Building the right software

When we talk about software development a lot of the discussion revolves around programming languages, frameworks and the latest in technology.

While all the above and also the knowledge and skill of the developers certainly matter a great deal regarding the success of a software project the interaction between the involved individual is highly undervalued in my opion. Some weeks ago I watched a great talk connecting air plane crashes and interaction in a software development team. The golden quote for me was certainly this one:

Building software takes technical skill, but building the right software take human interaction and lots of it”

Nickolas Means (“How to crash an airplane”, The Lead Developer UK 2016)

I could not word it better and it matches my personal experience. Many, if not most of the problems in software projects are about human communication, values, feelings and opinions and not technical.

In his talk Nickolas Means focuses on internal team communication and I completely agree with him. My focus as a team lead shifted a lot from technical to fostering diversity, opinions and communication within the team. I am less strict in enforcing certain rules and styles in a project. I think this leads to more freedom and better opportunities for experimentation and exploration of ways to approach a problem.

Extend it to your customer

As we work on projects in different domains with a variety of customers we are really working hard to understand our customers. Building up open, trustworthy and stable communications is key in forming a fruitful and productive collaborative partnership in a (software) project. It will help you to produce a great software that does meet the customers needs instead of just a great software. It may also help you in situation where you mess up or technical problems plague the project.

The aspect of human interaction in software projects has its place rightfully in the agile software development manifesto:

Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

The Authors of the Agile Manifesto

Almost 20 years later this is still undervalued and many software developers are still way too much on the technical side. We are striving to steadily improve our skills on the human interaction side and think it proves fruitful everytime we succeed.

I hope that more and more software developers will grasp the value of this shifted view point and that it will increase quality and value of the software solutions provided to all users.

Maybe it will make working in this field friendlier for not so tech-savvy people and allow for more of much needed diversity in tech.

4 questions you need to ask yourself constantly while programming

Most of today’s general purpose progamming languagues come with plethora of features. Often there are different levels of abstractions and intended use cases. Some features are primarily for library designers, others ease implementation of domain specific languages and application developers use mostly another feature set.

Some language communities are discussing “language profiles / levels” to ban certain potentionally harmful constructs. The typical audience like application programmers does not need them but removing them from the language would limit its usefulness in other cases. Examples are Scala levels (a bit dated), the Google C++ Style Guide or Profiles in the C++ Core Guidelines.

In the wild

When reading other peoples code I often see novice code dealing with low-level threading. Or they go over board with templates, reflection or meta programming.

I have even seen custom ClassLoaders in Java written by normal application programmers. People are using threads when workers, tasks, actors or other more high-level abstractions would fit much better.

Especially novices seem to be unable to recognize their limits and to stay off of inappropriate and potentially dangerous features.

How do you decide what is appropriate in your situation?

Well, that is a difficult question. If you find the task at hand seems hard you should probably take a step back because:

There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.

-Jeff Atwood

Then ask yourself some simple questions:

  1. Someone must have done it before. Have I searched thoroughly for hints or solutions?
  2. Is there a (better) library, data structure or abstraction?
  3. Do I really have to do this? There must be a better/easier way!
  4. What do I gain using feature/library/tool X and what are its costs? What about the alternatives?


You need some experience to recognize that you are on the wrong path, solving problems you would not even have if doing the right thing in the first place.

Experience is what you got by not having it when you needed it.

-Author Unknown

Try to know and admit your limits – there is nothing wrong with struggling to get things working but it helps to frequently check your direction by taking a step back and reflecting.

From Agile to UX: a change in perspective

Usually a project starts with a client sending us a list of requirements in varying levels of detail. In my early days I started with finding the most efficient way to fulfill these requirements with written software.

Over time and with increased experience I broke down the large requirements into smaller ones. With every step I tried to get feedback from the client if my solution matched his imagination.

Step by step I refined this iterative process by developing more efficiently, getting earlier feedback, testing and asking questions for more detail about the constraints of the solution. Sometimes I identified some parts that weren’t needed in the solution.

In the journey to getting more agile I even re-framed the initial question from ‘how can I get more efficiently to a satisfying solution’ to ‘which minimal solution brings the most value to the customer’.

This was the first change of perspective from the process of solving to a process of value. But a problem still persisted: the solution was based on my assumptions of what I believe that brings value to the customer.
The only feedback I would get was that the customer accepted the solution or stated some improvements. But for this feedback I had to implement the whole solution in software.

The clash of worlds: agile and UX

Diving into the UX and product management world my view of software development is questioned at its foundation. Agile software development and development projects in general start with a fatal assumption: the goal is to bring value through software that fulfills the requirements. But value is not created by software or by satisfying any requirements. For the user value is created by helping him getting his jobs done, helping him solving his problems in his context.

This might sound harsh but software is not an end in itself but rather one way to help users achieve their goals.
On top of that requirements lack the reasons why the user needs them (which jobs they help the user do) and in which situation the user might need them (the context).
In order to account this I need to change my focus away from defining the solution (the requirements) to exploring the users, their problems and their context.

The problem with finding problems

As a software developer I am skilled in finding solutions. Because of this I have some difficulties in finding the problems without proposing (even subconsciously) a solution right away. If you are like me while talking with a client or user I tend to imagine the possible solutions in my head. On top of that missing details that are filled by my experience or my assumptions. The problem is that assumptions are difficult to spot. One way is to look at the language. A repeatable way is to use a process for finding them.

The product kata

Recently I stumbled upon an excellent blog post by Melissa Perri, a product manager and UX designer. In this post she describes a way named ‘the product kata’.

The product kata starts with defining the direction: the problem, job or task I want to address.
After a listening tour with the different stakeholders (including clients and users), the requirements list and a contextual observation of the current solution I can at least give a rough description of the problem.

These steps help me to get a basic understanding of the domain and the current situation. In my old way of doing things I would now rush towards the solution. I would identify the next step(s) bearing the most value for the client and along the way remove the shortcomings of the current solution. But wait. The product kata proposes a different way.

A different way

Let’s use an example from a real project. Say the client needs a way to check incoming values measured by some sensors. The old solution plots these values over time in a chart. It lacks important contextual information, has no notion of what ‘checking the values’ mean and therefore cannot document the check result. Since the process of checking the values is central to the business we need to put it first and foremost. Following the product kata I define the direction as ‘check the sensor values’.

Direction: check the sensor values

To see if I reached the goal the kata needs a target condition which I define as ‘the user should be able to check the sensor values and record the check result’.

Target condition: the user should be able to check the sensor values and record the check result

Currently the user isn’t able to check anything. So the next step of the kata is to look at the current condition. If the current condition matches the target condition I am done. The current condition in my example is that the user cannot check the sensor values in the right way.

Current condition: the user cannot check the values in the right way

The first obstacle to achieving the target condition is that I don’t know what the right way is. Since the old solution lacks some important information to fulfill the check my first obstacle I want to address is to find out what information does the user need.

Obstacle: what additional information (besides the values themselves) does the user need

Since the product kata originates from lean product management I need to find an efficient step which addresses this obstacle. In my case I choose to make a simple paper sketch of a chart and interview the user about which data they needed in the past.

Step: paper sketch of chart (to frame the discussion) and interview about information needed in the past

I expect to collect a list with all the information needed.

Expected: a list of past data sources which helped the user in his check process

After doing this I learned what information should be displayed and which information (from the old solution) was not needed in the past.

Learned: two list of things: what was needed, what not

Now I repeat the kata from the start. The current condition still not matches the target condition. My next obstacle is that we do not know from the vast resources of information that is needed and the possible actions during the check which are related, form a group or are the most important ones. So my next step is to do a card sort with the users to take a peek into their mental model. I expect to find out about the priorities and grouping of the possible information and actions.

After I gathered and condensed the information from the card sorts, my next obstacle is to find out more about the journey of the user during the check and the struggles he has. From my earlier contextual observation I have the current user journey and the struggles along the way. Armed with the insights from the earlier steps I can now create a design which maps the user journey and addresses the struggles with the data and the actions according to the mental model of the user.
For this I develop a (prototypical) implementation in software and test them with a group of users. I expect to verify or find problems regarding the match of the mental model of the user and my solution.
This process of the product kata is repeated until the current condition meets the target condition.

Why this is needed

What changed for me is that I do not rush towards solving the problem but first build a solid understanding by learning more about the users, their jobs and contexts in a directed way. The product kata helps me to frame my thoughts towards the users and away from the solution and my assumptions about it. It helps me structure my discovery process and the progress of the project.
My old way started from requirements and old solutions improving what was done before. The problem with this approach is that assumptions and decisions that were made in the past are not questioned. The old way of doing things may be an inspiration but it is not a good starting point.
Requirements by the client are predefined solutions: they frame the solution space. If the client is a very good project manager this might work but if I am responsible for leading the project this can lead to a disaster.
The agile way of developing software is great at executing. But without guidance and a way of learning about the users and their problems, agile software development is lost.

The rule of additive changes

Change is in the nature of software development. Most difficult aspects of the craft revolve around dealing with change. How does one keep software extensible? How do you adapt to new business requirements?

With experience comes the intuition that some kind of changes are more volatile than other changes. For example, it is often safer to add a new function or type to an application than change an existing one.

This is because adding something new means that it is not already strongly connected to the rest of the application. Or at least that’s the assumption. You have yet to decide how the new component interacts with the rest of the application. Usually this is done by a, preferably small, incision in the innards of your software. The first change, the adding, should not break anything. If anything, the small incision should be the only dangerous aspect of the change.

This is as very important concept: adding should not break things! This is so important, I want to give it a name:

The Rule of Additive Changes

Adding something to a well-designed software system should not break existing functionality. Exceptions should be thoroughly documented and communicated.

Systems should always be designed and tought so that the rule of additive changes holds. Failure to do so will lead to confusing surprises in the best cases, and well hidden bugs in worse cases.

The rule is nothing new, however: it’s a foundation, an axiom, to many other rules, such as the Liskov Substitution Principle:


Quoting from Wikipedia:

“If S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T in a program may be replaced with objects of type S without altering any of the desirable properties of that program”

This relies on subtyping as an additive change: S works at least as good as any T, so it is an extension, an addition. You should therefore design your systems in a way that the Liskov Substition Principle, and therefore the rule of additive changes, both hold: An addition of a new type in a hierarchy cannot break anything.

Whitelists vs. Blacklists

Blacklists will often violate the rule of additive changes. Once you add a new element to the domain, the domain behind the blacklist will change as well, while the domain behind a whitelist will be unaffected. Ultimately, both can be what you want, but usually, the more contained change will break less – and you can still change the whitelist explicitly later!

Note that systems that filter classes from a hierarchy via RTTI or, even more subtle, via ask-interfaces, are blacklists. Those systems can break easily when new types are introduces to a hierarchy. Extra care needs to be taken to make sure the rule of addition holds for these systems.

Introspection and Reflection

Without introspection and reflection, programs cannot know when you are adding a new type or a new function. However, with introspection, they can. Any additive change can also be an incision point. Therefore, you need to be extra careful when designing systems that use introspection: They should not break existing functionality for adding something.

For example, adding a function to enable a specific new functionality is okay. A common case of this would be to adding a function to a controller in a web-framework to add a new action. This will not inferfere with existing functionality, so it is fine.

On the other hand, adding a member to a controller should not disable or change functionality. Adding a special member for “filtering” or some kind of security setting falls into this category. You think you’re merely adding something, but in fact you are modifying. A system that relies on such behavior therefore violates the rule of additive changes. Decorating the member is a much better alternative, as that makes it clear that you are indeed modifying something, which might break existing functionality.

Not all languages or frameworks provide this possibility though. In that case, the only alternative is good communication and documentation!


Many engineers implicitly assume that the rule of additive changes holds. In his book “Working Effectively With Legacy Code”, Micheal Feathers proposes the sprout and wrap techniques to change legacy software. The underlying technique is the same for both: formulating a potentially breaking change as mostly additive, with only a small incision point. In the presence of systems that do not follow the rule of additive changes, such risk minimization does not work at all. For example, adding additional function can break a system that relies heavily on introspection – which goes against all intuition.


This rule is not a new concept. It is something that many programmers have in their head already, but possibly fractured into lots of smaller guidelines. But it is one overarching concept and it needs a name to be accessible as such. For me, that makes things a lot clearer when reasoning about systems at large.

Explicit types – and when to use them

Many modern programming languages offer a way declare variables without an explicit type if the type can be inferred, either dynamically or statically. Many also allow for variables to be explicitly defined with a type. For example, Scala and C# let you omit the explicit variable type via the var keyword, but both also allow defining variables with explicit types. I’m coming from the C++ world, where “auto” is available for this purpose since the relatively recent C++11. However, people are still debating whether you should actually use it.


Herb Sutter popularised the almost-always-auto style. He advocates that using more type inference is good because it is roughly equivalent to programming against interfaces instead of implementations. He says that “Overcommitting to explicit types makes code less generic and more interdependent, and therefore more brittle and limited.” However, he also mentions that you might sometimes want to use explicit types.

Now what exactly is overcommiting here? When is the right time to use explicit types?


Opponents to implicit typing, many of them experienced veterans, often state that they want the actual type visible in the source code. They don’t want to rely on type inference being right. They want the code to explicitly state what’s going on.

At first, I figured that was just conservatism in the face of a new “scary” feature that they did not fully understand. After all, IDEs can usually infer the type on-the-fly and you can hover on a variable to let it show you the type.

For C++, the function signature is a natural boundary where you often insert explicit types, unless you want to commit to the compile time and physical dependency cost that comes with templates. Other languages, such as Groovy, do not have this trade-off and let you skip explicit types almost everywhere. After working with Groovy/Grails for a while, where the dominant style seems to be to omit types whereever possible, it dawned on me that the opponents of implicit typing have a point. Not only does the IDE often fail to show me the inferred type (even though it still works way more often than I would have anticipated), but I also found it harder to follow and modify code that did not mention explicit types. Seemingly contrary to Herb Sutter’s argument, that code felt more brittle than I had liked.


As usual, the truth seems to be somewhere in the middle. I propose the following rule for when to use explicit types:

  • Explicit typing for domain-types
  • Implicit typing everywhere else

Code using types from the problem domain should be as specific as possible. There’s no need for it to be generic – it’s actually counter-productive, as otherwise the code model would be inconsistent with model of the problem domain. This is also the most important aspect to grok when reading code, so it should be explicit. The type is as important as the action on it.

On the other hand, for pure-fabrication types that do not respresent a concept in the domain, the action is important, while the type is merely a means to achieve this action. Typically, most of the elements from a language’s standard library fall into this category. All your containers, iterators, callables. Their types are merely implementation details: an associative container could be an array, or a hash-map or a tree structure. Exchanging it rarely changes the meaning of the code in the problem domain – it just changes its performance characteristics.

Containers will occasionally contain domain-types in their type. What do you do about those? I think they belong in the “everywhere else” catergory, but you should be take extra care to name the contained type when working with it – for example when declaring the variable of the for-each loop on it, or when inserting something into it. This way, the “collection of domain-type” aspect will become clear, but the specific container implementation will stay implicit – like it should.

What do you think? Is this a useful proposition for your code?

Software development is code organization

The biggest problem in developing and maintaining software is understanding code. Software developers should get good training in crafting code which can be understood. To make sense of the mess that is code we need to organize it.

The biggest problem in developing and maintaining software is understanding code. Software developers should get good training in crafting code which can be understood. To make sense of the mess we need to organize it.

In 2000 Edsger Dijkstra wrote about our problems organizing and designing software:

I would therefore like to posit that computing’s central challenge, “How not to make a mess of it”, has not been met. On the contrary, most of our systems are much more complicated than can be considered healthy, and are too messy and chaotic to be used in comfort and confidence.

Our code bases get so big and complicated today that we cannot comprehend them all at once. Back in the days of UNIX technical constraints led to smaller code. But the computer is not the limiting factor anymore. We are. Our mind cannot comprehend what we create. Brian Kernighan wrote:

Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you’re as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?

Writing code that we (or other developers) can understand is crucial. But why do we fail?

Divide and lose

Usually the first argument when tackling code is to decouple it. Make it clean. Use clean code principles like DRY, SOLID, KISS, YAGNI and what other acronyms you know. These really help to decouple. But they are missing the point. They are the how not the why.
Take a look at your codebase and tell me where are the classes which constitute a subdomain or a specific feature? In which project or part do they live?
Normally you cannot. We only know how to divide code by technical aspects. But features and changes often come from the domain, not from the technology.
How can we understand our creations when we cannot understand its structure? Its architecture? How can we understand something we do not see.

But it does work

The next argument is not much better. Our code might work now. But what if a bug is found or a new feature is about to be implemented? Do you understand the code and its structure? Even weeks, months or years later? Working code is good but you can only change code reliably that you understand.


Write simple code. Write simple and small methods. Write cohesive classes. The dream of components. But the whole is more than the sum of its parts. You can write simple classes but the communication and threading issues between them can be very complex. Even if the interfaces are sound and simple. Understanding a simple class can be easy in isolation. But understanding a system of simple classes can be difficult and complex. Things are complex. Domains are complex. We cannot ignore that.

Code as an interface

When writing code we have to take the reader and the domain into account. Treat code as an interface. An interface to the system and the domain. It is an opinionated view of the world. The computer does not care about the code we use. Just like the printer who prints our favorite book. But the reader does.
This isn’t just nice thinking, understanding code is key to successfully crafting and changing software.

Gamification in Software Development

During the last three years gamification became quite popular in everyday applications, e.g. marketing or social media. A simple, but often observed technique is to award users with badges for specific actions and achievements. This technique can be used in pretty simple ways, e.g. member titles in forums based on the number of posts, but may also be rather elaborate, e.g. StackOverflow’s system of granting badges to users based on on their reputation and other aspects. Some companies even announced to, or already do, include gamification aspects in consumer and business software, e.g. SAP or Microsoft.

Besides adding fun and a little competition to everyday activities, gamification can also be useful by encouraging users to explore the features of software and, by doing so, discover functionality they are yet unaware of*.

Considering software development, there are also some gamification plugins for IDEs and other tools, which are worth to take a look at. The following provides an incomplete list:

If you happen to know of any other, please leave a comment, so I can update and extend this list.


*Btw: Did you know, that JIRA has keyboard shortcuts?

How to accidentally kill your CI build time

At one of our customers I do C++ consulting in a mid-sized project which uses cmake as build system. A clean build on our Jenkins CI server takes about 40 minutes (including unit tests) which is way too long to be considered “fast feedback” in an agile kind of way.

Because of that, we do clean builds only 2 times a day – some time during the night and during lunch break. The rest of the day the CI server only does a “svn update” and a normal “make”, which takes about 3-10 minutes depending on what files have been changed.

With C++ there are lots of ways to unnecessarily lengthen your build time. The most important factor is, of course, #include dependencies. One has to be very (very) disciplined in adding #include directives in header files. Otherwise, the whole world suddenly gets rebuild when some small header file somewhere in a little corner of the code has been changed.

And I have to say, for the most part, this project is in pretty good shape with regard to #include dependencies.

So what the hell has suddenly increased our build time from 3-10 minutes to 20-25 minutes? was what I was thinking some time last week while waiting for the CI server to spit out new latest and greatest rpm packages. For some reason, our normal, rest-of-the-day build started to compile what felt like everything in our main package even on the slightest code change in a remote .cpp file.

What happened?

In order to have the build time available (e.g. to show in an “about” box), we use a preprocessor symbol like REVISION_DATE which gets filled in a CMakeLists.txt file. The whole thing looks like this:


Since the beginning of the time these lines of CMake code lived in a small sub-sub-..-directory with little to no incomming dependencies. Then, at some point, it became necessary to have the REVISION_DATE symbol at some other place, too, which led to a move of the above code into the CMakeLists.txt file of the main package.

The value of command date +%F_%T changes every second which leads to a changed REVISION_DATE on every build – which is what we initially intended. What changes, too, of course, is the value of the ADD_DEFINITIONS directive. And as CMake is very strict with the slightest change in this value, every make target below that line gets rebuild – which in our case was everything in the main package.

So there! Build time killing creatures are lurking everywhere in our C/C++ projects. Always be aware of them!

Clean code is not enough

Not only well-crafted software, but useable and delightful software.

I keep hearing stuff like:
“we as software developers are craftsmen and should honor our craft and write clean code”

Using the metaphor of a craftsman we should also realize that we are building software for people (to use) not for its own sake.
Imagine a chair which is perfectly crafted and beautiful to look at but you can’t sit on it?
It might be art but nobody can use it for its original purpose.

Most if not all of the software we write is for people to use, to be empowered and yes, to be delighted.
But to what use (besides art) is a software which is cleanly built but unusable?
We as software developers have shied away for too long from learning to craft useable interfaces.
I think we should not neglect that we develop software for others to use.
A program is not an island, it only excels when it interacts with users or other programs.

Not only well-crafted software, but useable and delightful software.

Old Code

Why bother buying Stephen King’s horror books, just take a look at your old code.

There is a saying that if you don’t be embarrassed by code that you wrote six month ago, you haven’t learned anything. Recently, I stumbled upon a C/C++ project that dates back to the very early days of my programming career – this was many * six months ago – and I can tell you, I was very embarrassed.

I had just “learned” C++ and object-orientation at that time and, of course, wanted to program that way. The result was terrible. The only small piece of object-orientation was the use of the keyword class. There were public fields all over the place,  no interfaces or abstractions of any kind, switches over type-ids, and so on.

Another highlight was the vast amount of literals scattered all over the code. For example, as it was a curses-based application, I had to read and display user input using curses methods like

int mvwgetch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);


 int mvwaddch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype ch);

And what did I do? I hard-coded y and x positions on every call of those methods. So it would often be the case that I changed, say, the y position in one part and … well, you guessed it already.

Naming of variables was also big. Boolean values would often be called “flag”, a name length of more than 4 was considered way too long.

But there was also progress. In later parts of the software I started to use “advanced” things like auto_ptrs, std::list, and std::map. Hooray!

The only positive thing about this project was that since I made every possible mistake one can imagine, I learned quite lot about programming. And I remember that at the end of the project, I was already very embarrassed about the whole thing…

So if you like reading horror stories, try digging up your old code 😉 And share if you like.