Web Components – Reusable HTML without any framework magic, Part 1

Lately, I decided to do the frontend for a very small web application while learning something new, and, for a while, tried doing everything without any framework at all.

This worked only for so long (not very), but along the way, I found some joy in figuring out sensible workflows without the well-worn standards that React, Svelte and the likes give you. See the last paragraph for a quick comment about some judgement.

Now many anything-web-dev-related people might have heard of Web Components, with their custom HTML elements that are mostly supported in the popular browsers.

Has anyone used them, though? I personally haven’t had, and now I did. My use case was pretty easy – I wanted several icons, and wanted to be able to style them in a unified fashion.

It shouldn’t be too ugly, so why not take something like Font Awesome or heroicons, these give you pure SVG elements but now I have the Font Awesmoe “Magic Sparkles Wand” like

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M234.7 42.7L197 56.8c-3 1.1-5 4-5 7.2s2 6.1 5 7.2l37.7 14.1L248.8 123c1.1 3 4 5 7.2 5s6.1-2 7.2-5l14.1-37.7L315 71.2c3-1.1 5-4 5-7.2s-2-6.1-5-7.2L277.3 42.7 263.2 5c-1.1-3-4-5-7.2-5s-6.1 2-7.2 5L234.7 42.7zM46.1 395.4c-18.7 18.7-18.7 49.1 0 67.9l34.6 34.6c18.7 18.7 49.1 18.7 67.9 0L529.9 116.5c18.7-18.7 18.7-49.1 0-67.9L495.3 14.1c-18.7-18.7-49.1-18.7-67.9 0L46.1 395.4zM484.6 82.6l-105 105-23.3-23.3 105-105 23.3 23.3zM7.5 117.2C3 118.9 0 123.2 0 128s3 9.1 7.5 10.8L64 160l21.2 56.5c1.7 4.5 6 7.5 10.8 7.5s9.1-3 10.8-7.5L128 160l56.5-21.2c4.5-1.7 7.5-6 7.5-10.8s-3-9.1-7.5-10.8L128 96 106.8 39.5C105.1 35 100.8 32 96 32s-9.1 3-10.8 7.5L64 96 7.5 117.2zm352 256c-4.5 1.7-7.5 6-7.5 10.8s3 9.1 7.5 10.8L416 416l21.2 56.5c1.7 4.5 6 7.5 10.8 7.5s9.1-3 10.8-7.5L480 416l56.5-21.2c4.5-1.7 7.5-6 7.5-10.8s-3-9.1-7.5-10.8L480 352l-21.2-56.5c-1.7-4.5-6-7.5-10.8-7.5s-9.1 3-10.8 7.5L416 352l-56.5 21.2z"/></svg>

Say I want to have multiple of these and I want them to have different sizes. And I have no framework for that. I might, of course, write JavaScript functions that create a SVG element, equip it with the right attributes and children, and use that throughout my code, like

// HTML part
<div class="magic-sparkles-container">

// JS part
for (const element of [...document.getElementsByClassName("magic-sparkles-container")]) {
    elements.innerHTML = createMagicSparkelsWand({size: 24});

// note that you need the array destructuring [...] to convert the HTMLCollection to an Array

// also note that the JS part would need to be global, and to be executed each time a "magic-sparkles-container" gets constructed again

But one of the main advantages of React’s JSX is that it can give you a smooth look on your components, especially when the components have quite speaking names. And what I ended up to have is way smoother to read in the HTML itself

// HTML part
<magic-sparkles size="64"></magic-sparkles>

// global JS part (somewhere top-level)
customElements.define("magic-sparkles", MagicSparklesIcon);

// JS class definition
class MagicSparklesIcon extends HTMLElement {
    connectedCallback() {
        // take "size" attribute with default 24px
        const size = this.getAttribute("size") || 24;
        const path = `<path d="M234.7..."/>`;
        this.innerHTML = `
                viewBox="0 0 576 512"

The customElements.define needs to be defined very top-level, once, and this thing can be improved, e.g. by using shadowRoot() and by implementing the attributesChangedCallback etc. but this is good enough for a start. I will return to some refinements in upcoming blog posts, but if you’re interested in details, just go ahead and ask 🙂

I figured out that there are some attribute names that cause problems, that I haven’t really found documented much yet. Don’t call your attributes “value”, for example, this gave me one hard to solve conflict.

But other than that, this gave my No-Framework-Application quite a good start with readable code for re-usable icons.

To be continued…

In the end – should you actually go framework-less?

In short, I wouldn’t ever do it for any customer project. The above was a hobby experience, just to have went down that road for once, but it feels there’s not much to gain in avoiding all frameworks.

I didn’t even have hard constraints like “performance”, “bundle size” or “memory usage”, but even if I did, there’s post like Framework Overhead is bikeshedding that might question the notion that something like React is inherently slower.

And you pay for such “lightweightness” dearly, in terms of readability, understandibility, code duplication, trouble with code separation, type checks, violation of Single-Level-of-Abstraction; not to mention that you make it harder for your IDE to actually help you.

Don’t reinvent the wheel more often than necessary. Not for a customer that just wants his/her product soon.

But it can be fun, for a while.

Nonreligious Guidance for the JavaScript vs. TypeScript Debate

It’s always fun times when developers in the internet get heated over some discussion about their tool stack. One current case seems to be that some developers experienced their cases of “TypeScript is not giving me an adequate return of investment” and there are several articles which boil down to “I just don’t like it” – just google something along abandoning / ditching / dropping TypeScript and the resulting discussions on Reddit.

Now – bad news for anyone enjoying online arguments: Never has wisdom been reached by stating advantages and disregarding the disadvantages. I took some time to reflect, as several of my projects at Softwareschneiderei as well as my private ones use different tech stacks, to note the cases where I was happy about each choice of language, and to note where I wished to have the other one.

Of course, there is some kind of rule that if there are two quite similar things, most humans would pick one of these things to embrace and caress, the other one to hate with a passion and then insult each other’s intelligence. That is, of course, very helpful and generally awesome not productive to actually change anyone’s mind.

Now I would mostly suggest people to try to get used to TypeScript in order to have that tool at your hand. But I also have cherished the flexibility of JavaScript and seen the case where I would prefer it at least for the current state of that corresponding project.

Let me elaborate.

Quick Note: TypeScript is not really a superscript of JavaScript

This has to be state beforehand. It is to be said that if you write your TypeScript in a fashion where you “as any” your types at will, I would not call this by that name. Yes, the language allows doing so, but the choice of any language is also the choice of a certain mindset going with it. Several linting presets even disallow the explicit any. Which makes sense, because if you love the “as any”, you are not thinking TypeScript anyway.

Yes, doing it sparingly is rather a code smell then a red flag. But the mindset of TypeScript does not include the mindset of JavaScript as subset, therefore TypeScript can not be anything like a superscript of JavaScript.

When I would use TypeScript

So when was I most happy about TypeScript?

  • where I already had a rather clear model of my domain and then had to extend or change the current functionality.
  • When writing new methods that work with clear types, the support in knowing what these things are give you a real support in productivity
  • When my last episode of development was some considerable time ago, or was done by a different developer
  • When the smaller parts / submodules / … interface each other in a clear fashion and most development is focussed on only particular parts. Therefore, if an API changes for a particular reason, having to redesign your types avoids dangerous regressions that happen down the line.
  • Also, if you have a clear use case of many different similar types of data. If it is not clear from seeing an object (“oh, this is a house, not an animal” vs “oh, this is a house per se, not an offer for a house for sale”), the type hints alone will speed up your though processes.
  • … also, if you don’t have an IDE which does some type analysis anyway.
And when did I prefer plain JavaScript?
  • I experienced my largest annoyance with TypeScript in cases where our development aimed at clarifying its domain model itself -as in, very experimental stages in which it is more important to scaffold a basis for discussion. I.e. changes where not just renaming a field or changing its type, but a fundamentally updated understanding.
  • Interfacing large modules where data gets serialized in between anyways (e.g. server-client-interactions) – remember that TypeScript does not garant you real type safety. Any object still can still be what it likes to be. If I have to double check any content anyway, I rather do so without the extra boilerplate.
  • When doing lots of functional programming. TypeScript is just plain ugly when you pass function types as an argument and I have not yet seen the case where that really prevented any mistakes.
  • Mostly, when I do “library” code as opposed to “application” code, especially when you deal with many intermediate types. Your code can become bloated by verbose type definitions which do not contain any real value. The extra work of having to think up a name for these does not make one a hero then.
  • Especially in having to deal with Redux or some of the React querying / web request / caching libraries that aim to make your life easier etc. – sometimes these don’t even export all their types, being quite a hassle to write utility functions for them.

In short, forcing oneself to use TypeScript can lead to problems similar to the “wrong abstraction” problem. If you are in a state of development where you thoroughly define your types and these are (mostly smaller), clearly cut types, it’s likely that you gain traction by doing this work beforehand.

Conclusion: Don’t be too religious about it.

I consider it just not true that one cannot write large, safe projects in plain JavaScript. And one is still able to write monstrous, nonmaintainable projects with TypeScript. Sometimes the type definitions are just not the main concern in a current stage of development.

Think about it deliberately, and know each one’s advantages.

Also, some people currently propagate JSDoc as the current way most superior to all. I did not yet give it a proper chance, mostly because of its ugly aesthethics – but I’m open to trying it some day.

Addendum: JavaScript for flexible React Components

While this is a special case of my suggestion “rather use JavaScript for functional-programming-heavy cases”, you might run into TypeScript trouble a lot in cases where you want to use flexible React Components like

import ComponentA from ...;
import ComponentB from ...;

const FlexibleComponent = ({conditionProp, ...props}) => {

    const Component = React.useMemo(() =>
            ? ComponentA
            : ComponentB
        , [conditionProp]);

    return <Component {...props}/>;

While you can argue that usually this hints at “you need a better pattern for ComponentA and ComponentB, if they share so many similarities”, such a construct might be useful if patching together several external dependencies.

I have not yet found a way to cleanly match this distinction using TypeScript, especially since external dependencies might come – see above – with closed type definitions. Of course, you might go the “any” route here as well…

JavaScript for Java developers (revised, partly)

Almost 5 years ago I wrote a piece about the specialities of the JavaScript language for developers knowing Java. A lot has happened since then. The old (EcmaScript Standard Version 5) way is still working but some of the rough edges has been eased out.

Almost 5 years ago I wrote a piece about the specialities of the JavaScript language for developers knowing Java. A lot has happened since then. The old (EcmaScript Standard Version 5) way is still working but some of the rough edges has been eased out.

I want to concentrate on two areas: (variable) declaration and their scope and object/class creation.


Now JavaScript has new ways to declare variables. The old var still works and declares a variable with a function scope:

function f() {
  var a = 2;
  var b = 1;
  if (a > b) {
    var a = 5;
    alert(a); // 5
  alert(a); // 5

But since ES6 (also known as ES 2015) you can use let to declare a variable with block scope.

function f() {
  let a = 2;
  let b = 1;
  if (a > b) {
    let a = 5;
    alert(a); // 5!
  alert(a); // 2!

You can also use const to create a constant, but must assign it in the same line.

  const i = 5;
  i = 3; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable
  const b; // SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration

It is not the same as final which you can declare and initialize in different lines:

final int i = 5;
i = 3; // error!
final b; // that's ok
b = 3;
b = 4; // error

Also beware that const declares a constant, not necessarily an immutable object:

  const a = [5, 3];
  a[0] = 3; // ok!

Object creation

Now this is the part where the JavaScript syntax changed a lot. The old functional way is still working but now you can declare a class in a more Java-ish way:

class Person {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

You can also use a var:

var Person = class {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

Methods can be declared as well:

class Person {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

  fullName() { // getter!
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

var p = new Person('John', ''Doe);

You can also use property getters to sugarcode the access code:

class Person {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

  get fullName() { // getter!
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
var p = new Person('John', ''Doe);
alert(p.fullName); // <-- just called like a property, not a method

Static methods are also streamlined:

class Factory {
  static antiqueStyleNames(firstName, birthplace) {
    return new Person(firstName, 'of ' + birthplace);

Inheritance, although still prototypical, can be done with extends:

class A extends B {
  constructor(a) {

  m() {

JavaScript only supports single inheritance but mixins are now possible:

var mixin = Base => class extends Base {
  a() {return 1; }

class B {}

class A extends mixin(B) {}

alert(new A().a()); // 1!

There are many more things in modern JavaScript like arrow functions, spread and rest operators and many more. JavaScript is evolving (Java also) so even if you are mainly located in the Javaland, it pays off to take a look at JavaScript from time to time.

Some tricks for working with SVG in JavaScript

Scalable vector graphics (SVG) is a part of the document object model (DOM) and thus can be modified just like any other DOM node from JavaScript. But SVG has some pitfalls like having its own coordinate system and different style attributes which can be a headache. What follows is a non comprehensive list of hints and tricks which I found helpful while working with SVG.

Scalable vector graphics (SVG) is a part of the document object model (DOM) and thus can be modified just like any other DOM node from JavaScript. But SVG has some pitfalls like having its own coordinate system and different style attributes which can be a headache. What follows is a non comprehensive list of hints and tricks which I found helpful while working with SVG.

Coordinate system

From screen coordinates to SVG

function screenToSVG(svg, x, y) { // svg is the svg DOM node
  var pt = svg.createSVGPoint();
  pt.x = x;
  pt.y = y;
  var cursorPt = pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
  return {x: Math.floor(cursorPt.x), y: Math.floor(cursorPt.y)}

From SVG coordinates to screen

function svgToScreen(element) {
  var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {x: rect.left, y: rect.top, width: rect.width, height: rect.height};

Zooming and panning

Getting the view box

function viewBox(svg) {
    var box = svg.getAttribute('viewBox');
    return {x: parseInt(box.split(' ')[0], 10), y: parseInt(box.split(' ')[1], 10), width: parseInt(box.split(' ')[2], 10), height: parseInt(box.split(' ')[3], 10)};

Zooming using the view box

function zoom(svg, initialBox, factor) {
  svg.setAttribute('viewBox', initialBox.x + ' ' + initialBox.y + ' ' + initialBox.width / factor + ' ' + initialBox.height / factor);

function zoomFactor(svg) {
  var height = parseInt(svg.getAttribute('height').substring(0, svg.getAttribute('height').length - 2), 10);
  return 1.0 * viewBox(svg).height / height;

Panning (with zoom factor support)

function pan(svg, panX, panY) {
  var pos = viewBox(svg);
  var factor = zoomFactor(svg);
  svg.setAttribute('viewBox', (pos.x - factor * panX) + ' ' + (pos.y - factor * panY) + ' ' + pos.width + ' ' + pos.height);


Embedding HTML

function svgEmbedHTML(width, height, html) {
    var svg = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "foreignObject");
    svg.setAttribute('width', '' + width);
    svg.setAttribute('height', '' + height);
    var body = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'body');
    body.style.background = 'none';
    return svg;

Making an invisible rectangular click/touch area

function addTouchBackground(svgRoot) {
    var rect = svgRect(0, 0, '100%', '100%');
    rect.style.fillOpacity = 0.01;

Using groups as layers

This one needs an explanation. The render order of the svg children depends on the order in the DOM: the last one in the DOM is rendered last and thus shows above all others. If you want to have certain elements below or above others I found it helpful to use groups in svg and add to them.

function svgGroup(id) {
    var group = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g');
    if (id) {
        group.setAttribute('id', id);
    return group;

// and later on:

Internationalization of a React application with react-intl

For the internationalization of a React application I have recently used the seemingly popular react-intl package by Yahoo.

The basic usage is simple. To resolve a message use the FormattedMessage tag in the render method of a React component:

import {FormattedMessage} from "react-intl";

class Greeting extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <FormattedMessage id="greeting.message"
            defaultMessage={"Hello, world!"}/>

Injecting the “intl” property

If you have a text in your application that can’t be simply resolved with a FormattedMessage tag, because you need it as a string variable in your code, you have to inject the intl property into your React component and then resolve the message via the formatMessage method on the intl property.

To inject this property you have to wrap the component class via the injectIntl() function and then re-assign the wrapped class to the original class identifier:

import {intlShape, injectIntl} from "react-intl";

class SearchField extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const intl = this.props.intl;
    const placeholder = intl.formatMessage({
        id: "search.field.placeholder",
        defaultMessage: "Search"
    return (<input type="search" name="query"
SearchField.propTypes = {
    intl: intlShape.isRequired
SearchField = injectIntl(SearchField);

Preserving references to components

In one of the components I had captured a reference to a child component with the React ref attribute:

ref={(component) => this.searchInput = component}

After wrapping the parent component class via injectIntl() as described above in order to internationalize it, the internal reference stopped working. It took me a while to figure out how to fix it, since it’s not directly mentioned in the documentation. You have to pass the “withRef: true” option to the injectIntl() call:

SearchForm = injectIntl(SearchForm, {withRef: true});

Here’s a complete example:

import {intlShape, injectIntl} from "react-intl";

class SearchForm extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const intl = this.props.intl;
    const placeholder = intl.formatMessage({
        id: "search.field.placeholder",
        defaultMessage: "Search"
    return (
        <input type="search" name="query"
               ref={(c) => this.searchInput = c}/>
SearchForm.propTypes = {
  intl: intlShape.isRequired
SearchForm = injectIntl(SearchForm,
                        {withRef: true});


Although react-intl appears to be one of the more mature internationalization packages for React, the overall experience isn’t too great. Unfortunately, you have to litter the code of your components with dependency injection boilerplate code, and the documentation is lacking.

Modern developer #3: Framework independent JavaScript architecture

Usually small JavaScript projects start with simple wiring of callbacks onto DOM elements. This works fine when it the project is in its initial state. But in a short time it gets out of hand. Now we have spaghetti wiring and callback hell. Often at this point we try to get help by looking at adopting a framework, hoping to that its coded best practices draw us out of the mud. But now our project is tied to the new framework.
In search of another, framework independent way I stumbled upon scalable architecture by Nicholas Zakas.
It starts by defining modules as independent units. This means:

  • separate JavaScript and DOM elements from the rest of the application
  • Modules must not reference other modules
  • Modules may not register callbacks or even reference DOM elements outside their DOM tree
  • To communicate with the outside world, modules can only call the sandbox

The sandbox is a central hub. We use a pub/sub system:

sandbox.publish({type: 'event_type', data: {}});

sandbox.subscribe('event_type', this.callback.bind(this));

Besides being an event bus, the sandbox is responsible for access control and provides the modules with a consistent interface.
Modules are started and stopped (in case of misbehaving) in the application core. You could also use the core as an anti corruption layer for third party libraries.
This architecture gives a frame for implementation. But implementing it raises other questions:

  • how do the modules update their state?
  • where do we call the backend?

Handling state

A global model would reside or be referenced by the application core. In addition every module has its own model. Updates are always done in application event handlers, not directly in the DOM event handlers.
Let me illustrate. Say we have a module with keeps track of selected entries:

function Module(sandbox) {
  this.sandbox = sandbox;
  this.selectedEntries = [];

Traditionally our DOM event handler would update our model:

button.on('click', function(e) {

A better way would be to publish an application event, subscribe the module to this event and handle it in the application event handler:

this.sandbox.subscribe('entry_selected', this.entrySelected.bind(this));

Module.prototype.entrySelected = function(event) {

button.on('click', function(e) {
  this.sandbox.publish({type: 'entry_selected', entry: entry});

Other modules can now listen on selecting entries. The module itself does not need to know who selected the entry. All the internal communication of selection is visible. This makes it possible to use event sourcing.

Calling the backend

No module should directly call the backend. For this a special module called extension is used. Extensions encapsulate cross cutting concerns and shield communication with other systems.


This architecture keeps UI parts together with their corresponding code, flattens callbacks and centralizes the communication with the help of application events and encapsulates outside communication. On top of that it is simple and small.

The JavaScript ‘console’ Object

Most JavaScript developers are familiar with these basic functions of the console object: console.log(), .info(), .warn() and .error(). These functions dump a string or an object to the JavaScript console.

However, the console object has a lot more to offer. I’ll demonstrate a selection of the additional functionality, which is less known, but can be useful for development and debugging.

Tabular data

Arrays with tabular structure can be displayed with the console.table() function:

var timeseries = [
 {timestamp: new Date('2016-04-01T00:00:00Z'), value: 42, checked: true},
 {timestamp: new Date('2016-04-01T00:15:00Z'), value: 43, checked: true},
 {timestamp: new Date('2016-04-01T00:30:00Z'), value: 43, checked: true},
 {timestamp: new Date('2016-04-01T00:45:00Z'), value: 41, checked: false},
 {timestamp: new Date('2016-04-01T01:00:00Z'), value: 40, checked: false},
 {timestamp: new Date('2016-04-01T01:15:00Z'), value: 39, checked: false}


The browser will render the data in a table view:

Output of console.table()
JavaScript console table output

This function does not only work with arrays of objects, but also with arrays of arrays.


Sometimes you want to benchmark certain sections of your code. You could write your own function using new Date().getTime(), but the functions console.time() and console.timeEnd() are already there:

// code to benchmark

The string parameter is a label to identify the benchmark. The JavaScript console output will look like this:

calculation: 21.460ms

Invocation count

The function console.count() can count how often a certain point in the code is called. Different counters are identified with string labels:

for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
  if (i % 15 == 0) {
  } else if (i % 3 == 0) {
  } else if (i % 5 == 0) {

Here’s an excerpt of the output:

FizzBuzz: 6 (count-demo.js, line 3)
Fizz: 25 (count-demo.js, line 5)
Buzz: 13 (count-demo.js, line 7)
Fizz: 26 (count-demo.js, line 5)
Fizz: 27 (count-demo.js, line 5)
Buzz: 14 (count-demo.js, line 7)


The console object does not only provide basic log output functionality, but also some lesser-known, yet useful debugging helper functions. The Console API reference describes the full feature set of the console object.

Dynamic addition and removal of collection-bound items in an HTML form with Angular.js and Rails

A common pattern in one of our web applications is the management of a list of items in a web form where the user can add, remove and edit multiple items and finally submit the data:


The basic skeleton for this type of functionality is very simple with Angular.js. We have an Angular controller with an “items” array:

angular.module('example', [])
  .controller('ItemController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    $scope.items = [];

And we have an HTML form bound to our Angular controller:

<form ... ng-app="example" ng-controller="ItemController"> 
    <tr ng-repeat="item in items track by $index">
      <td><span class="remove-button" ng-click="items.splice($index, 1)"></span></td>
      <td><input type="text" ng-model="item.name"></td>
      <td><input type="text" ng-model="item.value"></td>
      <td colspan="3">
        <span class="add-button" ng-click="items.push({})"></span>
  <!-- ... submit button etc. -->

The input fields for each item are placed in a table row, together with a remove button per row. At the end of the table there is an add button.

How do we connect this with a Rails model, so that existing items are filled into the form, and items are created, updated and deleted on submit?

First you have to transform the existing Ruby objects of your has-many association (in this example @foo.items) into JavaScript objects by converting them to JSON and assigning them to a variable:

<%= javascript_tag do %>
  var items = <%= escape_javascript @foo.items.to_json.html_safe %>;
<% end %>

Bring this data into your Angular controller scope by assigning it to a property of $scope:

.controller('ItemController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  $scope.items = items;

Name the input fields according to Rails conventions and use the $index variable from the “ng-repeat” directive to provide the correct index value. You also need a hidden input field for the id, if the item already has one:

    <input name="foo[items_attributes][$index][id]" type="hidden" ng-value="item.id" ng-if="item.id">
    <input name="foo[items_attributes][$index][name]" type="text" ng-model="item.name">
    <input name="foo[items_attributes][$index][value]" type="text" ng-model="item.value">

In order for Rails to remove existing elements from a has-many association via submitted form data, a special attribute named “_destroy” must be set for each item to be removed. This only works if

accepts_nested_attributes_for :items, allow_destroy: true

is set in the Rails model class, which contains the has-many association.

We modify the click handler of the remove button to set a flag on the JavaScript object instead of removing it from the JavaScript items array:

<span class="remove-button" ng-click="item.removed = true"></span>

And we render an item only if the flag is not set by adding an “ng-if” directive:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items track by $index" ng-if="!item.removed">

At the end of the form we render hidden input fields for those items, which are flagged as removed and which already have an id:

<div style="display: none" ng-repeat="item in items track by $index"
ng-if="item.removed && item.id">
  <input type="hidden" name="foo[items_attributes][$index][id]" ng-value="item.id">
  <input type="hidden" name="foo[items_attributes][$index][_destroy]" value="1">

On submit Rails will delete those elements of the has-many association with the “_destroy” attribute set to “1”. The other elements will be either updated (if they have an id attribute set) or created (if they have no id attribute set).

Dart and TypeScript as JavaScript alternatives

JavaScript was designed at Netscape by Brendan Eich within a couple of weeks as a simple scripting language for the web browser. It’s an interesting mixture of Self‘s prototype-based object model, first-class functions inspired by LISP, a C/AWK-like syntax and a misleading name imposed by marketing.

Unfortunately, the haste in which JavaScript was designed by a single person shows in many places. Lots of features are inconsistent and violate the principle of least surprise. Just skim through the JavaScript Garden to get an idea.

Another aspect casting a poor light on JavaScript is the bad design of the browser DOM API, including incompatibilities between different browser implementations.

Douglas Crockford redeemed the reputation of JavaScript somewhat, by writing articles like “JavaScript: The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language“, the (relatively thin) book “JavaScript: The Good Parts” and discovering the JSON format. But even his book consists for the most part of advice on how to avoid the bad and the ugly parts.

However, JavaScript is ubiquitous. It is the world’s most widely deployed programming language, it’s the only programming language option available in all browsers on all platforms. The browser DOM API incompatibilities were ironed out by libraries like jQuery. And thanks to the JavaScript engine performance race started by Google some time ago with their V8 engine, there are now implementations available with decent performance – at least for a scripting language.

Some people even started to like JavaScript and are writing server-side code in it, for example the node.js community. People write office suites, emulators and 3D games in JavaScript. Atwood’s Law seems to be confirmed: “Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.”

Trans-compiling to JavaScript is a huge thing. There are countless transpilers of existing or new programming languages to JavaScript. One of these, CoffeeScript, is a syntactic sugar mixture of Ruby and Python on top of JavaScript semantics, and has gained some name recognition and adoption, at least in the Rails community.

But there are two other JavaScript alternatives, backed by large companies, which also happen to be browser manufacturers: Dart by Google and TypeScript by Microsoft. Both have recently reached version 1.0 (Dart even 1.2), and I will have a look at them in this blog post.

Large-scale application development and types

Scripting languages with dynamic type systems are neat and flexible for small and medium sized projects, but there is evidence that organizations with large code bases and large teams prefer at least some amount of static types. For example, Google developed the Google Web Toolkit, which compiled Java to JavaScript and the Closure compiler, which adds type information and checks to JavaScript via special comments, and now Dart. Facebook recently announced their Hack language, which adds a static type system to PHP, and Microsoft develops TypeScript, a static type add-on to JavaScript.

The reasoning is that additional type information can help finding bugs earlier, improve tool support, e.g. auto-completion in IDEs and refactoring capabilities such as safe, project-wide renaming of identifiers. Types can also help VMs with performance optimization.


This weekend the release of TypeScript 1.0 was announced by Microsoft’s language designer Anders Hejlsberg, designer of C#, also known as the creator of the Turbo Pascal compiler and Delphi.

TypeScript is not a completely new language. It’s a superset of JavaScript that mainly adds optional type information to the language via Pascal-like colon notation. Every JavaScript program is also a valid TypeScript program.

The TypeScript compiler tsc takes .ts files and translates them into .js files. The output code does not change a lot and is almost the same code that you would write by hand in JavaScript, but with erased type annotations. It does not add any runtime overhead.

The type system is heavily based on type inference. The compiler tries to infer as much type information as possible by following the flow of types through the code.

TypeScript has interfaces that are very similar to interfaces in Go: A type does not have to declare which interfaces it implements. Interfaces are satisfied implicitly if a type has all the required methods and properties – in short, TypeScript has a structural type system.

Type definitions for existing APIs and libraries such as the browser DOM API, jQuery, AngularJS, Underscore.js, etc. can be added via .d.ts files.
These definition files are very similar to C header files and contain type signatures of the API’s functions. There’s a community maintained repository of .d.ts files called Definitely Typed for almost all popular JavaScript libraries.

TypeScript also enhances JavaScript with functionaliy that is planned for ECMAScript 6, such as classes, inheritance, modules and shorthand lambda expressions. The syntax is the same as the proposed ES6 syntax, and the generated code follows the usual JavaScript patterns.

TypeScript is an open source project under Apache License 2.0. The project even accepts contributions and pull-requests (yes, Microsoft). Microsoft has integrated TypeScript support into Visual Studio 2013, but there is support for other IDEs and editors such as JetBrain’s IDEA or Sublime Text.


Dart is a JavaScript alternative developed by Google. Two of the main brains behind Dart are Lars Bak and Gilad Bracha. In the early 90s they worked in the Self VM group at Sun. Then they left Sun for LongView Technologies (Animorphic Systems), a company that developed Strongtalk, a statically typed variant of Smalltalk, and later the now-famous HotSpot VM for Java. Sun bought LongView Technologies and made HotSpot Java’s default VM. Bracha co-authored parts of the Java specification, and designed an object-oriented language in the tradition of Self and Smalltalk called Newspeak. At Google, Lars Bak was head developer of the V8 JavaScript engine team.

Unlike TypeScript, Dart is not a JavaScript superset, but a language of its own. It’s a curly-braces-and-semicolons language that aims for familiarity. The object model is very similar to Java: it has classes, inheritance, abstract classes and methods, and an @override annotation. But it also has the usual grab bag of features that “more sugar than Java but similar” languages like C#, Groovy or JetBrain’s Kotlin have:

Lambdas (via the fat arrow =>), mixins, operator overloading, properties (uniform access for getters and setters), string interpolation, multi-line strings (in triple quotes), collection literals, map access via [], default values for arguments, optional arguments.

Like TypeScript, Dart allows optional type annotations. Wrong type annotations do not stop Dart programs from executing, but they produce warnings. It has a simple notion of generics, which are optional as well.

Everything in Dart is an object and every variable can be nullable. There are no visibility modifiers like public or private: identifiers starting with an underscore are private. The “truthiness” rules are simple compared to JavaScript: all values except true are false.

Dart comes with batteries included: it has a standard library offering collections, APIs for asynchronous programming (event streams, futures), a sane HTML/DOM API, removing the need for jQuery, unit testing and support for interoperating with JavaScript. A port of Angular.js to Dart exists as well and is called AngularDart.

Dart supports a CSP-like concurrency model based on isolates – independent worker threads that don’t share memory and can communicate via SendPorts and

However, the Dart language is only one half of the Dart project. The other important half is the Dart VM. Dart can be compiled to JavaScript for compatibility with every browser, but it offers enhanced performance compared to JavaScript when the code is directly executed on the Dart VM.

Dart is an open source project under BSD license. Google provides an Eclipse based IDE for Dart called the “Dart Editor” and Dartium, a special build of the Chromium browser that includes the Dart VM.


TypeScript follows a less radical approach than Dart. It’s a typed superset of JavaScript and existing JavaScript projects can be converted to TypeScript simply by renaming the source files from *.js to *.ts. Type annotations can be added gradually. It would even be simple to switch back from TypeScript to JavaScript, because the generated JavaScript code is extremely close to the original source code.

Dart is a more ambitious project. It comes with a new VM and offers performance improvements. It will be interesting to see if Google is going to ship Chrome with the Dart VM one day.

Solution for ng-quiz #1: LetterCrush

The solution for ng-quiz #1 using Angularjs with services, controllers and the File API.

In this solution for the first ng-quiz you learn about Angularjs in general using controller and services. Also you learn about using the HTML File API. You can download the source at my GitHub repository.

The HTML for this solution is pretty straightforward: (we omit the CSS here)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.11/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="lettercrush.js"></script>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.0/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="lettercrush.css">
    <div ng-app="LetterCrush" class="container">
      <div ng-controller="LetterCrush" class="col-md-9">
        <div class="jumbotron">
          <h1>Letter Crush</h1>
          <p>Fun with words</p>
        <div class="col-md-7">
          <div class="form-group">
            <label for="dictionary" class="control-label">Please choose a dictionary to play with (one word per line)</label>
            <input type="file" id="dictionary" ng-model="file">
        <div class="col-md-5">
          <form ng-submit="testWord()">
            <div class="form-group">
              <label for="score" class="control-label">Your score</label>
              <span class="form-control-static"><big>{{score}}</big></span>
            <div class="form-group">
              <label for="word" class="control-label">Your word</label>
              <input ng-model="word" type="text" id="word">
        <div class="col-md-12">
          <table class="table">
            <tr ng-repeat="row in board.content track by $index"><td ng-repeat="cell in row track by $index">{{cell}}</td></tr>

The bits you should take a deeper look at are the attributes starting with ng (called Angularjs directives) and the variables enclosed in double curly braces. Directives are the glue between JavaScript and the DOM. The first important ng attribute is ng-app in line 12. The value of the ng-app attribute is the name of the module used inside the JavaScript.

var module = angular.module("LetterCrush", []);

Everything inside this div is treated specially by Angularjs. So you can use references like {{score}}. These references enclose expressions which evaluate properties defined on the Angularjs $scope object. For bundling functionality you can use controllers. Controllers are used by setting ng-controller. In line 13 we declare a controller named LetterCrush. This controller is defined inside the JavaScript like

module.controller('LetterCrush', ['$scope', 'board', 'dictionary', 'util',
                  function ($scope, board, dictionary, util) {

The strings in the array are the dependencies which should be injected. Every declared dependency needs to be a parameter in the function which implements the functionality of the controller. Angularjs’ own objects are prefixed with $ as you see with $scope. All other ones are defined by us using a concept called services. These services are defined similar to controllers but with a factory.

// with no special dependencies, just jQueryLite $q and log
module.factory('fileReader', function($q, $log) {

// with our own dependencies
module.factory('board', ['letterGenerator', 'wordFinder', function(letterGenerator, wordFinder) {

The factory returns an object. Services are singletons and are commonly used for backend access, service like functionality or model like objects. Services can be injected into other services, directives or controllers.

All expressions enclosed in double curly braces or as value of a ng-model directive are used for two way data binding. These expressions are evaluated on the $scope object and all changes either from the DOM or via JavaScript are reflected on the other side. This means when the user enters text into the input in line 32 $scope.word is updated with the value. Also if the code updates $scope.word the value of the input is updated accordingly.

In this solution we use two other directives: ng-submit and ng-repeat. ng-submit just calls a function when the form is submitted and ng-repeat repeats the enclosed DOM subtree for every item in the passed array. Note here the track by in line 38. Normally Angularjs tracks the item by its value but since we can have the same letter more than once we need a different tracking mechanisms, so we use the index of the array here.

Accessing local files can only be done when they are inside a file input. We adapted a solution from ode to code for handling the details of the file API.

// FileReader service
// adapted from http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2013/07/03/building-a-filereader-service-for-angularjs-the-service.aspx
module.factory('fileReader', function($q, $log) {
  var onLoad = function(reader, deferred, scope) {
    return function () {
      scope.$apply(function () {
  var onError = function (reader, deferred, scope) {
    return function () {
      scope.$apply(function () {
  var onProgress = function(reader, scope) {
    return function (event) {
      scope.$broadcast("fileProgress", {
                        total: event.total,
                        loaded: event.loaded
  var getReader = function(deferred, scope) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = onLoad(reader, deferred, scope);
    reader.onerror = onError(reader, deferred, scope);
    reader.onprogress = onProgress(reader, scope);
    return reader;
  var readAsText = function (file, scope) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    var reader = getReader(deferred, scope);         
    return deferred.promise;

  return {readAsText: readAsText};

We can then use this service to read out the file. Therefore we need to listen to changes of the input and then read out the content:

module.factory('dictionary', ['fileReader', 'util', function(fileReader, util) {
  var dictionary = [];
  var init = function(scope) {
    var getFile = function (evt) {
      fileReader.readAsText(evt.target.files[0], scope).then(function(result) {
        dictionary = result.split("\n");
    document.getElementById('dictionary').addEventListener('change', getFile, false);
  var containsWord = function(w) {
    return util.containsIgnoreCase(dictionary, w);
  var isEmpty = function() {
    return dictionary.length === 0;
  return {init: init, containsWord: containsWord, isEmpty: isEmpty};

The fibonacci sequence for calculating the score and the random letter generation are pretty straightforward.

module.factory('util', function($q, $log) {
  var containsIgnoreCase = function(array, e) {
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      if (e.toUpperCase() === array[i].toUpperCase()) {
        return true;
  return false;                        
  var fib = function(n) {
    if (n === 0) {
      return 0;
    if (n === 1) {
      return 1;
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
  return {containsIgnoreCase: containsIgnoreCase, fib: fib};

module.factory('letterGenerator', function($q, $log) {
    var frequencies = [8.167,1.492,2.782,4.253,12.702,2.228,2.015,6.094,6.966,0.153,0.772,4.025,2.406,6.749,7.507,1.929,0.095,5.987,6.327,9.056,2.758,0.978,2.360,0.150,1.974,0.074];
    var codeA = 65;
    var newLetter = function() {
        var frequency = Math.random() * 100;
        for (var i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++) {
            frequency -= frequencies[i];
            if (frequency <= 0) {
                return String.fromCharCode(codeA + i);
        return 'Z';
    return {newLetter: newLetter};

One slightly more difficult piece is the algorithm for finding the word on the board. Here we used a depth first search and represent the neighbours as an array instead of two loops which improves the readability of the algorithm.

module.factory('wordFinder', function($q, $log) {
  var insideBoard = function(board, row, column) {
    return row >= 0 && column >= 0 && row < board.length && column < board[row].length;
  var neighboursOf = function(cell) {
    return [
      [cell[0] - 1, cell[1] - 1], [cell[0] - 1, cell[1]], [cell[0] - 1, cell[1] + 1],
      [cell[0],     cell[1] - 1],                         [cell[0],     cell[1] + 1],
      [cell[0] + 1, cell[1] - 1], [cell[0] + 1, cell[1]], [cell[0] + 1, cell[1] + 1]
  var contains = function(array, e) {
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      if (e[0] === array[i][0] && e[1] === array[i][1]) {
        return true;
    return false;                        
  var findNextLetter = function(board, word, path) {
    if (word.length === 0) {
      return path;
    var position = path[path.length - 1];
    var neighbours = neighboursOf(position);
    for (var i = 0; i < neighbours.length; i++) {
      var neighbour = neighbours[i];
      if (!insideBoard(board, neighbour[0], neighbour[1])) {
      if (contains(path, neighbour)) {
      if (word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() === board[neighbour[0]][neighbour[1]]) {
        var foundPath = findNextLetter(board, word.slice(1), path.concat([neighbour]));
        if (foundPath) {
          return foundPath;
    return null;
  var find = function(board, word) {
    var foundPath;
    angular.forEach(board, function(row, i) {
      angular.forEach(row, function(column, j) {
        if (word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() === column) {
          var path = findNextLetter(board, word.slice(1), [[i, j]]);
          if (path) {
            foundPath = path;
    return foundPath;

  return {find: find};

For the board we use an Angularjs service and encapsulate the letters as a two dimensional array, the word finding algorithm, the letter generation and the logic for clearing and falling of letters.

module.factory('board', ['letterGenerator', 'wordFinder', function(letterGenerator, wordFinder) {
  var content = [];
  var init = function(boardSize) {
    for (var lineNo = 0; lineNo < boardSize; lineNo++) {
      var line = [];
      for (var count = 0; count < boardSize; count++) {
  var fall = function() {
    for (var i = content.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      for (var j = 0; j < content[i].length; j++) {
        if (content[i][j] === '') {
          for (var k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
            if (content[k][j] !== '') {
              content[i][j] = content[k][j];
              content[k][j] = '';
  var fillEmpty = function() {
    angular.forEach(content, function(row, i) {
      angular.forEach(row, function(column, j) {
        if (column === '') {
          content[i][j] = letterGenerator.newLetter();
  var clear = function(path) {
    angular.forEach(path, function(pos, i) {
      content[pos[0]][pos[1]] = '';
  var find = function(word) {
    return wordFinder.find(content, word);
  return {content: content, init: init, clear: clear, find: find};

Finally we glue everything together inside the controller:

module.controller('LetterCrush', ['$scope', 'board', 'dictionary', 'util',
                  function ($scope, board, dictionary, util) {
    var penalty = 1;

    $scope.score = 0;
    $scope.board = board;
    $scope.testWord = function() {
      if (dictionary.isEmpty()) {
        alert('Please specify a dictionary file.');
      if (!dictionary.containsWord($scope.word)) {
        $scope.score -= penalty;
        alert($scope.word + ' is no word.');
        $scope.word = '';
      var found = $scope.board.find($scope.word);
      if (!found) {
        $scope.score -= penalty;
        alert($scope.word + ' is not on the board.');
        $scope.word = '';
      $scope.score += $scope.calculateScore(found.length);
      $scope.word = '';
    $scope.calculateScore = function(len) {
        return util.fib(len);

This concludes our first ng-quiz. We hope you had fun and learned something along the way. If you have questions or improvements please don’t hesitate to comment. In the next ng-quiz we tackle a smaller piece of functionality since this first one seemed a bit too big.