minimalist implementation of the software has been completed and the flesh is still missing. In the case of a first walking skeleton, this means that the backend and frontend have already been set up with the technology of choice and that the components are connected. For example, the backend delivers the frontend.

How to build it? An example.

In my use case, I go one step further and want the walking skeleton to be a Docker container in which the backend and frontend run together.

The first step is to choose the technologies for the frontend and backend. In my case, react with vite and javalin. Then both projects have to be set up. Since my application will be very small, I decided to put the projects inside each other, so that the frontend can be found in the src/main/webapp folder. So I can build them with just one gradle on the top level.

With react, I can already use the example page was created by setup project for my walking skeleton. In Javalin I need a main class which can deliver the htlm page of the react application via a web server. In my code example, the index.html file is automatically delivered if it is stored in the resources/public folder.

import io.javalin.Javalin;
import io.javalin.http.staticfiles.Location;

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var app = Javalin.create(config -> {
                    config.staticFiles.add("/public", Location.CLASSPATH);

With some gradle plugins it is possible to build the react app using gradle (com.github.node-gradle.node), pack the java application and all sources into a jar (com.github.johnrengelman.shadow) and create a docker image from it (com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api).

// omitted dependencies, imports and plugins
node {
    version = '20.11.0'
    yarnVersion = '1.22.19'
    distBaseUrl = ''
    download = true
    nodeProjectDir = file('src/main/webapp')

tasks.register('bundle', YarnTask) {
    dependsOn yarn
    group = 'build'
    description = 'Build the client bundle'
    args = ['run', 'bundle']

tasks.register('webpack', YarnTask) {
    dependsOn yarn
    group = 'build'
    description = 'Build the client bundle in watch mode'
    args = ['run', 'build']

tasks.register('jestTest', YarnTask) {
    dependsOn yarn
    group = 'verification'
    description = 'Run the jest tests of our javascript frontends'
    environment = ['CI': 'true']
    ignoreExitValue = true
    args = ['run', 'test']

tasks.register('prepareDocker', Copy) {
    dependsOn assemble
    description = 'Copy files from src/main/docker and application jar to Docker temporal build directory'
    group = 'Docker'

    from 'src/main/docker'
    from project.shadowJar

    into dockerBuildDir

tasks.register('buildImage', DockerBuildImage) {
    dependsOn prepareDocker
    description = 'Create Docker image to run the Grails application'
    group = 'Docker'

    inputDir = file(dockerBuildDir)

Here you can see the snippet from build.gradle, where the tasks for building the project can be seen.

Now my walking skeleton has been brought back to life and can run around the neighborhood cheerfully.

Why this is a good start?

But what is the advantage of letting undead walk?

Once you have completed this step, you can develop the individual parts independently of each other. The walking skeleton is a kickstart for pursuing approaches such as test-driven development. And the delivery pipeline can now also be tackled, as the walking skeleton can be delivered. All in all, the walking skeleton is a way to get started on a project as quickly as possible.

Naming table columns in user interface

A few days ago, I had a conversation with a customer regarding naming. They had created a file containing definitions for numerous tables and their corresponding column names for a new user interface. Some names consisted of entire sentences, with words like “from” and “to“.

I found myself dissatisfied with some of these names and thought about why I don’t like them and how to make them nicer.

Guidelines for simplifying names

To me, column names should resemble key points rather than complete sentences. So I’ve compiled a few guidelines that can help you in transforming sentences to key points.

  1. Eliminate filler words: Remove words like verbs and adjectives if they don’t carry relevant information.
  2. Remove articles.
  3. Remove words without additional information. For example, if the information is already included in another word.
  4. Remove information already included in the table name.
  5. Sometimes it makes sense to change the order of the remaining words.

An example

In our example, the table name is “CW 39” and the column name is “The only day of Monday of CW 39 before CW 40“.

1. Remove all filler words: 
The information about there being only one Monday per week is widely known and unnecessary here. Therefore, the new column name is:
The day of Monday of CW 39 before CW 40

2. Remove articles:
The article “The” can be removed. So the new column name is: 
Day of Monday CW 39 before CW 40

3. Remove words without additional information:
The information that it’s about a day is already part of the word ‘Monday’. It’s also obvious, that CW 39 comes before CW 40. So the new column name is: 
Monday CW 39

4. Remove information already included in the table name:
The table name “CW 39” already tells the reader that all columns contain information on this CW. So the new column name is:

It is much better to read, isn’t it?


After the reformatting, the table became significantly smaller. The names are easier to read, and the understanding is faster as there’s no need to decipher the true meaning within a lengthy sentence.

Thus, it’s a huge advantage to keep the names as short as possible without losing essential information.

How to inform different views in C# WPF about a property change

I recently faced the problem that I have a settings page that consists of different views. The first one contains general settings, like a device count, which can have an effect on the following pages. For example, I want all set devices in a ComboBox to be selectable without reloading the page.

But how can the other views be informed that the setting has changed?

Property Change event

Maybe you already know the property changed event from INotifyPropertyChanged. This allows such changes to be communicated within the View/ViewModel. Here is an example of the property change event.

public class GeneralViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private int deviceCount;

    private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    public int DeviceCount
        get { return deviceCount; }
            deviceCount = value;

If you want to react to such an event you can add a method called when the event is fired.

PropertyChanged += DoSomething;

private void DoSomething(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.PropertyName != "DeviceCount")

    // do something

But other views do not know the event and accordingly cannot react to it.

React in another ViewModel

Another ViewModel who is interested in this property can be informed when the GeneralViewModel given to it. For example, over a setup function is called by creating. In my example the other view wants a list of all devices and has to change if the device count changes. So I give the GeneralViewModel to it, and it can add an own method that react on the property change event.

public class DeviceSelectorViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private List<string> deviceItems;

    public void Setup(GeneralViewModel general)
        general.PropertyChanged += General_PropertyChanged;

    public List<string> DeviceItems
        get { return deviceItems; }

    private void General_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.PropertyName != "DeviceCount")
        var general = (GeneralViewModel)sender;

    private void GenerateNewItems(int deviceCount)
        List<string> list = new();
        for(int i = 1; i <= deviceCount; i++)
            list.Add($"Device #{i}");
        deviceItems = list;

    private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

When the event is thrown, the list is regenerated and the interface is notified of the change via its own PropertyChanged event.


The PropertyChanged event is a good way to inform about changed values. If you make it known to other views, the whole application can react to the change of a setting. Without reloading for the user.

How to design a dynamic website with flex containers

Every frontend developer will know this situation: You design a frontend so that all components fit together perfectly. You invest your time, heart, and soul, working tirelessly and frequently testing to see the results. And then you deliver it to a customer, only to find that their display presents something different. The beautiful design looks bad, or some parts are no longer accessible.

To avoid these unpleasant surprises, you should make your layout dynamic. One possibility for achieving this is by using the flex container. In the following, I will demonstrate how to dynamically build an example page using flex containers.

Example page

My example page has a header spanning the entire content. The content is divided into a navigation area on the left and the content page on the right. The content page itself has a header, main content and a button bar. Now let’s cast that into HTML.

<!doctype html>
        <div class="whole-page">
            <div class="header">
            <div class="content">
                <div class="navigation">Navigation</div>
                <div class="content-page">
                    <div class="content-header">
                    <div class="main-content">
                    <div class="button-bar">
                        Button Bar<br>

And now for the design: I want my page to take up the entire screen. The navigation area should take up 20% of the width, and the page should take up the rest. I want the button bar to be at the bottom of the screen and the main content to take up as much space as possible between the heading and the bar.

Let’s implement this with CSS:

html, body {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-size: 20pt;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

.content {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;

    flex-grow: 1;
    min-height: 0;
.navigation {
    min-width: 20%;
    overflow: auto;

.content-page {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    flex-grow: 1;
    min-width: 0;

.main-content {
    flex-grow: 1;
    overflow: auto;


First, we configure html and body to take up the entire screen. To do this, we set the height to 100% and remove margins.

In the next step, we say that the layout of the whole page should build up flexibly among itself (column) and set the size to the maximum size of the screen.

For the parts with fixed sizes, like headers and the button bar, no further settings are needed.

The content also gets a dynamic layout, but side-by-side (row). Since row is the default, you would not have to write it explicitly, but I did it here for explanation. With “flex-grow: 1” we make the content take the maximum remaining height. With “min-height: 0” we prevent it from hogging more space than is still available and overflowing the screen.

Our navigation area gets the min-width of 20%. In most cases, width is sufficient, but, for example, with tables with large test cells, the table steals more space from the navigation than allowed. With min-width, this does not happen. As a bonus, the area gets a scrollbar with “overflow: auto” if the content is too big.

The content page arranges the elements in columns again and takes the maximum available width. The main content takes all the space left next to the header and button bar and gets a scrollbar if there is not enough space available.

When I fill my containers with background color and example content, I get the following views:


Flex containers are an easy way to create page layouts dynamically. Thus, applications can run independently of the screen to a certain extent. Of course, the whole thing also has its limits, and for very small devices such as smartphones, completely different operating concepts and layouts must be developed.

Oracle database identity column

A few days ago, I came across the topic of identity columns in Oracle. So I decided to try it out to check if it would benefit my database tables.  I would like to share the results in this article. First, I will explain what identity columns are and how to create them.


If you declare a column as an identity column, the value will be automatically populated from an associated sequence generator. It is possible to add an identity column by using either the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. In the example below, I will show how to add it using the CREATE TABLE statement.

The column marked as an identity needs to be of the data type integer, long, or number.


In this case, I ALWAYS want a value to be automatically filled in. There is also the option to only fill it if no value was specified (BY DEFAULT) or when the given value is null (BY DEFAULT ON NULL).

Additionally, you can configure the sequence as shown in the following example.


With these  settings, the sequence starts with 1 and increments by 2, so the values are 1, 3, 5, and so on. The sequence counts up to 2000 and then stop. If CYCLE is set, the sequence continues with 1 again.

The cache defines a client to request 100 pre-defined values in advance. Because of the step width of 2 for example the values 1 – 199 will be assigned. If a second client asks, it will receive the values 201 – 399. As a result, the entries in the table can have the IDs 1, 201, 3, 5, 7, 203 for example.

Using with Ruby on Rails / Active Records

My use case is to use the table in Ruby on Rails with Active Records. Here, I want Active Record to auto-increment the ID, so I can retrieve it in my program. However, if I do not use the identity column feature and also do not specify the name of a manually created sequence, Ruby always returns 0 as the ID. When I add a sequence name, I get the correct ID.

Now I am trying to change this to work with the identity column. The insert in Oracle directly with SQL works fine.

The next step is to use it in my Ruby program, and the first problem occurs. Unfortunately, it is not possible to define my own sequence name. Oracle automatically creates sequences with cryptic names like ISEQ$$_12345 for identity columns which reduces readability in code. Additionally if I recreate the table, the sequence name changes, which means I have to update my code afterwards. This seems to be the first showstopper.

Nonetheless I continue and try to create a new entry with it. The entry was created. It works! Or wait a moment. Ruby always shows 0 instead of the right ID. It seems like the program can not use the sequence correctly.  I halt my testing. Maybe it is possible to make Ruby work with identity sequences, maybe it is not. If you have already found a solution, feel free to comment.

In the end I decide that using the manually created sequence still fit better. The main reason is the naming, so I do not want to spend more time searching for a solution to make it work with Ruby.


Although the identity column option does not fit my use case, it is a possible to create a table column with auto-generated values in Oracle. For situations where the ID is not of interest, it can simplify the work. You do not have to create the logic with sequences and triggers on your own.

JSON Web Token (JWT) and Security


JWT is an open standard for transmitting information as a JSON object. The most common scenario is authorization.

Unfortunately, the token keeps cropping up in connection with the security vulnerability. For example, it is mentioned in the OWASP top ten under the item “Broken Access Control”. In the following, I would like to briefly explain the JWT and point out a few risks when using it.

The token consists of three parts: the header, payload, and signature. Each part has been encoded with Base64Url, and all parts are joined together, separated by dots.

The type of the token and the signing algorithm is typically defined in the header.

  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT"

The payload contains the information that should be transmitted. In cases of authorization, the user and permissions. It is also possible to define token metadata, like an expiration time. Such information must be checked by the developer. The token itself has no expiration.

  "exp": 1516242622,
  "name": "Max Mustermann",
  "admin": true

The signature take the encoded header, the encodes payload and a secret and encode it with the algorithm defined in header.

  base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +

In the authorization scenario, the token is requested from the client and created by the authorization server. The client uses the token to authorize a resource server. Therefore, the token is sent in the authorization header using the bearer schema.

Security Issues

JWT has a lot of attack surfaces, like the None Hashing Algorithm, ECDSA “Psychic Signatures”, Weak HMAC Keys, HMAC vs Public Key Confusion, Attacker Provided Public Key and the plaintext transmitting of the payload. All in all, JWT is vulnerable to replaying or tampering. Especially if the secret is not strong, the token does not expire, or no signature is used at all.

In the following, I will take a closer look at the none hashing algorithm issue as an example:

JWT allows you to set the algorithm in the header to none. So the signature part that tries to detect tampering is missing. It is just the first two parts and the point of waiting for a signature, which does not come.


All security precautions are already suspended, and the attacker can create his own tokens or modify intercepted ones at his leisure.

Some frameworks forbid this configuration, but in the JWT standard, it is possible. Although many applications and libraries that use JWT have disabled the option or at least tried to do so, there are still security vulnerabilities due to the configuration option. For example, because only case-sensitive “none”  was checked, settings like “None” or “NoNe” could still be used as an attack surface. So if you want to forbid this setting, it is important to do it case-insensitively.

Since this is a big problem that also occurs again and again, there is a website that counts the days since the last none algorithm problem:

The none algorithm is not the only attack surface on the algorithm usage. Most of the before named issues are related to the algorithm part.

How to use most secure

At best, the token should only be used once to confirm authentication and authorization. It should not be used for session management and has a short lifespan. Thus, the time span for attacks can be minimized. Also, the algorithm none option should be prevented, and a proper signature algorithm should be used. Additional information and configuration recommendations can be found under: and OWASP cheatsheet.

Using Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) for communication in a distributed system

If you have several participants who are interested in each other’s measurements or events, you can use the MQTT protocol for this. In the following, I will present the basics.

The Mqtt protocol is based on publish and subscribe with asynchronous communication. Therefore it can also be used in networks with high latency. It can also be operated with low bandwidth.

At the center is an MQTT broker. It receives published messages and forwards them to the subscribing clients. The MQTT topics are used for this purpose. Each message is published to a topic. The topics look like a file path and can be chosen almost freely. The only exception are names beginning with $, because these are used for MQTT-own telemetry data. An example for such a topic would be “My/Test/Topic”. Attention, the topic is case sensitive. Every level of the topic can be subscribed to. For example “My/Test/Topic/#”, “My/Test/#” or “My/#”. In the latter case, a message published to “My/Productive/Things” would also be received by the subscriber. This way you can build your own message hierarchy using the Topics.

In the picture a rough structure of the MQTT infrastructure is shown. Two clients have subscribed to a topic. If the sensor sends data to the topic, the broker forwards it to the clients. One of the clients writes the data into a database, for example, and then processes it graphically with a tool such as Grafana.

How to send messages

For the code examples I used Python with the package paho-mqtt. First, an MQTT client must be created and connected.

self.client = mqtt.Client()
self.client.connect("", 1883)

Afterwards, the client can send messages to the MQTT broker at any time using the publish command. A topic and the actual message are sent as payload. The payload can have any structure. For example Json format or xml. In the code example json is used

self.client.publish(topic="own/test/topic", payload=json.dumps(payload))

How to subscribe topics

Even when subscribing, an MQTT client must first be created and a connection established. However, the on_connect and on_message functions are also used here. These are always called when the client establishes a connection or a new message arrives. It makes sense to make the subscriptions in the on_connect method, since they are created so with a new connection also always new and are not lost.

self.client = mqtt.Client()
self.client.on_connect = on_connect
self.client.on_message = on_message
self.client.connect("", 1883)

Here you can see an example on_connect method that outputs the result code of the connection setup and subscribes to a topic. For this, only the respective topic must be specified.

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
      print(Connected with result code " + str(rc))

In the on_message method you can specify what should happen to an incoming message.


MQTT is a simple way to exchange data between a variety of devices. You can customize it very much and have a lot of freedom. All messages are TSL encrypted and you can set up client authentication in the broker, which is why it is also considered secure. For asynchronous communication, this is definitely a technology to consider.

Arrow Anti-Pattern

When you write code, it can happen that you nest some ifs or loops inside each other. Here is an example:

Because of the shape of the indentation, this code smell is called an anti-arrow pattern. The deepest indentation depth is the tip of the arrow. In my opinion, such a style is detrimental to readability and comprehension.

In the following, I would like to present a simple way of resolving such arrow anti-patterns.

Extract Method

First we extract the arrow pattern as a new method. This allows us to use return values instead of variable assignments and makes the code clearer.

public string PrintElephantMessage(Animal animal)
public string IsAElephant(Animal animal)
    if (animal.IsMammal())
        if (animal.IsGrey())
            if (animal.IsBig())
                if (animal.LivesOnLand())
                    return "It is an elephant";
                    return "It is not an elephant. Elephants live on land";
                return "It is not an elephant. Elephants are big";
            return "It is not an elephant. Elephants are grey";
        return "It is not an elephant. Elephants are mammals";

Turn over ifs

A quick way to eliminate the arrow anti-pattern is to invert the if conditions. This will make the code look like this:

public string IsAElephant(Animal animal)
    if (!animal.IsMammal())
        return "It is not an elephant. Elephants are mammals";
    if (!animal.IsGrey())
        return "It is not an elephant. Elephants are grey";
    if (!animal.IsBig())
        return "It is not an elephant. Elephants are big";
    if (!animal.LivesOnLand())
        return "It is not an elephant. Elephants live on land";
    return "It is an elephant";

Some IDEs like Visual Studio can help flip the Ifs.


Arrow anti-pattern are code smells and make your code less legible. Fortunately, you can refactor the code with a few simple steps.