Swagger-ui for any JVM-based backend

We often implement web applications with a React frontend and one of a large pool of backend frameworks/technologies. These include Micronaut, .NET Framework, Javalin, Flask, Eclipse Jetty among others.

A documentation of the API that allows calling the endpoints can be very helpful even during development to illustrate the API usage. OpenAPI and implementations like Swagger and Swashbuckle fulfill this task quite well.

While many of the backend frameworks support documenting and calling the API using Swagger-UI out-of-the-box or using plugins some frameworks like Undertow do not have direct support for it. Nevertheless, it is relatively easy to add an OpenAPI documentation with a web interface to almost any backend. We demonstrate the setup here using Undertow because it is used in some of our projects.

Adding dependencies and build config

Since we mostly use Gradle for our JVM-based backends we will highlight the additions to build.gradle to make to generate the OpenAPI definition. It consists of the following steps:

  • Adding the Swagger gradle plugin
  • Adding dependencies for the required annotations
  • Configuring the resolve-task of the gradle plugin

Here is an example exerpt of our build.gradle:

plugins {
  id 'java'
  id 'application'
// ...
  id "io.swagger.core.v3.swagger-gradle-plugin" version "2.2.20"

dependencies {
// ...
    implementation 'io.undertow:undertow-core:2.3.12.Final'
    implementation 'io.undertow:undertow-servlet:2.3.12.Final'
    implementation 'io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations:2.2.20'
    implementation 'org.jboss.resteasy:jaxrs-api:3.0.12.Final'

resolve {
    outputFileName = 'demo-server'
    outputFormat = 'JSON'
    prettyPrint = 'TRUE'
    classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
    resourcePackages = ['com.schneide.demo.server', 'com.schneide.demo.server.api']
    outputDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir('resources/main/swagger').get().asFile

Adding the annotations

We need to add some annotations to our code so that the OpenAPI JSON (or YAML) file will be generated.

The API root class looks like below:

@OpenAPIDefinition(info =
        title = "Demo Server Web-API",
        version = "0.11",
        description = "REST API for the demo web application..",
        contact = @Contact(
                url = "https://www.softwareschneiderei.de",
                name = "Softwareschneiderei GmbH",
                email = "kontakt@softwareschneiderei.de")
public class ApiHandler {
    public ApiHandler() {

     *  Connect our handlers
    public RoutingHandler createApiHandler() {
        final RoutingHandler api = new RoutingHandler();
        api.get("/demo", new DemoHandler());
        // ...
        return api;

We also refactored our handlers to separate the business api and the Undertow handler interface methods to generate a expressive API.

The result looks something like this:

public class DemoHandler implements HttpHandler {
    public DemoHandler() {

    public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
         exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
            final Map<String, Deque<String>> params = exchange.getQueryParameters();
            final int month = Integer.parseInt(params.get("month").getFirst());
            final int year = Integer.parseInt(params.get("year").getFirst());
        exchange.getResponseSender().send(new Gson().toJson(getDaysIn(year, month)));

            summary = "Get number of days in the given month and year",
            responses = {
                            responseCode = "200",
                            description = "A number of days in the given month and year",
                            content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json",
                                    schema = @Schema(implementation = Integer.class)
    public Integer getDaysIn(@QueryParam("year") int year, @QueryParam("year") int month) {
        return YearMonth.of(year, month).lengthOfMonth();

When running the resolve task all of the above results in a OpenAPI definition file in build/resources/main/swagger/demo-server.json.

Swagger-UI for the API definition

Now that we have this API definition we can use it to generate clients and – more important to us – generate a web UI documenting the API and allowing to execute and demo the functionality. For this we simply download the Swagger-UI distribution and place the contents of the dist/ folder in src/main/resources/swagger-ui. We then have to let Undertow serve definition and UI like so:

class DemoServer {
    public DemoServer() {
        final GracefulShutdownHandler rootHandler = gracefulShutdown(createHandler());
        Undertow.builder().addHttpListener(8080, "localhost").setHandler(rootHandler).build().start();

    private HttpHandler createHandler() {
        return path()
                .addPrefixPath("/api", new ApiHandler().createApiHandler())
                .addPrefixPath("/swagger-ui", resource(new ClassPathResourceManager(getClass().getClassLoader(), "swagger-ui/"))
                .addPrefixPath("/swagger", resource(new ClassPathResourceManager(getClass().getClassLoader(), "swagger/")));

Note: I tried using the swagger-ui webjar but was unable to configure the location (the URL) of my OpenAPI definition file. Therefore I used the plain swagger-ui download instead.

Wrapping it up

We have to do some setup work and potentially some refactorings to provide a meaninful API documentation for our backend. After this work it is mostly adding some Annotations to methods and types used in your web API.

Adding a dynamic React page to your classic grails multi-page application

We are developing and maintaining a more than 10 years old classic multi-page application based on the Grails web framework. With the advent of HTML 5 and modern browsers with faster JavaScript engines user expect more and more dynamic and pleasant user experience (UX) from web applications. Our application is used by hundreds of users and our customer expects a stable, familiar and feature-rich experience that continues to improve over time. Something like a complete rewrite of the UI is way out of scope time- and budget-wise.

One of the new feature requests would benefit highly from a client-side JavaScript implementation so we looked at our options. Fortunately it is quite easy to integrate a react app with grails and the gradle build system. So we implemented the new page almost completely as a react app while leaving all the other pages as normal server-side rendered Groovy Server Pages (GSP). The result is quite convincing and opens up a transition path to more and more dynamic client-side pages and perhaps even to the complete transformation to a single-page-application (SPA) in a distant future.

Integrating a React-App into Grails build process

The Grails react-webpack profile can serve as a great starting point to integrate a react app into an existing grails project. First you create the react app for the new page in the folder src/main/webapp, using the create-react-app scripts for example. Then you need to add a $GRAILS_PROJECT/webpack.config.js to configure webpack appropriately like so:

var path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  entry: './src/main/webapp/index.js',
  output: {
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'grails-app/assets/javascripts'),
    publicPath: '/assets/',
    filename: 'bundle.js'
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        include: path.join(__dirname, 'src/main/webapp'),
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          options: {
            presets: ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"],
            plugins: ["transform-class-properties"]
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
        test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i,
        use: {
          loader: 'url-loader?limit=10000&prefix=assets/!img'

The next step is to move the package.json to the $GRAILS_PROJECT directory because we want gradle tasks to take care of building and bundling it as a grails asset. To make this convenient we add some gradle tasks employing yarn to our build.gradle:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.moowork.gradle:gradle-node-plugin:1.2.0"


apply plugin:"com.moowork.node"


node {
    version = '12.15.0'
    yarnVersion = '1.22.0'
    distBaseUrl = 'https://nodejs.org/dist'
    download = true

task bundle(type: YarnTask, dependsOn: 'yarn') {
    group = 'build'
    description = 'Build the client bundle'
    args = ['run', 'bundle']

task webpack(type: YarnTask, dependsOn: 'yarn') {
    group = 'application'
    description = 'Build the client bundle in watch mode'
    args = ['run', 'start']



Now we have integrated our new react app with the grails build system and packaging. The webpack task allows updating the javascript bundle on the fly so that we have almost the same hot reloading support when developing as with the rest of grails.

Delivering the react app as a page

Now that we have integrated the react app in the build and packaging process of our grails application we need to deliver it when the new page is requested by the browser. This is quite simple and straightforward and can be achieved with a GSP like so:

    <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
        <g:message code="example.header"/>
    <div id="react-content">
    <asset:javascript src="bundle.js"/>

Now you just have to develop the endpoints for the javascript app in form of normal grails controllers rendering JSON instead of GSP views. This is extremely easy using groovy maps and the grails JSON converters:

import grails.converters.JSON

class DataApiController {

    def getData = {
        def responseData = [
            name: 'John',
            age: 37
        render responseData as JSON


Grails and its build infrastructure is flexible enough to easily integrate SPA pages into an existing traditional web application. This allows you to deliver modern UX and features expected by nowadays users without completely rewriting your trusty and proven grails application. The process can be gradually and individual pages/views can be renewed when needed. That way you can continually add value to your customer while incrementally modernizing your application.

Integrating .NET projects with Gradle

Recently I have created Gradle build scripts for several .NET projects, bot C# and VB.NET projects. Projects for the .NET platform are usually built with MSBuild, which is part of the .NET Framework distribution and itself a full-blown build automation tool: you can define build targets, their dependencies and execute tasks to reach the build targets. I have written about the basics of MSBuild in a previous blog post.

The .NET projects I was working on were using MSBuild targets for the various build stages as well. Not only for building and testing, but also for the release and deployment scripts. These scripts were called from our Jenkins CI with the MSBuild Jenkins Plugin.

Gradle plugins

However, I wasn’t very happy with MSBuild’s clunky Ant-like XML based syntax, and for most of our other projects we are using Gradle nowadays. So I tried Gradle for a new .NET project. I am using the Gradle MSBuild and Gradle NUnit plugins. Of course, the MSBuild Gradle plugin is calling MSBuild, so I don’t get rid of MSBuild completely, because Visual Studio’s .csproj and .vbproj project files are essentially MSBuild scripts, and I don’t want to get rid of them. So there is one Gradle task which to calls MSBuild, but everything else beyond the act of compilation is automated with regular Gradle tasks, like copying files, zipping release artifacts etc.

Basic usage of the MSBuild plugin looks like this:

plugins {
  id "com.ullink.msbuild" version "2.18"

msbuild {
  // either a solution file
  solutionFile = 'DemoSolution.sln'
  // or a project file (.csproj or .vbproj)
  projectFile = file('src/DemoSoProject.csproj')

  targets = ['Clean', 'Rebuild']

  destinationDir = 'build/msbuild/bin'

The plugin offers lots of additional options, be sure to check out the documentation on Github. If you want to give the MSBuild step its own task name, which is currently not directly mentioned on the Github page, use the task type Msbuild from the package com.ullink:

import com.ullink.Msbuild

// ...

task buildSolution(type: 'Msbuild', dependsOn: '...') {
  // ...

Since the .NET projects I’m working on use NUnit for unit testing, I’m using the NUnit Gradle plugin by the same creator as well. Again, please consult the documentation on the Github page for all available options. What I found necessary was setting the nunitHome option, because I don’t want the plugin to download a NUnit release from the internet, but use the one that is included with our project. Also, if you want a task with its own name or multiple testing tasks, use the NUnit task type in the package com.ullink.gradle.nunit:

import com.ullink.gradle.nunit.NUnit

// ...

task test(type: 'NUnit', dependsOn: 'buildSolution') {
  nunitVersion = '3.8.0'
  nunitHome = "${project.projectDir}/packages/NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.8.0/tools"
  testAssemblies = ["${project.projectDir}/MyProject.Tests/bin/Release/MyProject.Tests.dll"]

With Gradle I am now able to share common build tasks, for example for our release process, with our other non .NET projects, which use Gradle as well.

Analyzing gradle projects using SonarQube without gradle plugin

SonarQube makes static code analysis easy for a plethora of languages and environments. In many of our newer projects we use gradle as our buildsystem and jenkins as our continuous integration server. Integrating sonarqube in such a setup can be done in a couple of ways, the most straightforward being

  • Integrating SonarQube into your gradle build and invoke the gradle script in jenkins
  • Letting jenkins invoke the gradle build and execute the SonarQube scanner

I chose the latter one because I did not want to add further dependencies to the build process.

Configuration of the SonarQube scanner

The SonarQube scanner must be configured by property file called sonar-project.properties by default:

# must be unique in a given SonarQube instance
# this is the name and version displayed in the SonarQube UI. Was mandatory prior to SonarQube 6.1.
sonar.projectName=My cool project



# Encoding of the source code. Default is default system encoding


After we have done that we can submit our project to the SonarQube scanner using the jenkins SonarQube plugin and its “Execute SonarQube Scanner” build step.

Optional: Adding code coverage to our build

Even our gradle-based projects aim to be self-contained. That means we usually do not use repositories like mavenCentral for our dependencies but store them all in a lib directory along the project. If we want to add code coverage to such a project we need to add jacoco in the version corresponding to the jacoco-gradle-plugin to our libs in build.gradle:

allprojects {
    apply plugin: 'java'
    apply plugin: 'jacoco'
    sourceCompatibility = 1.8

    jacocoTestReport {
        reports {
            xml.enabled true
        jacocoClasspath = files('../lib/org.jacoco.core-0.7.9.jar',


Our jenkins build job consists of 2 steps:

  1. Execute gradle
  2. Submit project to SonarQube’s scanner

By default gradle stops execution on failure. That means later tasks like jacocoTestReport are not executed if a test fails. We need to invoke gradle with the --continue switch to always run all of our tasks.

Gradle projects as Debian packages

Gradle is a great tool for setting up and building your Java projects. If you want to deliver them for Ubuntu or other debian-based distributions you should consider building .deb packages. Because of the quite steep learning curve of debian packaging I want to show you a step-by-step guide to get you up to speed.


You have a project that can be built by gradle using gradle wrapper. In addition you have a debian-based system where you can install and use the packaging utilities used to create the package metadata and the final packages.

To prepare the debian system you have to install some packages:

sudo apt install dh-make debhelper javahelper

Generating packaging infrastructure

First we have to generate all the files necessary to build full fledged debian packages. Fortunately, there is a tool for that called dh_make. To correctly prefill the maintainer name and e-mail address we have to set 2 environment variables. Of course, you could change them later…

export DEBFULLNAME="John Doe"
export DEBEMAIL="john.doe@company.net"
cd $project_root
dh_make --native -p $project_name-$version

Choose “indep binary” (“i”) as type of package because Java is architecture indendepent. This will generate the debian directory containing all the files for creating .deb packages. You can safely ignore all of the files ending with .ex as they are examples features like manpage-generation, additional scripts pre- and post-installation and many other aspects.

We will concentrate on only two files that will allow us to build a nice basic package of our software:

  1. control
  2. rules

Adding metadata for our Java project

In the control file fill all the properties if relevant for your project. They will help your users understand what the package contains and whom to contact in case of problems. You should add the JRE to depends, e.g.:

Depends: openjdk-8-jre, ${misc:Depends}

If you have other dependencies that can be resolved by packages of the distribution add them there, too.

Define the rules for building our Java project

The most important file is the rules makefile which defines how our project is built and what the resulting package contents consist of. For this to work with gradle we use the javahelper dh_make extension and override some targets to tune the results. Key in all this is that the directory debian/$project_name/ contains a directory structure with all our files we want to install on the target machine. In our example we will put everything into the directory /opt/my_project.

#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-

# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1

	dh $@ --with javahelper # use the javahelper extension

	export GRADLE_USER_HOME="`pwd`/gradle"; \
	export GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Xmx512m"; \
	./gradlew assemble; \
	./gradlew test

# here we can install additional files like an upstart configuration
	export UPSTART_TARGET_DIR=debian/my_project/etc/init/; \
	mkdir -p $${UPSTART_TARGET_DIR}; \
	install -m 644 debian/my_project.conf $${UPSTART_TARGET_DIR};

# additional install target of javahelper
	LIB_DIR="debian/my_project/opt/my_project/lib"; \
	mkdir -p $${LIB_DIR}; \
	install lib/*.jar $${LIB_DIR}; \
	install build/libs/*.jar $${LIB_DIR};
	BIN_DIR="debian/my_project/opt/my_project/bin"; \
	mkdir -p $${BIN_DIR}; \
	install build/scripts/my_project_start_script.sh $${BIN_DIR}; \

Most of the above should be self-explanatory. Here some things that cost me some time and I found noteworthy:

  • Newer Gradle version use a lot memory and try to start a daemon which does not help you on your build slaves (if using a continous integration system)
  • The rules file is in GNU make syntax and executes each command separately. So you have to make sure everything is on “one line” if you want to access environment variables for example. This is achieved by \ as continuation character.
  • You have to escape the $ to use shell variables.


Debian packaging can be daunting at first but using and understanding the tools you can build new packages of your projects in a few minutes. I hope this guide helps you to find a starting point for your gradle-based projects.