Grails Update from 2.2 to 2.3

An update in the minor version does not seem like a big step but this is one brought a lot of changes, so here a step by step guide which highlights some pitfalls.

An update in the minor version does not seem like a big step but this is one brought a lot of changes, so here a step by step guide which highlights some pitfalls.

First update the version of Grails in your application properties:


The tomcat and hibernate plugins now have versions of their respective frameworks and not the version number of Grails:


Grails 2.3 has a new databinding mechanism. To use the old one, especially if you use custom property editors you have to add this option to your Config.groovy:

grails.databinding.useSpringBinder = true

But even with the old databinding something changed. The field id is not bound in command objects you need to bind id explicitly:

def action = { MyCommand command -> = params['id']?.toLong()

Besides the databinding mechanism also the dependency resolving changed. But you can use the old ivy mechanism by including this in BuildConfig.groovy:


Nonetheless all dependencies must be declared in or BuildConfig.groovy. If you have a lib directory with local jars in your application you need to add this to your repositories as a local directory:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    repositories {
        flatDir name:'myRepo', dirs:'lib'

When you have all dependencies declared your application should start.


Grails 2.3 features a new test mode: forking. This causes some problems and is better to be deactivated in BuildConfig.groovy:

grails.project.fork = [
        test: false,

With the new version only JUnit4 style tests are supported. This means that you don’t extend GroovyTestCase or GrailsUnitTestCase. All rules must be public and non static. All tests methods need to be annotated with @Test. Set up methods are annotated with @Before and must be public. The tearDown methods must also be annotated with @After and be public. A bug in Grails prevents you from naming the set up and tear down methods freely: the names must be setUp and tearDown. All test methods must be public void, the old def declaration is not supported anymore. Now without extending GroovyTestCase you lose the assertion methods and need to add a static import:

import static groovy.util.GroovyTestCase.*

Unit Tests

All tests should be annotated with @TestMixin([GrailsUnitTestMixin]). If you need to mock domain classes you change mockDomain to @Mock:

class MyTest {
	public void testThis() {
      mockDomain(MyDomainClass, [mdc])
class MyTest {
	public void testThis() {

Configuration is now already mocked and your properties can be added easily:'123'

Integration tests

As mentioned before setUp method naming has a bug: you have to name them setUp otherwise the changes to your database aren’t rollbacked.

Acceptance Tests with Selenium

You need to patch the Remote Control Plugin because of a ClassNotFoundException. Add an additional constructor to RemoteControl.groovy to support setting the classloader:

RemoteControl(ClassLoader loader) {
  super(new HttpTransport(getFunctionalTestReceiverAddress(), loader), loader)

In your tests you call this new constructor with the classloader of your class:

new RemoteControl(getClass().classLoader)

Using a Groovy Mixin in your application does not work in your tests and need to be replaced with grails.util.Mixin. But this only works in one way: the target class can access the mixin but the mixin not the target class. For this to work you need to let your mixin implement MixinTargetAware and declare a field named target:

class MyMixin implements MixinTargetAware {
	def target

Subtle changes and pitfalls

If you have a classname with a Controller suffix and a corresponding test but which isn’t a Grails controller Grails nevertheless tries to mock the class in your unit tests. If you rename the test to something without controller everything works fine.

In our pre 2.3 project we had some select tags in our views and used fieldValue for the selection:

<g:select value="${fieldValue(bean: object, field: 'value')}">

But now the select tag uses equals which fails if the values aren’t Strings. Just use the unescaped value:

<g:select value="${object?.value}">

I hope this guide and hints help others to avoid the headaches when upgrading your Grails application.

Small cause – big effect (Story 2)

A short story about when Wethern’s Law of Suspended Judgement caused some trouble on the production system.

This is another story about a small misstep during programming that caused a lot of trouble in effect. The core problem has nothing to do with a specific programming language or some technical aspect, but the concept of assumptions. Let’s have a look at what an assumption really is:

assumption: The act of taking for granted, or supposing a thing without proof; a supposition; an unwarrantable claim.

A whole lot of our daily work is based on assumptions, even about technical details that we could easily prove or refute with a simple test. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. As long as the assumptions are valid or the results of false information are in the harmless spectrum, it saves us valuable time and resources.

A hidden risk

97thingsarchitectBut what if we aren’t aware of our assumptions? What if we believe them being fact and build a functionality on it without proper validation? That’s when little fiascos happen.

Timothy High cited in his chapter “Challenge assumptions – especially your own” in the book “97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know” the lesser known Wethern’s Law of Suspended Judgement:

Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.

Much too often, we only realize afterwards that the crucial fact we relied on wasn’t that trustworthy. It was another false assumption in disguise.

Distributed updates

But now it’s storytime again: Some years ago, a software company created a product with an ever-changing core. The program was used by quite some customers and could be updated over the internet. If you want to have a current analogy, think about an anti-virus scanner with its relatively static scanning unit and the virus signature database that gets outdated within days. To deliver the update patches to the customer machines, a single update server was sufficient. The update patches were small and happened weekly or daily, so it could be handled by a dedicated machine.

To determine if it needed another patch, the client program contacted the update server and downloaded a single text file that contained the list of all available patches. Because the patches were incremental, the client program needed to determine its patch level, calculate the missing patches and download and apply them in the right order. This procedure did its job for some time, but one day, the size of the patch list file exceeded the size of a typical patch, so that the biggest part of network traffic was consumed by the initial list download.

Cutting network traffic

A short time measure was to shorten the patch list by removing ancient versions that were surely out of use by then. But it became apparent that the patch list file would be the system’s achilles heel sooner or later, especially if the update frequency would move up a gear, as it was planned. So there was a plan to eliminate the need to download the patch list if it had not changed since the last contact. Instead of directly downloading the patch list, the client would now download a file containing only the modification date of the patch list file. If the modification date was after the last download, it would continue to download the patch list. Otherwise, it would refrain from downloading anything, because no new patches could be present.

Discovering the assumption

The new system was developed and put into service shortly before the constant traffic would exhaust the capabilities of the single update server. But the company admins watched in horror as the traffic didn’t abate, but continued on the previous level and even increased a bit. The number of requests to the server nearly doubled. Apparently, the clients now always downloaded the modification date file and the patch list file, regardless of their last contact. The developers must have screwed up with their implementation.

But no error was found in the code. Everything worked just fine, if – yes, if (there’s the assumption!) the modification date was correct. A quick check revealed that the date in the modification date file was in fact the modification date of the patch list file. This wasn’t the cause of the problem either. Until somebody discovered that the number in the modification date file on the update server changed every minute. And that in fact, the patch list file got rewritten very often, regardless of changes in its content. A simple cron job, running every minute, pushed the latest patch list file from the development server to the update server, changing its modification date in the process and editing the modification date file accordingly.

The assumption was that if the patch list file’s content would not change, the same would be true for its modification date. This was true during development, but changed once the cron job got involved. The assumption hold true during development and went into sabotage mode on the live system.

Record and challenge your assumptions

The developers cannot be blamed for the error in this story. But they could have avoided it if they had adopted the habit of recording their assumptions and had them communicated to the administrators in charge of the live system. The first step towards this goal is to make the process of relying on assumptions visible to oneself. If you can be sure to know about your assumptions, you can record them, test against them (to make them fact in your world) and subsequently communicate them to your users. This whole process won’t even start if you aren’t aware of your assumptions.

Grails upgrade – lessons learned

Grails is a great framework for rapidly developing web applications on top the proven java/servlet platform. Especially smaller, short-lived projects can be a real breeze with all the scaffolding, GORM and convention-over-configuration built into grails.

We happen to use it for a quite complex web application project for almost 3 years now. Half a year ago we upgrade from grails 1.0.x to 1.3.4. That makes 3 major versions in one upgrade step and produced obviously a lot of work and many small bugs. I do not want to put the blame on the grails guys here, because most of the stuff was mentioned in the release notes and it was a big step we decided to take when the decision came to continue the project for several years to come.

Our upgrade policy changed due to that experience and we try to stay a lot more current to be able to adapt our software to framework changes more incrementally. Some weeks ago we upgraded from 1.3.4 to 1.3.7 and this experience was not pleasant. Even though we skimmed through the changelogs and release notes and thought the update should be uncritical for us grails behaviour changed in two aspects which broke things for us:

  1. An API-change where GroovyPagesException was changed to GrailsTagException
  2. Behavioural change where no application context and injections are available in functional tests anymore

Item 1 was easy to fix but you need really good testing to spot it before it slips into production. Such subtle API changes should not happen in micro-version updates as that can easily break parts of the system whithout you knowing because of groovy/grails’ dynamic nature. No compiler saves you here.

Item 2 produced some amount of work for us because we build a quite extensive acceptance test suite using services and domain objects to setup the initial environment for each test. Luckily, there is the grails remote control plugin which you can use for things like that.

Lessons learned

  • You should have extensive automated test suites when developing a grails application over a longer period because things can break in unexpected ways without code changes on your side.
  • Try to plan upgrades some time ahead of releases and dedicate time to scanning the release notes and actually performing the upgrade. It may take you significantly longer than the smooth upgrade procedure itself suggests.

The grails team seems to be increasingly aware of backwards compatibility but they still have some way to go. We hope and expect to see fewer unexpected breakages to occur in the future.