Converting a Grails app from war deployment in Tomcat to docker

A few years ago we had real servers with servlet containers installed and managed by administrators. These machines were bare-metal unicorns and had to be kept alive as long as possible (for many years). With the advent of first virtual machines and then container runtimes like Docker the approach and responsibilities for hosting web applications changed.

Our application not only went from Grails framework version 1 to 5 (atm, and soon to version 6) but also the above voyage regarding the hosting environment.

While the step from bare-metal to virtual machine was negligible from the developer and application side the migration to docker-based hosting is quite a step. Therefore I would like to depict the biggest changes of running a Grails application as a WAR deployment in Tomcat to a standalone application in Docker.

The original setting

We had our Grails application running on a server with a Tomcat servlet container for years. On the server we had also an ElasticSearch instance running and saved documents in a few well-defined directories on the local file system. Our database (Oracle in the past, PostgreSQL for over a year now) was running managed in a data center. We used container features like JNDI for parts of the configuration and datasources.

Deployment was essentially uploading a new WAR and context.xml file to the Tomcat servlet container using an Ansible playbook (where we restarted the servlet container to ensure not leaving any resource leaks…).

This setup worked quite well for years, only upgrades of the host operating system along with Tomcat and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) updates meant some work.

The target setup

Our customer has been in the process of converting most of the services running on virtual machines to dockerized deployments managed using Portainer. Most of the provisioning is automated and there is almost no snow flaking of the virtual machines hosting the docker runtimes. This eases the operation and administration of the services a lot and makes it much easier to setup new instances of a service and to monitor them.

So it was our task to migrate our setup on the the host VM to a docker-based deployment. In the future we basically push a docker image of our application to a docker registry of the customer and update the stack using Portainer.

The journey to a dockerized Grails app

The first thing to do were some changes to build.gradle to build a Jar-application instead of a WAR archive. We decided it was easier and more lightweight to run the Grails app standalone with the embedded tomcat than to use Tomcat in a docker container:

  • Remove the gradle war plugin
  • Change providedCompile dependencies to implementation
  • Add a task to prepare the Dockerfile and context to build our bootable application image:
task prepareDocker(type: Copy, dependsOn: assemble) {
    description = 'Copy files from src/main/docker and application jar to Docker temporal build directory'
    group = 'Docker'

    from 'src/main/docker'
    from project.bootJar

    into dockerBuildDir
  • Add an appropiate Dockerfile to our docker context in src/main/docker:
FROM eclipse-temurin:11-jdk-jammy
MAINTAINER Mihael Koep ""


COPY naomi-boot.jar .

ENV GRAILS_ENV development
# Additional env variables for configuration

CMD java -Dgrails.env=$GRAILS_ENV -jar /app/application-boot.jar
  • Remove JNDI usages and convert configuration from context.xml and JNDI to environment variables
  • Add a docker-compose.yml for the stack definition (here outlined for development with a database as part of the stack)
version: '3.7'
    container_name: my-app-application
    image: ${IMAGE_TAG}
      - GRAILS_ENV=development
      - DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://my-app-db:5432/my-app
      - my-appdata:/app/data_home
      - 8080:8080
      - my-app-db
      - my-app-elastic
    container_name: my-app-database-stack
    image: postgres:13
      - POSTGRES_USER=my-app
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my-db-password
      - POSTGRES_DB=my-app
      - 5432:5432
    container_name: my-app-elastic-stack
      - discovery.type=single-node
      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true
      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
        soft: -1
        hard: -1
      - searchdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
      - 9200:9200
      - 9300:9300


The journey from classical deployments to a dockerized environment using a docker stack is not that long for a Grails application (or most other Java web applications). It makes it trivial setting up a new instance or migrating it to another host as most configuration is in version controlled files and there is next to none snowflaking. The customer has an easier time running the web application because the requirements are only a container-runtime and explicitly formulated in the stack definition.

In addition, the developers are free to choose the JVM and other details within the containers without having to cross-check with the administrators of the customer if they are supported by their organization.

Grails Domain update optimisation

As many readers may know we are developing and maintaining some Grails applications for more than 10 years now. One of the main selling points of Grails is its domain model and object-relational-mapper (ORM) called GORM.

In general ORMs are useful for easy and convenient development at the cost of a bit of performance and flexibility. One of the best features of GORM is the availability of several flexible APIs for use-cases where dynamic finders are not enough. Let us look at a real-world example.

The performance problem

In one part of our application we have personal messages that are marked as read after viewing. For some users there can be quite a lot messages so we implemented a “mark all as read”-feature. The naive implementation looks like this:

def markAllAsRead() {
    def user = securityService.loggedInUser
    def messages = Messages.findAllByUserAndTimelineEntry.findAllByAuthorAndRead(user, false)
    messages.each { message -> = true
    Messages.withSession { session -> session.flush()}

While this is both correct and simple it only works well for a limited amount of messages per user. Performance will degrade because all the domain objects are loaded into domain objects, then modified and save one-by-one to the session. Finally the session is persisted to the database. In our use case this could take several seconds which is much too long for a good user experience.

DetachedCriteria to the rescue

GORM offers a much better solution for such use-cases that does not sacrifice expressiveness. Instead it offers a succinct API called “Where Queries” that creates DetachedCriteria and offers batch-updates.

def markAllAsRead() {
    def user = securityService.loggedInUser
    def messages = Messages.where {
        read == false
        addressee == user
    messages.updateAll(read: true)

This implementation takes only a few milliseconds to execute with the same dataset as above which is de facto native SQL performance.


Before cursing GORM for bad performance one should have a deeper look at the alternative querying APIs like Where Queries, Criteria, DetachedCriteria, SQL Projections and Restrictions to enhance your ORM toolbox. Compared to dynamic finders and GORM-methods on domain objects they offer better composability and performance without resorting to HQL or plain SQL.

Migrating a Grails application from Oracle to PostgreSQL

In my previous post I explained how to migrate an Oracle schema with data to a PostgreSQL database management system (DBMS). Besides the general tasks and issues there are additional topics to migrate a complete application using the database to the other DBMS.

In our specific case we have a grails application which we maintain since Grails 1.0 times for more than 12 years. During that time we did a ton of feature development with lots of refactoring and many database migrations. So the source database will most like not be perfectly consistent and clean.

General approach

Since Grails/GORM and the DatabaseMigration-Plugin (DBM-Plugin) do a great job at preparing an empty database with a matching schema for the application to run we let the framework tools generate the schema and only migrate the data using Ora2Pg.

Sounds simple, but how it is done in detail and what else to look for?

Generating the initial dabase schema

The DBM-Plugin provides a script to create a database changelog with a schema matching the domain model of your grails application. It is integrated in gradle, so you can grails dbm-generate-gorm-changelog initialdb.groovy to create the migration scripts providing a fitting schema. You then include this script in grails-app/migrations/changelog.groovy or replace all the migrations you had before included there with this initial database changelog.

To prepare an empty database to run with your application you call the gradle task dbmUpdate.

Checking all plain SQL code

If you are only using GORM’s dynamic finders, save()/update()/delete()-methods, HQL and the criteria API you are probably fine to run your application or perform the data mirgration step.

Our application has some specific parts where we use plain SQL. Because of syntactical differences you will want to check all the plain SQL if it works with PostgreSQL. The most obvious stuff is dealing with sequences or other queries where you need the dual table in Oracle.

Migrating the data

This is probably the part where the most things can go wrong. We had quite some work with data-inconsistencies and left-overs from manual corrections that happened over the course of running and upgrading the application for so many year. For younger and simpler applications this may not present any challenges but for us it was quite time-consuming.

Now you can use Ora2Pg to import the data. After the whole data import using Ora2Pg worked as intended you should check the value of the hibernate_sequence . This sequence is used to generate the ids of all grails domain objects.

Do not let the sequences from the autoincrement columns of the tables of your domain objects confuse you! They are not used by Grails/GORM. To avoid this confusion you can remove the default value of the id columns and the accompanying sequences.

Checking the result

You should always run acceptance or manual tests to make sufficiently sure that the migration worked as intended. There is always the possibility of a configuration or software error or some oversights in checking the application code.

If possible tests the result on a dedicated system with some snapshot of the real world data before making the switch on the production system. Good luck!

Updating Grails 3.3.x to 4.0.x

We have a long history of maintaining a fairly large grails application which we took from Grails 1.0 to 4.0. We sometimes decided to skip some intermediate releases of the framework because of problems or missing incentives to upgrade. If your are interested in our experiences of the past, feel free to have a look our stories:

This is the next installment of our journey to the latest and greatest version of the Grails framework. This time the changes do not seem as intimidating like going from 2.x to 3.x. There are less moving parts, at least from the perspective of an application developer where almost everything stayed the same (gradle build system, YAML configuration, Geb functional tests etc.). Under the hood there are of course some bigger changes like new major versions of GORM/Hibernate and Spring Boot and the switch to Micronaut as the parent application context.

The hurdles we faced

  • For historical reasons our application uses flush mode “auto”. This does not work until today, see
  • The most work intensive change is that Hibernate 5 requires you to perform your work in transactions. So we have dozens of places where we need to add missing @Transactional annotations to make especially saving domain objects work. Therefore we have to essentially test the whole application.
  • The handling of HibernateProxies again became more intransparent which led to numerous IllegalArgumentExceptions (“object ist not an instance of declaring type”). Sometimes we could move from generated hashCode()/equals() implementations to the groovy-Annotation @EqualsAndHashCode (actually a good thing) whereas in other places we did manual unwrapping or switched to eager fetching to avoid these problems.

In addition we faced minor gotchas like changed configuration entries. The one that cost us some hours was the subtle change of server.contextPath to server.servlet.context-path but nothing major or blocking.

We also had to transform many of our unit and integration tests to Spock and the new Grails Testing Support framework. It makes the tests more readable anyway and feels more fruitful than trying to debug the old-style Grails Test Mixins based tests.


One major improvement for us in the Grails ecosystem is the good news that the shiro plugin is again officially available, maintained and cleaned up (see Now we do not need to use our own poor man’s port anymore.

Open questions

Regarding the proclaimed performance improvements and reduced memory consumptions we do not have final numbers or impressions yet. We will deliver results on this front in the future.

More important is an incovenience we are still facing regarding hot-code-reloading. It does not work for us even using OpenJDK 8 with the old spring-loaded mechanism. The new restart-style of micronaut/spring-boot is not really productive for us because the startup times can easily reach the minute range even on fast hardware.


My hottest advice for you is this one:

Create a fresh Grails 4 app and compare central files like application.yml and build.gradle to get up to the state-of-the-art.


While this upgrade still was a lot of work and meant many places had to be touched it was a lot smoother than many of the previous ones. We hope that things improve further in the future as the technological stack is up-to-date and much more mature than in the early days…

Adding a dynamic React page to your classic grails multi-page application

We are developing and maintaining a more than 10 years old classic multi-page application based on the Grails web framework. With the advent of HTML 5 and modern browsers with faster JavaScript engines user expect more and more dynamic and pleasant user experience (UX) from web applications. Our application is used by hundreds of users and our customer expects a stable, familiar and feature-rich experience that continues to improve over time. Something like a complete rewrite of the UI is way out of scope time- and budget-wise.

One of the new feature requests would benefit highly from a client-side JavaScript implementation so we looked at our options. Fortunately it is quite easy to integrate a react app with grails and the gradle build system. So we implemented the new page almost completely as a react app while leaving all the other pages as normal server-side rendered Groovy Server Pages (GSP). The result is quite convincing and opens up a transition path to more and more dynamic client-side pages and perhaps even to the complete transformation to a single-page-application (SPA) in a distant future.

Integrating a React-App into Grails build process

The Grails react-webpack profile can serve as a great starting point to integrate a react app into an existing grails project. First you create the react app for the new page in the folder src/main/webapp, using the create-react-app scripts for example. Then you need to add a $GRAILS_PROJECT/webpack.config.js to configure webpack appropriately like so:

var path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  entry: './src/main/webapp/index.js',
  output: {
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'grails-app/assets/javascripts'),
    publicPath: '/assets/',
    filename: 'bundle.js'
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        include: path.join(__dirname, 'src/main/webapp'),
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          options: {
            presets: ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"],
            plugins: ["transform-class-properties"]
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
        test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i,
        use: {
          loader: 'url-loader?limit=10000&prefix=assets/!img'

The next step is to move the package.json to the $GRAILS_PROJECT directory because we want gradle tasks to take care of building and bundling it as a grails asset. To make this convenient we add some gradle tasks employing yarn to our build.gradle:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.moowork.gradle:gradle-node-plugin:1.2.0"


apply plugin:"com.moowork.node"


node {
    version = '12.15.0'
    yarnVersion = '1.22.0'
    distBaseUrl = ''
    download = true

task bundle(type: YarnTask, dependsOn: 'yarn') {
    group = 'build'
    description = 'Build the client bundle'
    args = ['run', 'bundle']

task webpack(type: YarnTask, dependsOn: 'yarn') {
    group = 'application'
    description = 'Build the client bundle in watch mode'
    args = ['run', 'start']



Now we have integrated our new react app with the grails build system and packaging. The webpack task allows updating the javascript bundle on the fly so that we have almost the same hot reloading support when developing as with the rest of grails.

Delivering the react app as a page

Now that we have integrated the react app in the build and packaging process of our grails application we need to deliver it when the new page is requested by the browser. This is quite simple and straightforward and can be achieved with a GSP like so:

    <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
        <g:message code="example.header"/>
    <div id="react-content">
    <asset:javascript src="bundle.js"/>

Now you just have to develop the endpoints for the javascript app in form of normal grails controllers rendering JSON instead of GSP views. This is extremely easy using groovy maps and the grails JSON converters:

import grails.converters.JSON

class DataApiController {

    def getData = {
        def responseData = [
            name: 'John',
            age: 37
        render responseData as JSON


Grails and its build infrastructure is flexible enough to easily integrate SPA pages into an existing traditional web application. This allows you to deliver modern UX and features expected by nowadays users without completely rewriting your trusty and proven grails application. The process can be gradually and individual pages/views can be renewed when needed. That way you can continually add value to your customer while incrementally modernizing your application.

Setting Grails session timeout in production

Grails 3 was a great update to the framework and kept it up-to-date with modern requirement in web development. Modularization, profiles, revamped build system and configuration were all great changes that made working with grails more productive and fun again.
I quite like the choice of YAML for the configuration settings because you can easily describe sections and hierarchies without much syntactic noise.

Unfortunately, there are some caveats. One of them went live and caused a (minor) irritation for our customer:

The session timeout was back to the 30 minutes default and not prolongued to the one hour we all agreed upon some years (!) ago.

Investigating the cause

Our configuration in application.yml was correctly set to the desired one hour timeout and in development everything was working as expected. But the thing is that the setting server.session.timeout is only applied to the embedded tomcat. If your application is deployed to a standalone servlet container this setting is ignored. Unfortunately it is far from obvious which settings in application.yml are used in what situation.

In the case of a standalone servlet container you would just edit your applications web.xml and the container would use the setting there. While this would work, it is not very nice because you have two locations for one setting. In software development we call that duplication. What makes things worse is, that there is no web.xml in our case! So what now?

The solution

We have two problems here

  1. Providing the functionality our customer desires
  2. Removing the code duplication so that development and production work the same way

Our solution is to apply the setting from application.yml to the HTTP-Session of the request using an interceptor:

class SessionInterceptor {
    int order = -1000

    SessionInterceptor() {

    boolean before() {
        int sessionTimeout = grailsApplication.config.getProperty('server.session.timeout') as int"Configured session timeout is: ${sessionTimeout}")

That way we use a single source of truth, namely the configuration in application.yml, both in development and production.


Object slicing with Grails and GORM

Some may know the problem called object slicing when passing or assigning polymorphic objects by value in C++. The issue is not limited to C++ as we experienced recently in one of our web application based on Grails. If you are curious just stay awhile and listen…

Our setting

Some of our domain entities use inheritance and their containing entities determine what to do using some properties. You may call that bad design but for now let us take it as it is and show some code to clarify the situation:

class Container {
  private A a

  def doSomething() {
    if (hasActuallyB()) {
      return a.bMethod()
    return a.something()

class A {

  def something() {
    return 'Something A does'

class B extends A {

  def bMethod() {
    return 'Something only B can do'

class ContainerController {

  def save = {
    new Container(b: new B()).save()

  def show = {
    def container = Container.get(
    [result: container.doSomething()]

Such code worked for us without problems in until we upgraded to Grails 3. Suddenly we got exceptions like:

2019-02-18 17:03:43.370 ERROR --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.g.web.errors.GrailsExceptionResolver   : MissingMethodException occurred when processing request: [GET] /container/show
No signature of method: A.bMethod() is applicable for argument types: () values: []. Stacktrace follows:

Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: A.bMethod() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
at Container.doSomething(Container.groovy:123)

Debugging showed our assumptions and checks were still true and the Container member was saved correctly as a B. Still the groovy method call using duck typing did not work…

What is happening here?

Since the domain entities are persistent objects mapped by GORM and (in our case) Hibernate they do not always behave like your average POGO (plain old groovy object). They may in reality be Javassist proxy instances when fetched from the database. These proxies are set up to respond to the declared type and not the actual type of the member! Clearly, an A does not respond to the bMethod().

A workaround

Ok, the class hierarchy is not that great but we cannot rewrite everything. So what now?

Fortunately there is a workaround: You can explicitly unwrap the proxy object using GrailsHibernateUtil.unwrapIfProxy() and you have a real instance of B and your groovy duck typing and polymorphic calls work as expected again.

Bringing your Grails app from 2.4 to 3.3

Updating to a new framework version often needs a lot of work and investigation how to fix problems that may arise. Usually there are upgrade guides that take you most of the way and make upgrading only a grind.

This also true for Grails and our upgrade experience with it. Often there are parts where you have to invest extra work and creativity. The current upgrade of our application from 2.4.5 to 3.3.8 is no exception:

The grind

The major changes and upgrade notes are part of the documentation so I will only mention them briefly:

  • Switch to the gradle build system
  • Using YAML as main configuration
  • Migration from filters to interceptors
  • New testing framework (partly optional because you can still use the old mixin framework with a plugin)
  • Package name changes
  • Former core features are now available as plugins like gsps, datasource and GORM
  • Functional tests need to use Spock+Geb or you will face weird problems and need to do extra work (we had selenium tests using selenium-server before)
  • Integration tests work differently so work needs to be done to migrate them
  • Logging using Lockback
  • Entities often need a @Entity annotation
  • Move some files to new Locations

The tricky stuff

  • A service named CounterService conflicts with spring boot autowiring so we had to rename it
  • Our TagLib tests using JUnit4 were failing with obscure errors, porting them to Spock fixed them.
  • We have so many dependencies that running the application with gradle:bootRun fails with: Createprocess error=206; the filename or extension is too long Fortunately adding grails { pathingJar = true } to build.gradle fixes the issue
  • Environment variables for gradle:bootRun are swallowed if not prefixed with “grails.”. We are using environment variables to customize running the application on the dev machines.


The hard parts

The most painful part was two central plugins we are using not being available anymore: shiro and searchable.


For shiro there are some initial ports that work well for our needs, so the challenge was mostly finding the most fitting one of the forks on github. We went with the fork of Alin Pandichi and forked it ourselves to upgrade some version definitions.

Searchable becomes ElasticSearch

The real odyssee began looking for a replacement of the abandoned searchable plugin. Fortunately there is the compelling ElasticSearch-plugin which uses almost the same API as the searchable plugin:

The plugin focus on exposing Grails domain classes for the moment. It highly takes the existing Searchable Plugin as reference for its syntax and behaviour.

Unfortunately, we were unable to get it to work with our project trying many different versions, so we decided to fork and fix it for us. The main problems were:

  • Essentially, it does not work properly with hibernate as a data store because it chokes on the JavaAssist proxies hibernate often creates for domain objects.
  • An easy to fix concurrency issue
  • Not flexible enough converters

After a lot of debugging and a couple of fixes and the new feature of being able to use a spring bean as a converter we had search working smoothly and better than ever.

Wrapping it all up

The upgrade of our application to the newest incarnation of Grails was a rocky ride and took us quite some time.

On the other hand the framework got a lot better. Especially gradle is much better to manage than the previous build system.

So we are looking forward to a much better and robust development experience in the future and hope for some less revolutionary releases and easier upgrades.

The sorry state of Grails (Plugins)

We have been developing and maintaining a complex web application on Grails since summer of 2008. By then Grails had passed the 1.0 release milestone and was really hot. A good 10 years later the application is still in use and we are trying to upgrade from Grails 2.4 to 3.3.

Upgrading Grails – a rough ride

Similar to past upgrade experiences the ride is not very smooth. Besides the major changes like the much welcomed switch to the gradle build system, interceptors instead of filters and streamlined configuration there are again a host of more subtle changes. The biggest problem for us though is the plugin situation.

It’s the plugins

In the past we had tough breaks like the abandoned selenium plugin in favor of the much better geb for functional testing. That had cost us a lot of work and many lost and not yet rewritten functional tests.

This time it seems especially hard because you two of our central plugins are not readily available anymore:

  1. Apache Shiro Plugin
  2. Compass-based Searchable Plugin

1. Shiro authentication

There still is no official release of the shiro plugin for Grails 3.x. After some searching and researching the initial port on github we decided to fork and maintain the most current forked version ourselves and try to work with it. Fortunately it was relatively easy to integrate and to update some dependencies. Our authentication and authorization works at least as good as before and we do not face additional problems. Working with interceptors feels quite good, too.

2. Search

The situation is harder with search. Compass and the searchable plugin are dead – plain and simple. The replacement for grails is the elasticsearch plugin which mostly adopted the API of the searchable plugin. Getting it to work is not that easy though. You have different versions depending on the grails 3 version you are targetting. Each plugin version targets a specific elasticsearch server version and so on. Often times (like in the default configuration) you will need a matching mapper-attachment plugin that is not available on maven in newer versions. This is mentioned somewhere in the midst of the plugin documentation.

Furthermore the plugin itself has some problems with hibernate proxies and concurrency so here we have to mess around with the plugin code once more. Once we have everything working for us like before we will try to get our patches upstream.

Marching forward

The upgrade from 2.x to 3.x is the biggest (and best) step of Grails into the right direction. On the downside it places a lot of burden on the application and plugin developers. That again increases the cost of maintaining proven applications further.

Right now we are close to a Grails 3.3 version of our application but have invested considerable effort into this upgrade.

Our current recommendation and practice is to not start new web applications based on the grails framework because there have been too many breaking changes and the maintainance cost is high. But we are keeping a close look at grails because the increased modularization and and new options like the grails-react-profile may keep grails interesting in the future.

Consistency over magic, please

The Groovy programming language is a JVM based scripting language. It is used by the Grails web framework and the Gradle build automation system.

Groovy has a language feature called Named argument constructors. This means that given a class with properties, for example

class Example {
  String text

you can initialize the properties directly when calling the constructor:

def example = new Example(text: ' This is an example. ')
assert example.text == ' This is an example. '

This is basically a shortcut for initializing the properties via explicit assignment:

def example = new Example()
example.text = ' This is an example. '
assert example.text == ' This is an example. '

So far so good.

Enter Grails

We use the aforementioned Grails framework for some of our web application projects. It is advertised on its website as featuring “convention-over-configuration” and “sensible defaults”. Grails uses the Groovy programming language, and a simple domain class looks just like a plain old Groovy class, except that it lives under the grails-app/domain directory (this is one of the convention-over-configuration aspects):

class Example {
  String text

As expected, you can initialize the property via regular assignment:

def example = new Example()
example.text = ' This is an example. '
assert example.text == ' This is an example. '

So one might expect that you can initialize it via a named argument constructor call as well:

def example = new Example(text: ' This is an example. ')
assert example.text == ' This is an example. '

And indeed, you can. But what’s this? Our assertion fails:

assert example.text == ' This is an example. '
               |    |
               |    false
               This is an example.

It is not directly obvious from the assertion failure output, but the property value is indeed no longer equal to the expected text: the leading and trailing spaces got trimmed!

I was surprised, but after some research in Grails documentation it turned out that it’s not a bug, but a feature. In the section on Data Binding, you can find the following sentence:

The mass property binding mechanism will by default automatically trim all Strings at binding time. To disable this behavior set the grails.databinding.trimStrings property to false in grails-app/conf/application.groovy.

Groovy’s named argument constructor feature is used as a data binding mechanism by Grails to bind web request parameters to a domain object. For this the default behavior was modified, so that strings are automatically trimmed. I can only guess that this is considered to be an instance of the “sensible defaults” mentioned on the Grails homepage.

To me personally this kind of surprising behavior is not a sensible default, and I think it goes against the Principle of least astonishement. I prefer consistency over “magic”.