Data minimization

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) often refers to the principle of data minimization. But what does this mean, and how can it be applied in practice?

The EU website states the following: “The principle of “data minimisation” means that a data controller should limit the collection of personal information to what is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish a specified purpose. They should also retain the data only for as long as is necessary to fulfil that purpose. In other words, data controllers should collect only the personal data they really need, and should keep it only for as long as they need it.”

But what is necessary? In the following, I will give you an example of how I was able to implement data minimization in a new project.

Verification of training certificates

One of my customers has to train his employees so that they can use certain devices. The training certificates are printed out and kept. So if an employee wants to use the device, the employee has to look for the corresponding certificate at reception, and it cannot be verified whether the printout was really generated by the training system.

Now they wanted us to build an admin area in which the certificates are displayed so that reception can search for it in this area.

The first name, surname, birthday etc. of the employees should be saved with the certificate for a long time.

What does the GDPR say about this?
I need the data so that reception can see and check everything. It is necessary! Or is it not?

Let’s start with the purpose of the request. The customer wants to verify whether an employee has the certificate.

If I want to display a list of all employees in plain text, I need the data. But is this the only solution to achieve the purpose, or can I perhaps find a more data-minimizing option? The purpose says nothing about displaying the names in plain text. A hash comparison, for example, is sufficient for verification, as is usually done with passwords.

So, how do I implement the project? Whenever I issue a certificate, I hash the personal data. In the administration area, there is a dialog in which the recipient can enter the personal data to check whether a valid certificate is available. The data is also hashed, and a hash comparison is used to determine the match.
Instead of an application that juggles a large amount of personal data, my application no longer stores any personal data at all. And the purpose can still be achieved.


Data minimization is therefore not only to be considered in the direct implementation of a function. Data minimization starts with the design.

Web Components – Reusable HTML without any framework magic, Part 1

Lately, I decided to do the frontend for a very small web application while learning something new, and, for a while, tried doing everything without any framework at all.

This worked only for so long (not very), but along the way, I found some joy in figuring out sensible workflows without the well-worn standards that React, Svelte and the likes give you. See the last paragraph for a quick comment about some judgement.

Now many anything-web-dev-related people might have heard of Web Components, with their custom HTML elements that are mostly supported in the popular browsers.

Has anyone used them, though? I personally haven’t had, and now I did. My use case was pretty easy – I wanted several icons, and wanted to be able to style them in a unified fashion.

It shouldn’t be too ugly, so why not take something like Font Awesome or heroicons, these give you pure SVG elements but now I have the Font Awesmoe “Magic Sparkles Wand” like

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - License - Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M234.7 42.7L197 56.8c-3 1.1-5 4-5 7.2s2 6.1 5 7.2l37.7 14.1L248.8 123c1.1 3 4 5 7.2 5s6.1-2 7.2-5l14.1-37.7L315 71.2c3-1.1 5-4 5-7.2s-2-6.1-5-7.2L277.3 42.7 263.2 5c-1.1-3-4-5-7.2-5s-6.1 2-7.2 5L234.7 42.7zM46.1 395.4c-18.7 18.7-18.7 49.1 0 67.9l34.6 34.6c18.7 18.7 49.1 18.7 67.9 0L529.9 116.5c18.7-18.7 18.7-49.1 0-67.9L495.3 14.1c-18.7-18.7-49.1-18.7-67.9 0L46.1 395.4zM484.6 82.6l-105 105-23.3-23.3 105-105 23.3 23.3zM7.5 117.2C3 118.9 0 123.2 0 128s3 9.1 7.5 10.8L64 160l21.2 56.5c1.7 4.5 6 7.5 10.8 7.5s9.1-3 10.8-7.5L128 160l56.5-21.2c4.5-1.7 7.5-6 7.5-10.8s-3-9.1-7.5-10.8L128 96 106.8 39.5C105.1 35 100.8 32 96 32s-9.1 3-10.8 7.5L64 96 7.5 117.2zm352 256c-4.5 1.7-7.5 6-7.5 10.8s3 9.1 7.5 10.8L416 416l21.2 56.5c1.7 4.5 6 7.5 10.8 7.5s9.1-3 10.8-7.5L480 416l56.5-21.2c4.5-1.7 7.5-6 7.5-10.8s-3-9.1-7.5-10.8L480 352l-21.2-56.5c-1.7-4.5-6-7.5-10.8-7.5s-9.1 3-10.8 7.5L416 352l-56.5 21.2z"/></svg>

Say I want to have multiple of these and I want them to have different sizes. And I have no framework for that. I might, of course, write JavaScript functions that create a SVG element, equip it with the right attributes and children, and use that throughout my code, like

// HTML part
<div class="magic-sparkles-container">

// JS part
for (const element of [...document.getElementsByClassName("magic-sparkles-container")]) {
    elements.innerHTML = createMagicSparkelsWand({size: 24});

// note that you need the array destructuring [...] to convert the HTMLCollection to an Array

// also note that the JS part would need to be global, and to be executed each time a "magic-sparkles-container" gets constructed again

But one of the main advantages of React’s JSX is that it can give you a smooth look on your components, especially when the components have quite speaking names. And what I ended up to have is way smoother to read in the HTML itself

// HTML part
<magic-sparkles size="64"></magic-sparkles>

// global JS part (somewhere top-level)
customElements.define("magic-sparkles", MagicSparklesIcon);

// JS class definition
class MagicSparklesIcon extends HTMLElement {
    connectedCallback() {
        // take "size" attribute with default 24px
        const size = this.getAttribute("size") || 24;
        const path = `<path d="M234.7..."/>`;
        this.innerHTML = `
                viewBox="0 0 576 512"

The customElements.define needs to be defined very top-level, once, and this thing can be improved, e.g. by using shadowRoot() and by implementing the attributesChangedCallback etc. but this is good enough for a start. I will return to some refinements in upcoming blog posts, but if you’re interested in details, just go ahead and ask 🙂

I figured out that there are some attribute names that cause problems, that I haven’t really found documented much yet. Don’t call your attributes “value”, for example, this gave me one hard to solve conflict.

But other than that, this gave my No-Framework-Application quite a good start with readable code for re-usable icons.

To be continued…

In the end – should you actually go framework-less?

In short, I wouldn’t ever do it for any customer project. The above was a hobby experience, just to have went down that road for once, but it feels there’s not much to gain in avoiding all frameworks.

I didn’t even have hard constraints like “performance”, “bundle size” or “memory usage”, but even if I did, there’s post like Framework Overhead is bikeshedding that might question the notion that something like React is inherently slower.

And you pay for such “lightweightness” dearly, in terms of readability, understandibility, code duplication, trouble with code separation, type checks, violation of Single-Level-of-Abstraction; not to mention that you make it harder for your IDE to actually help you.

Don’t reinvent the wheel more often than necessary. Not for a customer that just wants his/her product soon.

But it can be fun, for a while.

My Favorite Pattern

It has become somewhat of an internal meme that I do not like it when programmers use the word “wrapper”. When someone does say it, I usually get a cue from one of the others to start complaining about it. Do not get me wrong, though. I am very much in favor of wrapping things, but with purpose. And my favorite one is the façade.

When simple becomes complex

Many times, APIs start out simple and elegant. This usually works for a while and the API gets used a lot precisely because of its beauty and simplicity. But eventually, a new use case comes along that demands more of the API than it can currently serve. It has to be extended. This usually takes the form of an additional method or function parameter, or an additional function that needs to be called. Using the API now becomes more complex all its users.

Do not underestimate this effect. I have only anecdotal evidence, but in my experience, a lot of unnecessary software complexity can be attributed to this1. The Pareto-Principle applies here: A single use case causes all the users of the previously simple API to deal with new complexity (e.g. 10% of the use cases cause 90% of the complexity in the user-/call-sites).

Façades make it look beautiful

Luckily, it can be dealt with beautifully: using the façade pattern. This pattern abstracts a complex API behind a simple API. The trade-off, of course, is that it is less powerful than the “full API”. In our example though, all of the previous use-cases can keep using the simple API via a façade.

When to apply this

The aforementioned example, extending an API, is a very nice opportunity to apply the façade. Just keep the interface of the old API around, and re-implement it using the new, extended API, which is usually created by modifying the old API’s implementation. Now all the old call-sites can stay the same, yet you can have a more powerful API for those rare cases that need it.

Of course, you can also identify common usage patterns and refactor them using a façade, but that’s usually much harder to do.

What exactly are façades made of?

Façades do not hide the more complex API in the sense that the APIs users are not allowed to use it. Yes, façades make APIs look beautiful, but that is where the metaphor ends. You can still access what is behind the façade. You can even write more façades for the behind. Many APIs have multiple common cases and only very few complex ones.

So… Classes? Functions? Data? Any of those, in fact. Whenever you enable writing something in a simpler way for a common case, you have a façade . Very often, a small function with a simple signature is all the façade you need.

But it makes all the difference.

Now can someone please tell me what that little hook under the c is called?

  1. Façades can, of course, also contribute to creating complexity by growing the codebase and creating ‘variants’. But they rarely do. ↩︎

SQL Database Window Functions

Window functions allow users to perform calculations across a set of rows that are somehow related to the current row. This can include calculations like running totals, moving averages, and ranking without the need to group the entire query into one aggregate result.

Despite their flexibility, window functions are sometimes underutilised, either because users are unaware of them or because they’re considered too complex for everyday tasks. Learning how to effectively use window functions can improve the efficiency and readability of SQL queries, particularly for reporting and data analysis purposes. This article will explore several use cases.

Numbering Rows

The simplest application area for window functions is the numbering of rows. The ROW_NUMBER() function assigns a unique number to each row within the partition of a result set. The numbering is sequential and starts at 1. It’s useful for creating a unique identifier for rows within a partition, even when the rows are identical in terms of data.

Consider the following database table of library checkouts:

The Great Adventure2024-02-15102
The Great Adventure2024-01-10105
Mystery of the Seas2024-01-20103
Mystery of the Seas2024-03-01101
Journey Through Time2024-02-01104
Journey Through Time2024-02-18102

We want to assign a unique row number to each checkout instance for every book, ordered by the checkout date to analyze the circulation trend:

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY book ORDER BY checkout_date) AS checkout_order
FROM library_checkouts;

The result:

The Great Adventure2024-01-101051
The Great Adventure2024-02-151022
Mystery of the Seas2024-01-201031
Mystery of the Seas2024-03-011012
Journey Through Time2024-02-011041
Journey Through Time2024-02-181022


In the context of SQL and specifically regarding window functions, “ranking” refers to the process of assigning a unique position or rank to each row within a partition of a result set based on a specified ordering.

The RANK() function provides a ranking for each row within a partition, with gaps in the ranking sequence when there are ties. It’s useful for ranking items that have the same value.

Consider the following database table of scores in a game tournament:

AliceSpace Invaders4200
BobSpace Invaders5700
CharlieSpace Invaders5700
DanaDonkey Kong6000
EveDonkey Kong4800
FrankDonkey Kong6000

We want to rank the players within each game based on their score, with gaps in rank for ties:

FROM scores;

The result looks like this:

BobSpace Invaders57001
CharlieSpace Invaders57001
AliceSpace Invaders42003
DanaDonkey Kong60001
FrankDonkey Kong60001
EveDonkey Kong48003

If you don’t want to have gaps in the ranking sequence when there are ties, you can substitute DENSE_RANK() for RANK().

Cumulative Sum

The SUM() function can be used as a window function to calculate the cumulative sum of a column over a partition of rows.

Example: We are tracking our garden’s vegetable harvest in a database table, and we want to calculate the cumulative yield for each type of vegetable over the harvesting season.


We calculate the running total (cumulative yield) for each vegetable type as the season progresses, using the SUM() function:

SUM(yield_kg) OVER (PARTITION BY vegetable ORDER BY harvest_date ASC) AS cumulative_yield
FROM garden_harvest;

Now we can see which vegetables are most productive and how yield accumulates throughout the season:


Serving static files from a JAR with with Jetty

Web applications are often deployed into some kind of web server or web container like Wildfly, Tomcat, Apache or IIS. For single-instance services this can be overkill and serving requests can easily be done in-process without interfacing with some external web container or web server.

A proven and popular framework for an in-process web container and webserver is Eclipse Jetty for Java. For easy deployment and distribution you can build a single application archive containing everything: the static resources, web request handling, all your code and dependencies needed to run your application.

If you package your application that way there is one caveat when trying to serve static resources from this application archive. Let us have a look how to do it with Jetty.

Using the DefaultServlet for static resources on the file system

Jetty comes with a Servlet-Implementation for serving static resources out-of-the-box. It is called DefaultServlet and can be used like below:

Server server = new Server();
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server);
var context = new ServletContextHandler();
var defaultServletHolder = context.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/static/*");
defaultServletHolder.setInitParameter("resourceBase", "/var/www/static");

This works great in the case of static resources available somewhere on the filesystem.

But how do we specify where the DefaultServlet can find the resources within our application archive?

Using the DefaultServlet for static in-JAR resources

The only thing that we need to change is the init-parameter called resourceBase from a normal file path to a path in the JAR. What does a path to the files inside a JAR look like and how do we construct it? It took me a while to figure it out, but here is what I came up with and it works perfectly in my use cases:

private String getResourceBase() throws MalformedURLException {
	URL resourceFile = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("static/existing-file-inside-jar.txt");
    return new URL(Objects.requireNonNull(resourceFile).getProtocol(), resourceFile.getHost(), resourceFile.getPath()
        .substring(0, resourceFile.getPath().lastIndexOf("/")))

The method results in a string like jar:file:/path/to/application.jar!/static. Using such a path as the resourceBase for the DefaultServlet allows you to serve all the stuff from the /static directory inside your application (or any other) jar containing the class this method resides in.

A few notes on the code

Why don’t we just hardcode a path after the jar:-protocol? Well, the file path may chance in several scenarios:

  • Running the application on a different platform or operating system
  • Renaming the application archive – it could contain the version number for example…
  • Installing or copying the application archive to a different location on the file system

Using an existing resource and reusing the relevant parts of the URL-specification for the resource base directory solves all these issues because it is computed at runtime.

However, the code assumes that there is at least one resource available in the JAR and that its path is known at compile time.

In newer JDKs like 21 LTS constructing an URL using the constructor is deprecated but I did not bother to rewrite the code to use URI because of time constraints. That is left up to you or a future release…

As always I hope someone finds the code useful and drops a comment.

If You Teach It, Teach It Right

Recently, I gained a glimpse of source code that gets taught in beginner’s developer courses. There was one aspect that really irked me, because I think it is fundamentally wrong from the pedagogical point of view and disrespectful towards the students.

Let me start with an abbreviated example of the source code. It is written in Java and tries to exemplify for-loops and if-statements. I omitted the if-statements in my renarration:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

int[] operands = new int[2];
for (int i = 0; i < operands.length; i++) {
    System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
    operands[i] = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine());
int sum = operands[0] + operands[1];
System.out.println("The sum of your numbers is " + sum);


As you can see, the code opens a possibility to input characters in the first line, asks for a number twice and calculates the sum of both numbers. It then outputs the result on the console.

There are a lot of problems with this code. Some are just coding style level, like using an array instead of a list. Others are worrisome, like the lack of exception handling, especially in the Integer.parseInt() line. Well, we can tolerate cumbersome coding style. It’s not that the computer would care anyway. And we can look over the missing exception handling because it would be guaranteed to overwhelm beginning software developers. They will notice that things go wrong once they enter non-numbers.

But the last line of this code block is just an insult. It introduces the students to the concept of resources and teaches them the wrong way to deal with them.

Just a quick reminder why this line is so problematic: The java.util.Scanner is a resource, as indicated by the implementation of the interface (that is a subtype of java.lang.AutoCloseable, which will be important in a minute). Resources need to be relased, freed, disposed or closed after usage. In Java, this step is done by calling the close() method. If you somehow fail to close a resource, it stays open and hogs memory and other important things.

How can you fail to close the Scanner in our example? Simple, just provoke an exception between the first and the last line of the block. If you don’t see the output about “The sum of your number”, the resource is still open.

You can argue that in this case, because of the missing exception handling, the JVM exits and the resource gets released nonetheless. This is correct.

But I’m not worried about my while I’m running this code. I’m worried about the perception of the students that they have dealt with the resource correctly by calling close() at the end.

They learn it the wrong way first and the correct way later – hopefully. During my education, nobody corrected me or my peers. We were taught the wrong way and then left in the belief that we know everything. And I’ve seen too many other developers making the same stupid mistakes to know that we weren’t the only ones.

What is the correct way to deal with the problem of resource disposal in Java (since 2011, at least)? There is an explicit statement that supports us with it: try-with-resources, which leads to the following code:

try (
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
) {
int[] operands = new int[2];
for (int i = 0; i < operands.length; i++) {
        System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
        operands[i] = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine());
int sum = operands[0] + operands[1];
System.out.println("The sum of your numbers is " + sum);

I know that the code looks a lot more intimidating at the beginning now, but it is correct from a resource safety point of view. And for a beginning developer, the first lines of the full example already look dreading enough:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        // our code from above

Trying to explain to an absolute beginner why the “public class” or the “String[] arguments” are necessary is already hard. Saying once more that “this is how you do it, the full explanation follows” is doing less damage on the long run than teaching a concept wrong and then correcting it afterwards, in my opinion.

If you don’t want to deal with the complexity of those puzzling lines, maybe Java, or at least the “full-blown” Java isn’t the right choice for your course? Use a less complex language or at least the scripting ability of the language of your choice. If you want to concentrate on for-loops and if-statements, maybe the Java REPL, called JShell, is the better suited medium? C# has the neat feature of “top-level statements” that gets rid of most ritual around your code. C# also calls the try-with-resources just “using”, which is a lot more inviting than the peculiar “try”.

But if you show the complexity to your students, don’t skimp on overall correctness. Way too much bad code got written with incomplete knowledge from beginners that were never taught the correct way. And the correct way is so much easier today than 25 years ago, when I and my generation of developers scratched their heads why their programs wouldn’t run as stable and problem-free as anticipated.

So, let me reiterate my point: There is no harm in simplification, as long as it doesn’t compromise correctness. Teaching incorrect or even unsafe solutions is unfair for the students.

Walking Skeletons

The time has come. My first own project is starting. But where to start? In the backend, frontend, with the data? Or perhaps with the infrastructure and the delivery pipeline that the current state can always reach the customer? But what should be delivered when I don’t have it yet?

The solution for me was the walking skeleton. The zombie apocalypse may not sound like a good solution at first, but in the following I explain what the term means in software development and what the advantages are.

What is a walking skeleton?

The word walking skeleton can be divided into the components walking and skeleton. Walking means that the software is executable. Skeleton means only a minimalist implementation of the software has been completed and the flesh is still missing. In the case of a first walking skeleton, this means that the backend and frontend have already been set up with the technology of choice and that the components are connected. For example, the backend delivers the frontend.

How to build it? An example.

In my use case, I go one step further and want the walking skeleton to be a Docker container in which the backend and frontend run together.

The first step is to choose the technologies for the frontend and backend. In my case, react with vite and javalin. Then both projects have to be set up. Since my application will be very small, I decided to put the projects inside each other, so that the frontend can be found in the src/main/webapp folder. So I can build them with just one gradle on the top level.

With react, I can already use the example page was created by setup project for my walking skeleton. In Javalin I need a main class which can deliver the htlm page of the react application via a web server. In my code example, the index.html file is automatically delivered if it is stored in the resources/public folder.

import io.javalin.Javalin;
import io.javalin.http.staticfiles.Location;

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var app = Javalin.create(config -> {
                    config.staticFiles.add("/public", Location.CLASSPATH);

With some gradle plugins it is possible to build the react app using gradle (com.github.node-gradle.node), pack the java application and all sources into a jar (com.github.johnrengelman.shadow) and create a docker image from it (com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api).

// omitted dependencies, imports and plugins
node {
    version = '20.11.0'
    yarnVersion = '1.22.19'
    distBaseUrl = ''
    download = true
    nodeProjectDir = file('src/main/webapp')

tasks.register('bundle', YarnTask) {
    dependsOn yarn
    group = 'build'
    description = 'Build the client bundle'
    args = ['run', 'bundle']

tasks.register('webpack', YarnTask) {
    dependsOn yarn
    group = 'build'
    description = 'Build the client bundle in watch mode'
    args = ['run', 'build']

tasks.register('jestTest', YarnTask) {
    dependsOn yarn
    group = 'verification'
    description = 'Run the jest tests of our javascript frontends'
    environment = ['CI': 'true']
    ignoreExitValue = true
    args = ['run', 'test']

tasks.register('prepareDocker', Copy) {
    dependsOn assemble
    description = 'Copy files from src/main/docker and application jar to Docker temporal build directory'
    group = 'Docker'

    from 'src/main/docker'
    from project.shadowJar

    into dockerBuildDir

tasks.register('buildImage', DockerBuildImage) {
    dependsOn prepareDocker
    description = 'Create Docker image to run the Grails application'
    group = 'Docker'

    inputDir = file(dockerBuildDir)

Here you can see the snippet from build.gradle, where the tasks for building the project can be seen.

Now my walking skeleton has been brought back to life and can run around the neighborhood cheerfully.

Why this is a good start?

But what is the advantage of letting undead walk?

Once you have completed this step, you can develop the individual parts independently of each other. The walking skeleton is a kickstart for pursuing approaches such as test-driven development. And the delivery pipeline can now also be tackled, as the walking skeleton can be delivered. All in all, the walking skeleton is a way to get started on a project as quickly as possible.

Risk First, but Not Pain First

At our company, we have an approach to project management that we call “risk first”. It means that we try to solve the hardest problems very early during development, so that we don’t fall into the “effort spent, but no real progress” trap.

One thing I want to add to my blog entry from 2018 (linked above) is that “risk” should not be conflated with “pain”. I mention it because the distinction wasn’t clear to me until recently. I try to explain what I mean.

When you approach a project in a “risk first” manner, it doesn’t feel good for quite a time. You try to stay ahead of the problem that seems overwhelming if the project isn’t trivial. Tackling the risk evokes feelings of uncertainty, doubt and even frustration. But it doesn’t hurt.

Feeling “pain” in a project has another origin. I managed several projects at once that were painful: The customers were difficult, erratic or not within reach. The requirements were unclear. My assessment was that the projects themselves are risky and every task I began had the properties of a risky task, too. But because the customers couldn’t support my work on the tasks, I made near to no progress and often had to backtrack. The tasks became more riskier the more I worked on them.

My insight was that most of my work schedule revolved around cycling through the painful projects that I wrongly classified as risky and working on their tasks that made no real progress. Hopping from painful task to painful task doesn’t feel good at all. And because the cycle of “stuck” projects is so prominent, it eclipses the lower risk projects with more relaxed deadlines and unstressed customers.

My current remedy is to budget for a maximum amount of pain per period. Each painful project only gets carefully limited attention and is alleviated by lower-risk work in more painfree projects. With this approach, there is progress in most projects and my project management focus isn’t locked on the stuck projects. You can say that I take “time off” from the more stressful situations.

I found myself in this trap because I couldn’t properly distinguish between “risk” and “pain”. Both don’t feel good, but you can work on the first with attention and effort. The level of pain in a project is nearly unswayable by your actions. You can only control your level of exposure to it.

This is where I hope for your thoughts:

  • Can you follow my distinction between “risk” and “pain”?
  • What are your indications that a task is “painful”?
  • Have you found means to decrease the level of pain in a project?

Write us a comment or even your own blog entry on the topic!

Don’t Just Blink at Me

I have a lot of electronic devices that essentially only do one thing. A flashlight, a hair trimmer, a razor, a toothbrush, some smoke detectors and a handful of power banks and other energy storage devices. They have a few things in common:

  • They have their own rechargeable battery
  • They store a (more or less) complex internal state
  • They have exactly one status LED
  • They try to communicate with me using the LED

The razor is an exception, because it has a lot more signal lights than just the LED, but I include it as the positive example. The LED of the razor changes its color to show what it wants from me.

All other devices try to convey meaning by different styles of blinking. Let’s take the hair trimmer as the negative example: It blinks when it is happy because it is fed energy. The blinking stops to indicate that it is fully loaded.

The flashlight blinks when it is unhappy and hungry. It will stop blinking when it is fed. It never indicates that it has enough, you have to guess.

The smoke detectors flash shortly once in a while to show that they are still on duty. They might flash more vigorously if they get hungry. But they have another means to get the message across: They sound a short alarm. You’ll feed them instantly and always have a spare battery at hands.

The point of this story is that it is impossible to decipher a blinking LED. What does it mean? The device is busy and I don’t need to do something? The device is on the verge of starvation and I should intervene? It’s the most ambiguous signal I can think of.

If there were a standard that blinking means the desire for human intervention, I would learn the signal and adhere to it. But nearly half of my devices blink when they are busy and don’t need anything from me. And some try to talk to me in morse.

I’m not going to learn dozens of LED signal dialects. If a device wants to be understood, it should be designed in an understandable way. Give it a color-changing LED and we can talk:

  • Steady green: I’m happy.
  • Steady orange: I’m content, but it could be better. You might allocate some care for me.
  • Steady red: Please care for me.
  • Blinking red: Attention! I need urgent care.

What does this interaction design rant have to do with software development?

I often see the same categorical error in the design of software user interfaces. And while manufacturers of cheap consumer electronics can argue that a multi-color LED is more expensive, we software developers can’t really hide behind costs.

Anything that pops up, slides in or just blinks on my screen better has a damn good reason to try to grab my attention. Grabbing not only my attention but also my input focus is the upmost interruption, comparable to the alarm signal of the smoke detector. I blogged recently about a blocking dialog that shows up unprompted and informs about some random unprompted background work.

But there is another type of ambiguous signal that I see more often than I like. It is silent and tries to shift the blame for the inevitable frustration on you: The vague selection field:

Sorry for the german text, I didn’t find it on an english website. The german website this is from is still online, so if you can find it, you can try it yourself. I won’t link it here, though. (Maybe search for “steckdosenleiste klemmbar” and roam the results)

Let me describe your experience: you can select the color of a product, either white or black. The selected color is stated above, inexplicably written in the color blue. The selected field is “highlighted” black. Or is it? Maybe the white field is the highlighted one? And why is the selection field for the color black presented in mostly white?

The selection is not communicating properly, but I feel intimidated and stupid by a simple choice between two colors.

You can probably think of dozens of improvements and that’s fine. But the designer was certainly restricted by a corporate design rulebook and had to use three colors only: blue, white and black. You decide if he used his potential successfully.

Which brings me back to the introductory example: Give an engineer a single color LED and he will implement an elaborate morse code scheme to make the most of it. The problem is the initial restriction, not the shenanigans that follow.

How We Incidentally Increased Our Display Count Up to Five per Workplace

At the beginning of the year 2023, we had the plan to improve our office desk setup in two ways:

  • All desks should be electrically height-adjustable
  • All computers should be attached to the desk and not sitting on the floor

Had we known just how much turbulence this plan brings, we might have reconsidered it. But we finally finalized the project last week, just a few days before the year was over.

This blog entry tries to recap the story of the improvement project and mentions some particular products. We really use those products and are not affiliated with the manufacturers.

Our company has ten desks on two floors. A quick survey revealed that we have five electrically height-adjustable desks already in use. The remaining five desks were not really adjustable. Our plan was to move the five existing desks on one floor and equip the second floor with brand new ones. And because we wanted to achieve the second improvement in the same step, we switched the desk model.

Our new office tables are larger than before (180×80 cm instead of 160×80 cm) and definitely leeter. They are so leet, they are even called LeetDesks. Yes, we exchanged our boring classic office desks with modern pro-gaming desks. Our reasoning is that gaming is hard work, too. The nice thing is that the LeetDesks can be equipped with additional accessories like cable trays, monitor arms and the PC holder that would achieve our second goal.

So we ordered five individually configured gaming desks last year. Deconstructing the existing desks and assembling the new ones was an ongoing task. We bought a new cordless screwdriver after the first table.

When the team began to realize that we are really adjusting our work environment from ground up, new ideas emerged. The idea with the most impact was the change from workstation PC to “notebook desk”. Instead of a dedicated office PC in addition to the mobile work notebook, the office desk should accomodate the notebook in the best possible manner.

Ok, we swapped the PC holder with a notebook holder, no big deal. But how do you connect a notebook with many displays? We bought the only docking station that we could find that can drive three 4k displays over displayport cable: The Icy Box IB-DK2254AC. The fourth display is connected via HDMI directly with the notebook.

Now, the “pandemic setup” of displays is extended by a fifth display on one side: The integrated notebook display can be used to host the e-mails exclusively or show the company chat.

Request for picture requests: I don’t have an action shot of a five-displays workplace right now. But if you are interested how the setup looks like, leave us a comment and we try to supply one later.

Because the distance between displays and computer is now fixed-length and much shorter because the docking station adds its cable length, all the existing cables were too long. We had installed cables with a length of 3 meters to enable full vertical maneuverability. Now we switched back to 2 meters (or even shorter).

Not all of our notebooks were capable of driving that many pixels. Some older models had chipset graphics that gave up after the first external display. So we replaced them with newer models with dedicated notebook graphic cards.

Six of ten desks are now converted to notebook desks, which leaves four desks with PC holders and classic tower PCs. Traditionally, our PCs live in a “normal size” tower case, the Fractal Design Define series. This case is too big and too heavy for the PC holder. So we had to transplant the remaining PCs to a smaller case, the Fractal Design Defince Compact. We transplanted two of them and replaced the other ones a little bit sooner with new computers.

There were even more minor improvements that resulted in additional purchases, but those aren’t directly focussed on a single desk. So let’s recap:

We wanted our desks to be electrically height-adjustable and our floor free of computers. We ended up buying five new desks, six new docking stations, three new notebooks, two new computers, two empty computer cases, a bunch of notebook holders and many, many cables. The amount of cables that is necessary to operate a modern computer desk is astonishing.

We deconstructed, assembled, connected and hauled many days. The project ran the whole length of 2023 and racked up material costs north of 20k EUR.

But now, the floor is unobstructed and our work stance can change from minute to minute. And we increased our display count once more!