My Favorite Pattern

It has become somewhat of an internal meme that I do not like it when programmers use the word “wrapper”. When someone does say it, I usually get a cue from one of the others to start complaining about it. Do not get me wrong, though. I am very much in favor of wrapping things, but with purpose. And my favorite one is the façade.

When simple becomes complex

Many times, APIs start out simple and elegant. This usually works for a while and the API gets used a lot precisely because of its beauty and simplicity. But eventually, a new use case comes along that demands more of the API than it can currently serve. It has to be extended. This usually takes the form of an additional method or function parameter, or an additional function that needs to be called. Using the API now becomes more complex all its users.

Do not underestimate this effect. I have only anecdotal evidence, but in my experience, a lot of unnecessary software complexity can be attributed to this1. The Pareto-Principle applies here: A single use case causes all the users of the previously simple API to deal with new complexity (e.g. 10% of the use cases cause 90% of the complexity in the user-/call-sites).

Façades make it look beautiful

Luckily, it can be dealt with beautifully: using the façade pattern. This pattern abstracts a complex API behind a simple API. The trade-off, of course, is that it is less powerful than the “full API”. In our example though, all of the previous use-cases can keep using the simple API via a façade.

When to apply this

The aforementioned example, extending an API, is a very nice opportunity to apply the façade. Just keep the interface of the old API around, and re-implement it using the new, extended API, which is usually created by modifying the old API’s implementation. Now all the old call-sites can stay the same, yet you can have a more powerful API for those rare cases that need it.

Of course, you can also identify common usage patterns and refactor them using a façade, but that’s usually much harder to do.

What exactly are façades made of?

Façades do not hide the more complex API in the sense that the APIs users are not allowed to use it. Yes, façades make APIs look beautiful, but that is where the metaphor ends. You can still access what is behind the façade. You can even write more façades for the behind. Many APIs have multiple common cases and only very few complex ones.

So… Classes? Functions? Data? Any of those, in fact. Whenever you enable writing something in a simpler way for a common case, you have a façade . Very often, a small function with a simple signature is all the façade you need.

But it makes all the difference.

Now can someone please tell me what that little hook under the c is called?

  1. Façades can, of course, also contribute to creating complexity by growing the codebase and creating ‘variants’. But they rarely do. ↩︎

Don’t use wrapper

It’s a bad word for a piece of code, and you should feel bad for using it. Here is why:

1. It is easily phonetically confused with “rapper”

Well, this one is actually funny. Really the only redeeming quality. So if someone tells me that they “made a wrapper”, I immediately giggle a bit inside.

2. Wrapping things is a programmers job.

As programmers, we are in the business of abstractions, and a function clearly is an abstraction. A function that calls something else wraps that something else. So isn’t everything a wrapper?
Who would say that the following function is a wrapper?

template <class T>
T multiplication_wrapper(T a, T b)
  return a * b;

It does wrap the multiplication operator, does it not? Of course, the example is contrived, but many people call equally simple functions “wrapper functions”.

3. It is often a bad analogy

When you wrap something, like a present, you first need to unwrap it to actually use it. So in that case, it acts more like a kind of envelope. This is clearly not the case for what most people call wrappers. You could wrap some data in a .zip file – that would make sense! But no one uses it like that.
Another use of the word wrap implies something that goes around something else, forming a fixture of sorts. Like a wraparound baby sling. So I guess this could work for some uses, like a protection layer. Again, it is not used like that.
Finally, there’s wrapping up something, as in finishing something. Well, maybe if you’re wrapping your main function around the rest of your code, you can finish writing your program. A very monolithic approach.

There are plenty of better alternatives

In most cases, what people should rather use is either facade or adapter. Both names convey a lot more meaning than wrapper. A facade is something that wraps code to make the interface nicer. An adapter wraps an interface to integrate with some other piece of code. Both are structural design patterns. Both wrap something. But then again, that could be said for all of the structural design patterns. Or, most code. Except maybe assembler?

So please, calling something a wrapper is not enough. You might as well just call it function/object/abstraction. Use adapter, facade, decorator, proxy etc.. The why is more important than the what.

Active Object with POCO’s Active Methods

POCO’s ActiveMethods require minimal additional code to implement the Active Object design pattern

Active Object is a well known design pattern for synchronizing access to an object and/or resource. The basic idea is to separate method invocation from method execution which is done in a dedicated thread.

Instead of using the objects interface directly, a client of an Active Object uses some kind of  proxy which enqueues a so-called Method Request for later execution. The proxy finishes immediately and returns to the client some sort of callback, or variable, by which the client can receive the result. These intermeditate result variables are also known as Futures.

As always, there are lots of ways to implement this pattern. For example, if you had an interface like this

class MyObject
    int doStuff(const std::string& param) =0;
    std::string doSomeOtherThing(int i) =0;

applying a straight forward implementation, you would first transform this into a proxy and method request classes:

class MyObjectProxy
    MyObjectProxy(MyObject* theObject);
    // proxy methods
    Future<int> doStuff(const std::string& param);
    Future<std::string> doSomeOtherThing(int i);
    MyObject * _myObject;

class MethodRequest_DoStuff :
  public AbstractMethodRequest
    MethodRequest_DoStuff(const std::string& param);
    // all method request classes must implement execute()
    virtual void execute(MyObject* theObject);

    const std::string _param;

… and so on (for more details see this basic paper by Douglas C. Schmidt, or read chapter Concurrency Patterns in POSA2).

It’s easy to see that this implementation produces a lot of boilerplate code. To solve this, you could either cook up some code generation, or look for some language support to reduce the amount of characters you have to type. In C++, some sort of template solution can be the way to go, or…

Introducing Active Methods

With class ActiveMethod together with support classes ActiveDispatcher and ActiveResult the POCO C++ libraries provide very simple and elegant building blocks for implementing  the Active Object pattern.

ActiveMethod:  this is the core piece. When called, an ActiveMethod executes in its own thread.

ActiveResult: this is what I referred to earlier as a Future. Instances of ActiveResult are used to pass the result of an ActiveMethod call back to the client.

ActiveDispatcher: if you only use ActiveMethods, every ActiveMethod thread can execute in parallel.  With ActiveDispatcher as base class, ActiveMethod calls are serialized, thus implementing real™ Active Object behaviour.

Here my earlier example using ActiveMethods:

class MyObject
    // ActiveMethods are initialized in the ctors
    // initializer list
      : doStuff(this, &MyObject::doStuffImpl),
        doSomeOtherThing(this, &MyObject::doSomeOtherThingImpl)

    ActiveMethod<int, std::string, MyObject> doStuff;
    ActiveMethod<std::string, int, MyObject> doSomeOtherThing;
    int doStuffImpl(const std::string& param);
    std::string doSomeOtherThingImpl(int i);

This is used as follows:

MyObject myObject;
ActiveResult<std::string> result = myObject.doSomeOtherThing(42);
std::cout << << std::endl;

This solution requires minimal amounts of additional code to transform your lame and boring normal object into a full-fledged Active Object. The only downside is that Active Methods currently can only have one parameter. If you need more, you have to use tuples or parameter objects.

Have fun!